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Spiritual Awakening: Life Is A Balancing Act- Guest Post By Michele Landers

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Spiritual Awakening: Life Is A Balancing Act

Guest Post By Michele Landers

  Michelle Landers Michele Landers is a Board Certified Life Purpose Coach, Hypnotherapist and Professional Numerologist.  As a lecturer, teacher and author, Michele is a contributor to The Learning Annex and The Master’s Channel as an expert teacher  as well as Natural Awakenings Magazine and OM magazine. Michele was recently a recurring coach on Fox TV‘s WFLX “Eye on South Florida” with Shannon Cake. She is the author of The Tao of Numbers and The Year of Living Miraculously. Michele has helped thousands of clients nationwide to gain clarity and direction in their lives and to discover their own unique talents.


The Balancing Act

The Balancing Act

                                            “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and  

                                             rhythm and harmony ~  Thomas Merton.


 Summer seems to have flown by and now Labor Day has come and gone.   Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of the majestic season called “Autumn.”  I’m originally a Jersey girl and Autumn was surely one of my favorite seasons.  In the Northeast, the exquisite colors of fall are simply breathtaking! 

    I remember weekend jaunts to Princeton and Flemington where you could laze away the day in a charming little café, reading, sipping wine and nibbling on delightful hors d’oeuvres in the crisp autumn air. Roadside farms abound in this area and I would often stop by and indulge my taste buds with a sampling of cheeses or purchase homemade pies and fresh produce of which those incredibly crisp and juicy Macoun apples were my favorite! Alas, in Florida, the only color changes you see are the license plates!

     September 24, 2013 at 4:44 pm EDT marks the Autumn Equinox. The word equinox comes from the Latin words for equal night. The fall and spring equinoxes are the only days of the year in which the hours of day and night are equal as the Sun crosses the celestial equator.

    In other words, the Equinoxes are about balance. The autumn equinox corresponds with the astrological sign of Libra. The symbol for Libra is the scale which is associated with …you guessed it……balance.
     Mother Earth fully appreciates this word and she will (quite often these days) make adjustments to achieve that equilibrium.

    Having balance has been a personal challenge for me most of my adult life and although I haven’t conquered this tricky area, I’m making lots of progress!

   How do we achieve balance, especially during times that appear so stressful?  Because I often do like simple remedies, I’ve come up with a template for achieving balance very simply called “The 5 R’s.”                                                                                                                                          

 Reflect: What areas of your life are you experiencing the most tension? This is also a  clue to where you are most out of balance. Make a list of the internal (mind, heart, health, spirit) and external (work/money, relationships, fun) and decide where you feel most out of balance.


Reassess:  Ask yourself; what are your “have to’s” and what are your “want to’s?” Do you

                     have to vacuum/clean/work overtime every day? Prioritize what you want to focus on and  why. For example; “I want to spend more time with my friends (a good source of positive energy, by the way!) to to experience more fun in my life.”


 Reorganize: Make a plan. You know the old saying: “fail to plan, plan to fail.” Without a plan to

reorganize your time, you are likely to repeat the same pattern (please trust me on this…I’ve learned the hard way!) Think back to other goals that you’ve  accomplished and what tools you used to achieve those goals. Shameless Plug:  A Life Coach is a godsend when it comes to   strategic planning and assisting you in achieving your goals!  


Resolve….. to not take things so seriously! “How important is it?” is a wise saying from the 12 step programs. Ask yourself this question before you begin every task and when you feel yourself getting upset. 


Renew …..yourself everyday with meditation. I know I harp on this a lot, but truly this is such

 a important and necessary  step  for achieving balance, inspiration, health and happiness in your  life!


Live Miraculously!

  Namaste, Michele

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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