Spiritual Awakening: Turning Dreams Into Reality!!!
As you experience a spiritual awakening and become an action taker you will find it easier to turn dreams into reality. When you decide to turn dreams into reality you will find yourself becoming more and more aware and awake as you tap into your inner divinity and change your thoughts from lack to abundance. When you reach deep into your heart and find the power to act upon your dreams you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. The minute you decide that nothing is impossible because the word itself says I am possible you will find it much easier to turn your dreams int reality. It is important to ignore those that say you can’t do something and find those who will lift y up and encourage you to do what it is that you are doing. Many times we create blockages because we buy into the negativity that others are dishing out thus we do not act upon the dreams that we hold inside of us leaving us to wonder what might of been or could have been. Now is the time to take action and don’t allow the negative talk of others or your own negative self talk to hold you back. It is time for you to come alive and share your vision with the world so you will shine bright and give others permission to do the same. It is time to detach from outcomes and simply find ways that you can be of service and value to your community. When you are committed to turning dreams into reality you will find that you experience a shift in your personal, professional, and spiritual life that begins to attract bliss and abundance to everything that you do.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find yourself flipping the switch from negativity to positivism as you move from darkness into the light. On February 9, 2018 I found myself in a dark place because something I loved to do and was paid for was taken away from me. Through this loss I had a choice to make I could stand and point fingers or I could flip the switch, take responsibility, learn from the experience, and move on by taken positive actions. It took about 2 1/2 weeks to finally flip the switch and come to grips with the situation by understanding that GOD had better and bigger plans for me. As I started to invoke the anthem of never giving up I was able to flip the switch and embrace the fact that in order to experience growth you must overcome challenges. In consulting with the Ascended Masters I was able to receive the message to simply be me and continue to be of service and value. I also received the message to understand that not everyone will see things the way you see them and that is okay. As the spiritual awakening process continues I understand that there will be obstacles and that there will be people who simply want to hold people down. I have flipped the switch by simply accepting their actions and forgiving them for they do not realize the hurt they have inflicted. Instead of staying angry I have become grateful for their actions as harsh as they may have been have helped me t move forward in the pursuit of my dreams. In flipping the switch I have been able to answer my calling to be of service and value to others by coming alive and focusing on ways that I can make my community a better place. I have come to realize that I must detach from expectations and simply go in the direction that GOD has intended for me to travel and to stay connected to GOD so as to follow the path that GOD has set for me.
Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned that if you want happiness you must flip the switch and drive out the darkness that is lurking around you. It is imperative that you flip the switch so that you exude positive emotions enabling you to make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of others. One of the facts of life is that not everyone will like you and that is okay. Another fact of life is to go where you are celebrated not just tolerated. If you find yourself in a place where you are not respected and celebrated simply flip the switch and when you can leave or severe ties take the high road and move on. It is said that what we focus on expands so instead of focusing on what we don’t have focus on what you do have and be grateful for what you do have. In flipping the switch from anger and despair to gratitude and hope you will find yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In focusing on living your life in joy and bringing joy to others you will find that you begin to create the life that you desire easier and effortlessly. Sometimes it is just a matter of simply flipping the switch.
As we become action takers it is important to do small things with great love. In being a conduit of love we will attract love into our personal, professional, and spiritual lives as we awaken spiritually. In doing things from a heart centered base you will find that the smallest gesture of love gets the biggest results. Yesterday (2/28/2018) I went out on a mission to promote The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise. Overall my day went great as I detached from expectations and simply tapped into my inner divinity thus allowing things to flow as GOD had intended. I did encounter one woman, a manager at Uncle Buck’s, a discount store in the neighborhood, who was so negative that I was left thinking wow someone need a spiritual enema. The beauty of being impeccable with my word, not taking things personally, not making judgments, and always doing my best is that I was able to take a deep breath and move on. I moved on to a dentist’s office and introduced myself and told them who I was and what I was doing. They were very open and receptive and donated $20. In focusing on the positive and doing the small things I was able to find joy in the knowledge that the donations I was collecting were making a positive impact on the lives of those touched by cancer. After collecting donations and promoting The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise I went across the street to the park for a meeting. I was a bit early so I went to watch a girls Flag Football Game and was able to connect with the coach and then I watched the boys flag football game and was able to make a connection with the coach in hopes that these two teams would participate in The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise. I continued to share Relay everywhere I went and as a result was able to spread the word and plant seeds of hope and healing for cancer patients.
In the wake of many events these last few weeks I took a moment to sit in quiet reflection and ask the question what are you looking at? As a result I saw myself focusing on the way people were treating me an how upset was becoming then I realized this was not serving me and not helping me to become proactive in my spiritual journey. I began to peel back the onion and I began to realize that underneath the gruff exterior lied a caring and compassionate man who wants to be of service and value to others. I started to realize that getting mad at people for not returning phone calls or emails was not doing me any good and that by simply moving forward in a positive direction of my goals and dreams that I could not only serve myself better but that I could also be of more service and value to others. It was when I began to change what I was looking at that things began to improve and I went from a dark place to a place of light. In digging deep and understanding that when you are awakened spiritually you will encounter some demons along the way thus it is important to understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. As I detached from that which I could not control like the actions of others I realized it was time to come alive and make changes in my life and to find ways to be of service and value by changing what I was looking at. Instead of looking at the fact that only one team came to a team party for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise I should look at the fact that is one team who is engaged in the process and will be able to help exceed the goals set to help attack cancer from every angle. Instead of looking at the actions of the person who wrote an email complaint about my announcing and the action of the athletic director in a negative way I should look at is as a sign from GOD to go where I am appreciated not just tolerated and to understand that not everyone is going to find my style entertaining but there will many that do.
Spiritual Awakening: Walking The Spiritual Line!!!
I was sitting in meditation the other day and seeking the answer to the question of who will I walk the line for? The answer came to walk the line for GOD, The Ascended Masters, Jesus, and The Angels In Heaven. This came as a bit of a spiritual awakening as I was so obsessed with pleasing others that I forgot the spiritual teachings of pleasing GOD and pleasing your self by being of service and value to others. I then turned to a book by The Rev. Dr Dee Adio Moses where she wrote about being thankful for that which has happened to us and how gratitude is an important part of the spiritual awakening process. The book, Heal Your Life with Daily Prayers and Meditations, has helped me in dealing with some very tough events that have occurred in the last few weeks. The events of last Wednesday (2/14/2018) at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL hit home as that was a school where I was a substitute teacher years ago and I knew many of the students and the teachers whose lives were taken. I began to reflect and ask why something like this would happen and what can be done to stop it from happening again? The answer was simple start to walk a spiritual line and show love to others. If we see someone hurting or showing signs that they are experiencing anguish we must do the best we can to be loving and compassionate and help them to work through the issues that ail them. I have often wondered what would happen if we began to teach people how to walk a spiritual line and how to coexist without casting judgement upon those we interact with on a regular basis? I have often contemplated what would happen if we all got together on the same wave length and started to help one another? Now is the time to make walking a spiritual line a priority and instead of arming ourselves with weapons that kill arming our self with the spiritual weapons that bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our life and the lives that we encounter along our spiritual path. Pointing fingers and conjuring up conspiracy theories will not help in bringing people onto the spiritual path however showing compassion and being caring will ease some of the pain and will make things a bit easier as we cope with the craziness that is happening in our world.
One way to walk the spiritual line and stop the madness is to utilize books such as these on a daily basis to set the tone for the day. When you awake and get prepared for the day take a moment to walk the spiritual line with reading something positive or sitting quietly in meditation prepared to receive the messages that will allow you to vibrate on a positive plain and thus making your day go as GOD has intended it to go as you walk the spiritual line. Understand there are going to be events that happen throughout the day that may seem to hinder your routine and your plans but you have the power to adapt and overcome and thus continue to manifest the type of day you want to have. Today I had issues with my lap top and instead of getting mad and coming from a pace of lack I took care of the issue by walking a spiritual line and guess what it turned out okay as I needed a new charger and was able to purchase a new charger. As a result I was able to get on line and write this blog and also work on The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise. In being aware and a wake I was able to make adjusts and thus continue on my mission to be of service and value to others. In the past I would have gotten mad and upset but now that I walk a spiritual line I am able breathe and take things in stride realizing if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find yourself mixing up a love potion that begins with gratitude. In showing gratitude you begin to open up channels to receive peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your personal, professional, and spiritual life. When you show gratitude and love toward GOD you will find that any challenges that you face are quickly overcome because if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. As GOD brings you through the trials and tribulations that you are facing make sure you show GOD praise, love, and gratitude. In mixing up a love potion and understanding that love is the answer you will begin to evolve more personally, professionally and spiritually.
In coming from a position of love and compassion you will find that things in your personal, professional, and spiritual life improve as you begin to move forward toward spiritual enlightenment. As you continue to mix up a love potion and move positively in the direction of your dreams be sure to add forgiveness into the recipe. As you begin to seek forgiveness and forgive others for their trespasses you will find that you begin to attract more bliss and abundance into your daily life.
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find that you can become your own power company. You become your own power company by tapping into your inner divinity and understanding that you have the power to create the life you desire. When you tap into your power and allow GOD to guide you you become a force with an unstoppable power that will become the change that you want to see in this world. There will be some trials and tribulations along the way for they provide lessons for us and allow us to become stronger in mind, body, and soul.
When you turn up your power and realize that what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, you can achieve you will become your own power company and find you are in control of every encounter that you experience. In turning up the power and understanding that you possess the great ability to achieve greatness you will find yourself attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your personal, professional, and spiritual life. There is a great power that lies within each of us and when we tap into this power and follow the messages of GOD we become stronger and thus can have more bliss and abundance in our life.
Last night (2/7/2018) I was announcing The Calvary Eagles vs Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs Girls Varsity High School Basketball Game and I made a call when the opposing player from Calvary double dribbled. I said double dribble get her a kids cup Chiefs Basketball. At halftime a parent from Calvary came up to me and asked if I thought is was okay to heckle the girls. I said I wasn’t heckling I was just adding some flair to the game as I have been doing for many years, At that moment another parent stated you can’t do that it is high school basketball. I apologized and began to walk away and the other parent kept going on and on.I simply went back to my announcing position. After the game a few of The Cardinal Gibbons parents came up to me and said don’t worry about it they were upset from the time they got to the gym you did a great job. The irony of the whole situation is that Calvary is a Christian School and I thought one of the covenants of Christianity was forgiveness.
As I drove home I realized that the words I speak over The Public Address System have an impact of the lives of those listening so in the future I have to be more cognizant of what I am about to say and have a better filter. Our words have tremendous power and what may be funny to one person may come across as hurtful to another. This does not mean I will stop be my authentic self and walking in my truth what it means is that I will be more aware of how what I say may effect others. I have come to realize that as long as I do my best and do things to praise and glorify GOD everything will be okay. In being a bit more humble I will grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
In becoming humble before GOD and seeking forgiveness for my trespasses I will become a better person and thus attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life so that I can continue to be of service and value to others. Last night was a humbling experience for me as in all my years of announcing I have never had someone come up to me to complain about my call of a game. It was a learning experience for me as it reinforced that not everyone will be a fan of your style. In accepting that not everyone will resonate with your style you begin to become more true to yourself as you move along your spiritual path. The only thing anyone of us can do is walk in our truth and follow the messages that GOD is sending you. In my case as a professional announcer and emcee I must become more aware as to the effect I have on audiences and to carry myself with grace and dignity. I must realize that as funny as I might find something others may find it hurtful thus I must find a common ground where I bring the game to life without disrespecting the game. It is important to look at how we conduct ourselves and how we play this game of life understanding that sometimes we can get a bit crazy.
If you get a little crazy and go nuts remember to pull yourself back and understand that all we do as we undergo a spiritual awakening process sets the tome how things will manifest in our life. I am happy that I am able to adjust my style and will have other opportunities to announce so as to improve my craft and move forward in a positive direction of my dreams.
When you double dribble in your personal, professional, or spiritual life take a moment and practice forgiveness so that you do not double dribble again. It is through seeking forgiveness and giving forgiveness that you are able to right the wrongs and thus attract bliss and abundance into your life. As I asked the two parent to forgive me if I offended them in any way I realized that by taking this approach I will be able to turn the page and let go and Let GOD as I continue to grow as an announcer. In seeking forgiveness it allows us to show GOD that we are not infallible and that we need his guidance to continue to become more aware and awake.
Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift To Help You Avoid The Double Dribble!!!
Last night taught me to keep moving forward and to learn from it.
Spiritual Awakening:Straighten Up And Fly Right!!!!
I don’t know if it was the elation of seeing a team other than The Patriots or the sugar rush from The Carvel Football Cake but as soon as the clock hit :00 at Superbowl 52 I found myself in a joyful place. It could have been because I had just watched Nick Foles, a back up quarterback who is also studying to become an ordained minister lead his team to victory and then seek out his wife and daughter to celebrate this victory that brought a joyful feeling to me. It may have been the fact that Chris Long who donated his salary from this season to help those in need was celebrating with his dad that brought a blissful feeling to me. As I watched Eagles celebrate I began to see what taking action can lead to if you put your faith in GOD and become a vessel of service and value utilizing your talents for good. The lesson I received from The Superbowl was that you need t awaken to your calling so that you can affect change in your community.
My joy, bliss, and happiness for The Eagles winning Superbowl 52 quickly turned to dismay as I watched some unruly fans use this victory to burn buildings, loot stores, and destroy property. I immediately thought this is why our country needs a spiritual awakening for these few people do not know the value of respecting others and their property. I then began to look at celebrations over time and realized that this goes on to much. I started to ask why anyone would behave in this manner simply because there team won a championship. I came to the conclusion because these people lack the spiritual foundation that would allow them to celebrate in a peaceful and respectful way. I believe it is time for a spiritual cleansing in our country as to many people are becoming lawless and using a championship victory as an excuse. We have simply lost our way and as long as we allow for these few to wreck the joy that comes with a championship we will be facing the wrath of GOD for many years to come. Wouldn’t it have been great if these fans simply gathered sang the teams fight song and then made a donation to help the community but no they had to show their ignorance and destroy property not realizing that Karma is going to catch up to them. It is important when flying high to understand that your actions have consequences. It is imperative that we get back to our spiritual teachings to be respectful. It is important to cherish the victories and celebrate the victories. Unfortunately the mindset of these few unruly fans makes it bad for everyone. Just because your team won a championship doesn’t mean you should loose your mind and destroy property or loot your community. The important thing to realize is that eventually all your wrongs will be punished accordingly for GOD watches everything and when the day comes that you are called home to the kingdom you will have some explaining to do. GOD will ask if you lived your life in joy and if your life brought joy to others. f you were someone whom destroyed things and was disrespectful you will not be admitted into the kingdom as your answer to the joy questions would be no. It is time to wake up and fly right. It is time that you get back to the basics of respecting yourself and others and most importantly living by the covenants set forth by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels.
As I left The Relay Rally to benefit The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise last night (1/30/2018) I was a bit disappointed as only 1 team out of the 16 that were registered came out and no one that I had invited showed up. I was feeling pretty down because I had put in many hours to promote the event and even had the Mayor Of Sunrise issue a Proclamation. As I reflected on this disappointment I sat in meditation and received a message to shut up and deal. As an action taker I have learned that you must detach from the outcomes and continue to walk in your truth knowing that you can not control the actions of others. As I began to focus on the good things that happened like a team captain getting a nice recognition gift and a cancer survivor winning The Relay Sneakers I the disappointment started to melt like the polar ice caps and my heart started to fill with elation knowing that there are people who care so I decided to shut up and deal.
As I decided to shut up and deal I quickly regained the eye of tiger and remembered why I was doing Relay For Life. I was able to rekindle a spark inside and walk in my truth understanding that all I could do was give 100% and continue to follow my heart making a mind, body, soul connection. In focusing on the successes and getting back to being focused and grounded I have been able to shut up and deal. As you put yourself out there you will encounter some set backs but you must shut up and deal and learn from the setbacks so you can step up.
When you decide to shut up and deal and peel back the onion you will find that you rise up to heights that you never though that you could reach. In the wake of disappointment I was able to shift and find elation knowing that for in my 19 years of being involved in Relay For Life that I made a positive impact on the lives of those touched by cancer. There have been more moments of joy than moments of disappointment. When disappointments occurred I simply reflected and then let them go as I knew there would come more joy than sadness.
I have found the best way to overcome disappointment and shut up and deal is to simply walk alone and tap into your inner divinity understanding that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD’S plans for you are far greater than the plans you have for yourself. In walking alone and clearing out the disappointment you release blockages and thus you can move forward by focusing on lies ahead of you and not what lies behind you.
The key to overcoming disappointment and to shut up and deal is to commit to staying on your spiritual path and walking in your truth understanding that not everyone will share your passion and that your ways of doing things may not resonate with everyone. In being true to who you are and following the messages from GOD, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, and Jesus you will find that disappointment is fleeting. In committing to move forward you will find that you begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
In the course of the day the best laid plans of mice and men will go astray and when that happens you have to simply roll with the flow. I have come to understand that the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. As I arrived to The ACSOffice Today(1/31/2018) to drop off money for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise there was a note that the office would be closed. I was a bit upset as I had informed the staff partner that I would be coming today and didn’t get word from him that the office would be closed. At first I was upset then I decided to go with the flow and come back to the office tomorrow (2/1/2018). I have come to realize that I can only control what I do and to shut up and deal by rolling with the flow. In going with the flow I have been able to put disappointment behind me and move forward in a positive direction of my dreams. There will be times that challenge you but remember that it is through overcoming challenges that you become stronger and thus you are able to accomplish great things. Namaste!!!