When one is passionate and spiritually awake they are able to take action and continue to be of service and value to others. Over the years as I continue on my spiritual journey I have become a man with a collection bucket and a message. As a man with a bucket and a message I have been able to help those touched by cancer by raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have been delivering a message that GOD Loves A Cheerful Giver and that when you give you open channels to receive. I have encountered some very positive people who joyfully give and I have experienced some negativity as many people just simply don’t know the facts and haven’t researched the organization enough and simply go by what they hear never getting to know the truth. I have heard so many times that most of the money goes to administrative costs which is not true as only 4% of all money goes to administrative costs leaving 96% to fund research, education, advocacy, and services. I have hear oh there are cures out there and there are several treatments that will arrest the cancer and slow its progress and lessen the chance of occurrence. The inroads being made to decrease the risk of cancer is amazing. I recommend people visit www.cancer.org and get the facts before judging the work that I am doing as I fundraise. I have come to understand that there are some who will, some who won’t, some waiting, so what, next as not everyone is going to resonate with my message.

I decided to write about Relay For Life Today (3/11/19) as my participation has helped me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have been able to tap into my talents and use them for good. As a result I have seen the many programs of The American Cancer Society and the benefits for cancer patients, their families, and their friends. I have been able to plant the seeds of hope and healing and as a result remove blockages that may have been holding me back from moving forward in a positive direction of some of my goals. In my 21 years of involvement I have seen how many lives are being touched through Relay For Life. There have been some set backs, challenges, and hardships along the way however each time a challenge arose I was able to realize that if GOD brought me to it GOD was going to bring me through it.

When I attend Relay for Life Events I feel a sense of purpose and many times I think I was born for this. As I look back over the 21 years of being involved I can say that the positives outweigh the negatives and many times my involvement in Relay has helped me to overcome personal adversity.
There are two great days in your life the day you are born and the day your figure out why. I have found my why and it has made the world of difference in attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I wish you much success as you pick up your own bucket and spread your message. Namaste!!!