Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: Is it Okay To Show Anger?

Spiritual Awakening: Is It Okay To Show Anger?

As I was out today collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Boca Raton I had some instances where I showed some anger. I started to question my own spirituality and wondered is it okay to show anger? I came to the conclusionn that being angry was coming from inside and as a result of angry feelings that I transferred to other people and realized being angry and showing anger wasn’t going to solve anything thus I recentered myself and realized that it was time to assume the attitude of gratitude.

Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: Being of Service and Value

Spiritual Awakening: Being of Service and Value

As I was reading one of the many books I have on personal development I came across the concept of being of service and value. I immediately thought of the Zig Ziglar quote “Help enough people get what they want and you get what you want,” and thus started to think what is the one question we should ask everyday in our spiritual awakening and I came up with How am I being of service and value in my personal and professional life? Think for a minute have you helped someone with their goals, have you encouraged them, have you found a way to help others.


These words will lead you to be of service and value.


Spiritual Awakening: Personal Development Fact or Fiction?

Spiritual Awakening: Personal Development Fact or Fiction

Have you ever attended a personal development workshop in search of a spiritual awakening and you listened to  the speakers signed up for their program and then realized that the program wasn’t really what you were searching for so you put it on the shelf  and never implemented it?


Spiritual Awakening: Community Service and Its Value

Community Service: A Spiritual Value

Mention that you do community service to many and they often ask what did you do? When I say I didn’t do anything I chose to give back to the community and show people that service to humanity is the  best work of life, they seem perplexed and confused.


Spiritual Awakening: Positive Thinking Confessions

Spiritual Awakening: Positive Thinking Confessions


There are many thoughts of positive thinking and recently  I have to confess that I am looking at the positive way to spin things. Imagine if a news anchor came on the news and said 90% of Americans are working or today 92% of homeowners made their mortgage payments. This would create a massive shift in consciousness and could create a spiritual awakening in communities across America seeing that there is more positive occurances going on around them and that this shift will continue as we move towards the positive in all outcomes.



Spiritual Awakening: WAKE UP

Spiritual Awakening: HEY YOU WAKE UP



I remember when I first woke up to my spiritual awakening and it was like someone saying hey you wake up there are great things in store for you. Since that day I have had the opportunity to awaken talents that I had and use them to enhance my personal and professional life.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Signals Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: How Are You Investing In Yourself?

Spiritual Awakening: How Are You Investing in Yourself?

I am often asked how do you continue to find success? My answer is, I invest in myself be it atrending seminars and workshops, purchasing and reading books, purchasing healthier fooods, or taking  time to just unwind and relax. One way you can invest in yourself is to click on the Hay Link to your right  and purchase personal development and spiritual development products. Finding a good coach and putting together a strong team of supporters is another great way to invest in yourself.

 Spiritual Awakening: People You Can Invest With

     One person to consider for your team is  Rick Figley who continues to help other people excel by offering great services. Rick is very spiritual and has invested in himself so as to help others. His dedication to helping others is to be celebrated and applauded

Rick Figley
Reiki Advanced
Practitioner (AP)
Tantra Practitioner
Martial Arts Sensei
Minister of Spiritual
Nutrition Education
Marketing Blog
BlogTalk Radio Show “Being in Namaste”

Another person to help you on your path to spiritual awakening  is Jaqueline JLOVE Jackson who is helping others by showing them strategies to eat healthly so they can look good, feel good and do good.

JLOVE is the author of  7 Soul Seeds and can be contacted at She also has a great program Bliss Yoga.

   Continue on your journey of investing in yourself to help enhance your personal and professional life. Please share any recommendations here.

Spiritual Awakenings: JDOGG’S Top 10 Thnings To Invest In

10:  Workshops facilitated by people who resonate with you and who you feel have a connection with you are beneficial as long as you apply what you learned.

9:  Personal Development Books when read and applied can be a great investment in the enhancement of your personal and professional life

8:  Promotional Items can help to maximize your message while building a brand and thus creating cash flow.

7:  Websites pertaining to you so to maximize your message and show people who you are, what you do and why they should do business with you is a good investment to further your professional growth.

6:  Investing in your personal health and wellness is important because when you look good and feel good you can do good.

5:  Vacations are a great investment for if utilized properly they will alow you stay focused and grounded as you move positively in the directions of your dreams.

4:  Giving time or money to charities is a good investment as you get a great feeling knowing you are making a positive impact on the world and thus expanding and enhancing your personal and professional life.

3:   Incense, stones, and crystals are a good personal invesment as they help in the meditation process when making a mind, body, soul, connection.

2:  Clothing with Spiritual Messages as it shows that I walk my talk.

1:  Massages and stress relief for again if you feel good you can do good.

This week invest in yourself.






Spiritual Awakening: Special Event Honors Those Giving Back

Photo By Allison Turner

Spiritual Awakening: Special Event Honors Those Giving Back

In May of 2011 I sat at a table with Barbara Theodosiou, Founder of The Addicts Mom and Coach Shantel, Founder of 100 Days of Gratitude and we began to discuss a way to honor people and help the community at the same time and  a special event to honor those giving back was born. The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards will be held on 3/24/12 at The Unity Church of Pompano Beach from 10 AM – 4 PM with speakers Ernest Chu, Dr. Mia Merritt, Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses, Ken Esrig, and Sarah Spiritual. We will honor people who exemplify the ideal that service to humanity is the best work of life. The day will be a day of networking, empowerment, and enlightenment. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Reaching Out To Cancer Kids Program.

Spiritual Awakening: One Of  The Recipients

One of the recipients Allison Turner of Pathway to Mind and Spirit is a gifted photographer who also conducts workshops, teleclasses, and supports a variety of community events and  has developed a great way of delivering her message with her photo prints and affirmations. You can learn more about Allison at When you purchase your ticket for $75 you not only are supporting The Reaching Out To Cancer Kids Program you will also have an opportunity to meet Allison.  It is my hope to honor 50 outstanding individuals for this award. Nominations can be sent to

Allison Turner Will Be One Of The Spiritual Entrereneurs Visionary Award Recipients

 Spiritual Awakening: Reasons For Attending The Event

1: To meet like minded people who will enhance your personal and professional life

2: Meet people making a difference

3: Learn from Spiritual Teachers to continue on your path

4: Network

5: Support a good cause

6: To Celebrate you





Spiritual Awakening: When Is It Okay To Use The S Word

Spiritual Awakening: The S Word

You hear it all the time don’t use the S word in this case it is Spirituality. I find it amazing when you start to speak about spirituality how many people will shy away from the idea because of fear of truly finding themselves. It is amazing what happens when you commit to yourself to be authentic and true so that you can have what you desire. Part of the reason for hosting The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards on 3/24/12 at Unity Church in Pompano Beach, Florida is to help people further awaken to their purpose and to bring spirituality into the mainstream.

Spirituality a Positive S Word



Spiritual Awakening: Receiving and Applying The Message

Spiritual Awakening: Receiving and Apllying The Message

Jan Attwood has created The Passion Test to help you discover your purpose so you can recive and apply your message.

On 3/24/12 at The Unity Church in Pompano Beach, Florida you will have an opportunity to hear messages from Ernest Chu, Dr. Mia Merritt, Sarah Spiritual, Ken Esrig, and Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses as part of The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards. Tickets are $75 and can be purchsed here by clicking on the donate button.

Spiritual Awakening: What was The Message?

Spiritual Awakening: What Was The Message?

It was a turbulant day on the seas many boats turned back however one didn’t heed the message of dangerous seas and rip tides and rising currents, then it happened the boat began to sink. A helicopter flew over head and asked do you need help to ehich the man answered no, GOD will provide, a big rescue boat came by asked do you need help, again the reply no, God will provide, finally a big air craft carrier came by and asked do you need help, again the reply no, GOD will provide. The boat sank and the man drowned. He arrived in heaven and asked GOD, What happened? I thought you would provide. GOD answered I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter what more did you want.

Many times the messages are all around us and it is up to us to recognize then and apply them. All along GOD was providing the help that the fisherman needed, however the fisherman didn’t realize that God was providing all the time. How many messages are missed and not applied because we are so caught up in other things?

Spiritual Awakening: Maximizing Your Message

I have been stressing to people to maximize their message for several years. There are many ways to maximize your message, some are:

1: Use a 3 foot rule- If someone is with in 3 feet of you talk to to them

2: Share your message through social networking and blogs

3: Post your message in your print advertising campaigns

4: Record your message and send it out to people or post on your websites

5: Book yourself on radio shows and TV Shows to discuss your message

6: Publish your message