Spiritual Awakening: Host Or Hostage?
This is a guest post by Diane C. Parker
Diane C. Parker is a Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, EFT III Certified, an Author and an Intuitive Energy Healer. She resides in “Almost Heaven” West Virginia. She is co-owner of artLogic, LLC “a Synchronicity of Science and Spirit”, creator of the YES! Oracle™ and the “F-ing System™,” Your Fastest Path to Freedom. She is on a mission to save the world, one person, one day at a time.

Host or Hostage

Here we are, right in the thick of it again….campaign season (silly season as some may affectionately call it). It’s easy to get caught up in the “OMG, what will we do if so and so wins?” of it all. Not so long ago, I fell right down into that deep rabbit hole. After years of activism, standing up for worker’s rights and a full on diet of 24-hour news broadcasts, I decided what I had been doing to change the world wasn’t working. I decided to do something different. I decided to change.
Each and every day, we have a multitude of choices. As we progress into “adulthood”, we learn how to behave, how to fit in society and how to fear nearly everything we haven’t seen adnauseam. The latter is where the powers that be get us every time. Choices become distant memories.
Fear-mongering is the go-to weapon for crushing an uprising of free-will in the United States. Fear is the bogeyman used with abandon to control the masses. It is wielded with such precision, in the news, in social media and even in parroted conversations that most American adults have become its hostage. We, seemingly powerless to all that “may go wrong,” have lost our ability to hope and to dream. There is nothing more dangerous for a person, a family, a community or a nation.
There is an alternative to the Stockholm Syndrome we are collectively exhibiting. It involves nothing more than remembering.
We, at our inception, are the by-product of 1000’s of bursting stars. At birth, arriving at a confluence of confounding, astounding parameters that support life on this planet, we are a host to a divine spirit that knows only an infinite number of possibilities for the future. Around the age of seven, we begin to forget our limitless potential. Bit by bit, the magic is taken from us. We are willing victims, albeit not initially, of this heinous crime. Before long, doom, gloom, muck and mud are all that we imagine. We fall victim to our past and our fear of the future. We forget to enjoy the day.
What if we just stopped? What if we decided that worry and fear were worthless wastes of time and energy? What if we gave them up? What if we imagined what all could go right?
Fear is a remnant of our reptilian brains, designed to kick our “fight or flight” defense mechanisms in gear when necessary. If that is all we allowed it to do, there would be no stress, anxiety or the myriad of ailments they cause. There is not another creature on God’s green earth that ruminates and marinates in fears (real or imagined) once the cause of the fear no longer threatens. We humans, in contract, turn our fears into years’ worth of worry.
All of us can imagine at least one time we were joyfully ecstatic. Let’s bask in that! Let’s relish in the sunshine, happy baby faces, smiles from strangers, walking barefoot and dancing under the moonlight. Let’s collectively notice each and every blessing the day affords us and give thanks as if we won the lottery. Let’s go out of our way to help a stranger. Let’s smile and laugh and play without regard to who may be watching. Let’s imagine a future where we “choose” to be a better person, a better better-half, a better parent, a better citizen living in a better nation. Let’s imagine that every gift at our disposal every day the sun comes up can be put to use to serve ourselves and the whole of humanity. Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be taken hostage and be a better host to the source that lives within and binds us all. I can guarantee, if you do these things, the blessings will flow like the mighty Mississippi! This, I know from experience.
And yes, I’m still voting this Fall! A wonderful outcome can result just as I’ve imagined.