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Spiritual Awakening: One Power!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: One Power!!!

 Through out my spiritual awakening and along my journey to enlightenment I have learned that there is one power  that makes it all happen for us and that power comes from us when we create a oneness consciousness. You may call the power by different names however the power  is inside of us. We have a divinity inside of us all that we were meant to share with others. In our taking action based on the power and the messages that are being sent we grow stronger in spirituality and thus we make a mind, body, soul connection that drives us to enhance our personal and professional lives while we are of service and value to others. It is in the recognition of the power that we expand our spiritual awakening and as a result we attract the right people to be in our lives. In attracting the people that are meant to be in our lives we begin to achieve the greatness and prosperity that is our birthright. In your awakening you will experience many emotions and in dealing with the emotions on a cellular level you will begin to see why things are happening for you. It is in recognizing that there is one power that guides us all that we begin to make the world a better place. When we awaken spiritually we begin to understand our purpose and in following that purpose we gain a shared power with GOD that allows us to expand and manifest the greatness that we have in each of us.

 Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Power!!!

 The question I am often asked  is JDOGG where do you find your power?  I find my power in many places from an inner faith and from my own divinity knowing that GOD and my angels are providing me with messages to step into my power and to shine my light brightly for others to see. I have many friends and relatives that have passed on and are now my guides in heaven. My mom became an angel on July 5, 2012 when GOD called her home and I know she is looking down on me. On Saturday October 12, 2013 I was announcing a youth football game and a yellow butterfly flew by me and circled the field a few times. I believe that was my mom checking in and saying things are alright and I am watching over you. Knowing that you are never alone is a great feeling. Though the person is gone in the human form you will see them in other forms and through messages that will allow you to find your power.  It is in the understanding that we may not see the person in the physical form however their spiritual power and spiritual form is all around us allowing us to find our power and to find our flow to achieve the greatness that we seek.

Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Find One Power!!!!

  Taking a walk in nature and carrying your notepad with you to take notes of your thoughts and then to sit peacefully in thought is a great way to find the one power that makes it all happen for you.

 In keeping with the nature theme you can find the one power by playing soothing music and looking at nature scenes and understanding that beauty lies within us and all around us.

Music is often a great source to find the one power that directs our personal and professional life.

  Books are great tools to find the one power and create a oneness consciousness that allows you to flow freely and attract all that you desire in your life.

 Photos of bright light and open hearts are a great tool to finding the one power and opening yourself up to receive the power that is being given to you.

Quotes and affirmations are great tools to have as you awaken spiritually and find the one power that interconnects all of us as we continue to think globally and act locally.

 When you feel separated from the one power remember to turn to the scriptures as they will guide you on your spiritual path towards awakening and enlightenment. It when we realize that we are all interconnected and part of one family that we truly are powerful beyond measure when we understand that everything cones from one power.


Spiritual Awakening:  A Time To Find The One Power!!!!

       As you continue on your path of spiritual awakening and enlightenment it is important to find the time to recognize the one power that oversees you in your personal and professional life.


 Find Your Power! Stay Positive!!!



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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