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Spiritual Awakening: Keeping It Real!!!

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Spiritual Awakening:Keeping It Real!!!

When we explore our spiritual awakening and making the mind body soul connection we must become authentic and transparent. If we are to truly keep it real we must take stock in where we were, where we are, and where we are going. If we are to evolve spiritually we must own our mistakes and find ways to correct them so that we remove any blockages that are stopping us from moving in a positive direction of our dreams. When we keep it real and take action we have the opportunity to grow and expand. As we use our anthems to keep it real we become more in tune with our vibrations and thus are able to resonate with those who are on the same spiritual journey that we are on and thus we can work together to create a positive spiritual shift in our lives and the lives of others. In an effort to keep it real and to be authentic it is a good spiritual practice to seek guidance from the ascended masters and follow the messages that are  being presented.

I found that when I stopped trying to please others and focused on pleasing GOD and myself that my results were better and that I became much happier. I have also learned that when I leave expectations out of the process that I am able to keep it real and achieve great things.  I have  also learned that when you are shining your light and doing the right thing you will have detractors and haters. You must detach from the detractors and the haters and keep being real so that you can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Sometimes when you keep it real you find that you will be leaving people and things that no longer serve you behind.  I have found that if you are true to yourself  you will shine your light bright and attract the people and things necessary to step into your power and achieve greatness.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Keep It Real!!

I have found that cards like this by Doreen Virtue to be a great tool to keep it real.

I have found the use of essential oils is a great way t stay focused, centered, and grounded in a quest to keep it real.

I have learned that applying what you learn in books like these available through The Hay House Link on this page and books such as Sources of Wisdom Book 2, where I am a featured author to be great tools to assist in the effort to keep it real.

Meditation is an excellent tool to help keep it  real as you can quiet your mind from all the outside influences and do the work to clear the blockages that may be creating some turmoil in your life and stopping you from reaching your full potential.


Making a commitment to eat healthier and sticking to that commitment is a great tool to help you to keep it real.

Journaling  is a great tool to help you keep it real.I suggest a general free writing journal coupled with a gratitude journal. I general start with what was good about today and what challenges I overcame . I then start my gratitude journal with I am thankful for…..

I have found that a great tool to keep it real is music like this song from Mandissa. Each day brings us an opportunity to keep it real by embracing the day and being grateful for the opportunities are being presented.
 I have found bible verses to be great tools in helping to keep it  real.


 I have found that a simple walk in nature can be a great tool in keeping it real. It gives one an opportunity to see the beauty that GOD has created while reminding us that they we are divine children of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk.

Spiritual Awakening: Keeping It Real!!! A Case Study!!!


 This is a picture of my MOM, who GOD called home on July 5, 2012. My mom kept it real while she was battling inoperable metastatic lung cancer. She battled each day and each day she shared with me some of her most intimate details of her life. Talk about a reality check. My MOM and I spent a lot of time together in the last 3 years of her life and one thing I learned is that as long as you are authentic and you keep it real when that final day on earth comes you will be accepted into the kingdom of GOD.  MOM is helping me to keep it real. Stay Positive!!!  Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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