Spiritual Awakening: Spreading The Message
Angels will help you spread the message
I was asked the other day how do you spread your message? My answer was I post on facebook, I tweet, and I speak to people when they are within 3 feet of me. The idea is to find platforms that allow you to share. I am very fortunate that I am an emcee and have many events that I work where I can share my message and enhance the message of the organizers. A great example of this is the other night as I went to my local Starbucks for a fundraiser for The YMCA and I was the emcee. I made an announcement asking for donations and with in 5 minutes we had raised over $20 just becuase I spoke up and used the talents I have been given. It is important to remember whe you are spreading the message that:
1: Be authentic
2: Be the light