Spiritual Awakening: Finding Good Vibrations!!!
Today’s blog entry was inspired by The Beach Boys song Good Vibrations as I began to explore the fact that we are all energy and we vibrate at different levels however when the resonance is matched we tend to have a positive experience. Many times it is important to step back and ask am I resonating with this person, are our frequencies in sync, is this interaction serving me in a positive way? If the answer is no then you have two choices change your vibration and make a shift or walk away and come back when the interaction will be more positive. Many time it is as simple as deciding to give off good vibrations. When you give off good vibrations you tend to attract others who give off good vibrations and thus you enhance your personal and professional life. In many cases you set in motion the type of interaction that you will have simply by the energy that you bring to the situation.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Finding Good Vibrations!!!!
It only takes 45 seconds to change your emotional state. One tool that I like to use is music. Some of the songs that I use to shift into the positive and find good vibrations are:
Books, and CDs are always great tools to find good vibrations.
Many personal development books and materials are available on this site by clicking The Hay House Link.
Quotes are a great instrument to help you get in touch with your vibrational level.
Affirmations when truly internalized and believed will set off a vibrational pattern where the universe conspires to provide all you desire.
As you go through the day be aware of how you are vibrating with others and realize many times it is what you are giving off that is being reacted to. If you are being kind, loving, and peaceful you will attract kind loving peaceful people. This is all part of your spiritual awakening.
When you tap into the well and draw the positive out your vibrations will reach others and the universe will provide people, places, and things that will serve you in a positive manner. Think about the vibrations that you off and how you are shining your light. Keep a journal of the way the day went and how you felt through out the day. Many times it is as simple as finding good vibrations and then shifting into a positive frame of mind. This can be difficult as we are surrounded by some pretty negative happenings at times, however in each negative circumstance you can find a positive and thus create a vibration that will create more positivity as opposed to negativity.
Take time to adjust your vibrations and remain vigilant in your commitment to be of service and value and you will begin to attract those whose frequencies are aligned with yours. The power to change lies with in you and the vibrational resonance that you give off will often determine your success. Before you begin each day ask yourself what vibrations am I giving off.
I give you this gift in hopes that all your vibrations will be good and that you will find success in all you do. Until next time remember to STAY POSITIVE!!!!