Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Greatness Honor Messages Never Giving Uo Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Staying Alive

Spiritual Awakening: Staying Alive

In 1983 John Travolta starred in a movie Staying Alive. As I watched this video I started to really listen to the lyrics and one thing stood out the lyric “I am far from over.”

As thought about that lyric I began to think how all of us are far from over that we are all on a path to create a better life for oursleves and those around us. We are all staying live by being of service and value to others. When I conceived the idea of The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award I lookked for and I found people who are keeping dreams alive and helping other to stay alive by creating a nuturing and encouraging community. I was amazed by how many people are helping others to stay alive. This link will bring you to a video Staying Alive by The Bee Gees. Everytime I hear this song I get pumped up and I am reminded of my purple parachute pants.Even back than I was interested in helping people to stay alive and helping them to find their passion. What is is that wakes you up and helps you to stay alive?

Action Takers Award Winners Dreams Greatness Honor Messages Never Giving Uo Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Never Give Up!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Never Give Up!!!

As a new week begins and March Madness(NCAA Basketball Tournament) begins I am reminded of Jimmy Valvano and his speech at The ESPYS. Coach Valvano passed shortly after he received The Arthur Ashe Courage Award. He was the first recipient of the award and the folowing is the list of all the winners who share the common trait of never giving up:

The Arthur Ashe Courage Award (sometimes called the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage or Arthur Ashe for Courage Award) is an award that is part of the ESPY Awards. Although it is a sport-oriented award, it is not limited to sports-related people or actions.

Year Recipients
1993 Jim Valvano
1994 Steve Palermo
1995 Howard Cosell
1996 Loretta Claiborne
1997 Muhammad Ali
1998 Dean Smith
1999 Billie Jean King
2000 Dave Sanders (posthumously)
2001 Cathy Freeman
2002 Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick (posthumously) [1]
2003 Pat Tillman and Kevin Tillman[2]
2004 George Weah [3][4]
2005 Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah and Jim MacLaren
2006 Roia Ahmad and Shamila Kohestani
2007 Trevor Ringland and David Cullen from Peace Players International
2008 Tommie Smith and John Carlos
2009 Nelson Mandela
2010 Family of Ed Thomas
2011 Dewey Bozella


Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Are You A Dreamweaver or Dream Stealer

Are You A Dreamweaver or Dream Stealer ?

How many times have some one approached you with their vision and you thought wow what a concept or that will never work?  How many times have you verbalized your feelings not realizing the impact it would have on that person. Do you consider yourself a dreamweaver, a person who encourages and uplifts people when they share their dreams with you regardless of how far fetched it may seem, or are you a dream stealer, someone who puts down the idea and finds all the reasons it won’t work. As a business and life advisor I like to be a dreamweaver and help people follow their vision. Being a dreamweaver has many rewards one of which is seeing the progress and growth in someone you helped with their vision.

One of my favorites by Langston Hughes that I use often on my radio show, which can be heard on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at, where we talk about emowerment and inspiration with our guests, if you can not tune in live all the shows are archived. I also use this to be a dreamweaver on my Tantalizing Tuesday Teleclasses, which can be heard at 1-605-477-2100 pin 131099 from 7-8 PM EST, where again I have guests that are dreamweavers helping other people excel talk about a myriad of subjects. I am one who walks his talk as I consider myself a dreamweaver.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Are You An Action Taker or Excuse Maker

Spiritual Awakening: Action Taker or Excuse Maker

 I have often spoken to groups about having a Winning Mentality vs. having a Losing Mentality. I have always asked are you an action taker or an excuse maker. I once made excuses why I couldn’t do things and shied away from doing them. I used to come from a position of lack and stop before I may have had success. Today I look at what I say and I realize that to be an action taker you must put the excuses asisde and find a way to make it happen. As I bgan to implement the concept of The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards I began to fall back onto the old ways and excuses and nearly cancelled the event twice, then I said the heck with it I am going for it and now on 3/24 The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards will happen. I went from I can’t afford that to I will find a way. I went from I am not a big enough name to I will build my name and this event. I went from you don’t have a team behind you to I will be a mighty team of one. I wen from your don’t have  finacial backing to I will find financial backing. After I made this shift I then took action and when you visit you can see how this first year event is taking shape. In the next two week I will be featuring action takers who didn’t make excuses but took action and today are leaders in their respective fields who I have the privilege to present a Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award to. Many of the people getting this award could have given into the little voice in their head that said your not good enough, however they embraced thier vision and moved forward with their passion realizing that Passion + A

Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: How Strong Are You?

Spiritual Awakening: How Strong Are You

I am often asked how strong are you? I answer I don’t don’t my own strength.   As I began to read about those I will be honoring at The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards I began to see how therr strength and commintment made me stronger. I have chosen 44 individuals who exemplify strength in their passion for making the world a better place. I have met so many awesome people since I began to look for people making a difference in the lives of others.

   A few years ago I learned about Terry Fox, whomis pictured here during his marathon of hope, where he walked across Canada to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. His story is portratyed in The Disney Movie, The Terry Fox Story. His determination inspired not only the people of Canada but throughout the world and a s a result The Terry Fox Foundation was formed.

 Though I have not met Vince Papale I admire and respect him as he has overcome adversity in his life and now helps others to reach their full potential. He was not the biggest or strongest but he was the most determined and as a  result was selected to paly for The Philadelphia Eagles and through harr work and a never give up attitude he made a mark as a terrific special teams player. Papale has battled colon cancer and today advocates for early detection. His story is portrayed in the movie Invincable.

Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Honoring The Power of Women

 Oprah is a great example of using your power for good. She has created a huge entrprise from humble beginning and eventually taking over a genre that was dominated by men for many years. On this International Women’s Day I celebrate her and all the powerful women that are changing the culture of their respective industries.

Spiritual Awakening: The Power of Women

Today (3/8/12) is International Women’s Day thus in honor of this special day I chose to honor all women who are making a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others. In the last few years I have had the honor to meet many great women and I have seen them do many great things. I am often inspired by these women who have become powerful inspirations for others. When I was selecting the honorees for The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards being held on 3/24 at  The Unity Church in Pompano Beach, FL I started to realize that the majority of my honorees are women. Each of the women I have selected have a great story of  giving back to the community.  Each women exemplifies the idea of having a vision and bringing it to fruition. I applaud and celebrate these women for stepping into their power and sharing it with others.

 Halle Berry represents strength and courage in an industry that for years was dominated by men. Her commitment to helping other excel can be seen in her charitable endeavors.

Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Do You Walk Your Talk?

Spiritual Awakening: Do You Walk Your Talk?

I am often asked about the statement walk your talk and what does it mean. It meand that you actually do what you speak about. How many times have you gone to an event and found out that many of the speakers profose one thing yet are doing another? How many times have you bought a program and beeen handed off to an assistant of a sales team? These questions led me to the ask the question Do You Walk Your Talk?

The answer for is is of course I do. If  I suggest you take a breath in a tough situation and step away you will find me doing just that. If I suggest to smile it’s free you will find me smiling. If I mention the 3 foot rule, talking to people within 3 feet of you, you will find me talking to people. If I speak about giving back to the community you will find me doing charitable events. This is shown by my work with Relay for Life with my website

I have  also chosen to donate a part of ticket sales from The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards to The Reaching Out To Cancer Kids (R.O.C.K.) Program. This is another way I can show that I Walk My Talk. I have met some incredible people who are walking their talk.

Spiritual Awakening: People Walking Their Talk

 JLOVE Jackson was chosen to receive a Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award for her work in helping others achieve their full potential. Her Book 7 Soul Seeds is transforming lives.

My first taste of the blissful entrepreneur life began at the Smithsonian  Institution in Washington, DC many years ago. It was there that my love  for the arts, culture and celebration was fed during my internship and  subsequent contract to organize their 1st Conference on American Music.


Attracting this opportunity fresh out of university, I felt that the world was my  oyster. Although I did not fully grasp the enormity of the task, somehow I knew that all was well. Beautiful souls were there to assist me every step of the way. After that, the stage was set for me to  always follow my bliss and to learn as I go.


My entrepreneurial journey continued at the US Department of Health &  Human Services (HHS) when my company was contracted to manage their  wellness center. In my role as a business owner, I was also a wellness  director; wellness coach; fitness instructor; personal  trainer; marathon runner/trainer; and, events organizer.


At both the Smithsonian and HHS, I learned valuable lessons and gained my  first experiences making a living doing what I loved. Prior to ending my contract at HHS, I began to explore spirituality on both a personal and global level. It was during that time that I started writing 7 Soul Seeds to Activate Bliss in Body, Mind & Wealth.


Since then, I have combined everything I have learned on my artistic, entrepreneurial and spiritual journey to coach others who have embarked on their own path to a life of total  well-being; creativity; loving relationships; abundance; body-mind-spirit connection; blissful entrepreneurship and more.


Have you ever yearned to be all you know you can be; do what you love; and, leverage it to become a blissful entrepreneur? I  read in T. Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, that an entrepreneur is simply “a person who solves problems for people at a profit.”


As women, we naturally have an affinity towards problem solving. But, that is only one of our gifts and only the tip of the iceberg of a blissful existence.


We tend to  compartmentalize our abilities, not realizing that by bringing all of our  talents together in synergy, we can have it all. We can learn to value and share all that we are and all that we love on a  personal and global level. This is what it means to play bigger and more  expansively.


7 Soul Seeds is for women who want more. We want to do what we love; have time freedom; and, wealth. However, in order for us to sustain the energy necessary for  us to achieve this, while remaining blissful, we must nurture ourselves and give attention to our personal well-being.


If we’re not individually well and able to keep a healthy energy flow, our ability to  maintain, share and truly enjoy our creativity could be greatly compromised.


This is important whether or not you own a business, because you are the CEO of YOU.


In 7 Soul Seeds to Activate Bliss in Body, Mind & Wealth, the seven principles, I call the 7 Soul Seeds, will assist you. They are at the core of a blissful day-to-day existence and their activation will  help you sustain a positive flow of inner and outer energy needed to  live your purpose and passions while helping you expand the context of your creativity.


For example, as the context in which I saw my work expanded, I felt the  need to extend my coaching on a global level and to assist as many  people as possible. Thus, in 7 Soul Seeds, I am your coach. My purpose is to be an open vessel to help you realize your infinite potential no matter where you are in the world.


If you are inspired to go deeper and beyond the coaching I provide in 7 Soul Seeds, feel free to contact me using the Contact Form on this site. I offer one-on-one and group coaching.


Also, as a holistic minister, I am ordained to provide body-mind-spirit oneness coaching.    


Thank you for being here. I look forward to  connecting with you.


Be Blessed and Blissful,

Stacy Sossner was chosen to receive a Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards for her work in improving the way people feel about temselves and her work with organic beauty and health supplies.



Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Lombardi – Winning Isn’t Everything It Is The Only Thing

    Spiritual Awakening: Winning Isn’t Everything It Is The Only Thing

One of my favorite coaches in football history is Vince Lombardi. Though I never saw him coach I have  watched tape, read books, and listened to interviews and many of his quotes  resonate with me. One quote he is creditted with is Winning Isn’t Everything It Is The Only Thing.  To me this means that in all you do you should set a goal of winning. In our spiritual path we should set out to win by being of service and value and thus we will reap the rewards that go along with this philosophy.  As I count down the days to The Spiritual Entreprenuers Visionary Awards I am reminded that Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Together we will provide a day of Empowerment and Inspiration while raising funds to help kids with cancer. In this case winning is the  only thing as we can create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

Some tratits that go into winning.

To be a winner  you need to:

1: Prepare to win- In many cases this is being able to send and receive messages to enhance the lives of those around you

2: Practice your craft- Everyday you hone your skills you will improve

3: Give back to the community- A small bit of assistance can change the life of those that you come in contact with

4:Be kind- Showing compassion will ender you to others

5: Take risks- when you step out of your comfort zone you expand and good thibgs happen


Spiritual Awakening: People With A Winning Attitude

I chose Vince Lombardi today because his philosophy on coaching translates so well to life. He embraced a winning attitude. He cultivativated an atmosphers of winning. All of the honorees of The Spiritual Entreprenuers Visionary Awards exemplify a winning attitude. They have demostrated that winning is created by having a  strong willto prepare to win.

 Rick Figley was chosen as an honoree as he helps other people excel through his spiritual work and Namaste Websites.

Award Winners Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: Applaud and Celebrate Your Greatness and Greatness in Others

One of the greatest ways to celebrate and embrace greatness is sitting quietly watching the sunset and recording all that was great in the day.

Spiritual Awakening: Embracing Greatness

When I meet people that are inspiringa nd empowering others I like to applaud and celebrate them. I like to embrace greatness and offer people that are making a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others an opportunity to appear on my Internet Radio Show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, that airs on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at I also like to invite them to be part of my weekly teleclass, Tantalizing Tuesday which is heard from 7-8 PM EST at 605-477-2100 pin 131099#. The idea is to empower and inspire others by interviewing those who are walking their talk and delivering a positive message.  When you embrace and celebrate greatness you begin to find your own greatness. As you embrace your greatness you stretch yourself to do things you may have never thought possible. This was the case when I envisioned The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards. We are now 19 days away from this event and have 6 great speakers and 42 incredible honorees.Over the next few weeks I will introduce you to these honorees. It is my hope that you will visit and support the effort to embrace greatness.

Award Winners Come Alive Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: SING YOUR SONG!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Sing Your Song

This blog entry was inspired by Abba’s song, Thank You For The Music. As I listened to the lrics I began to ask what is the song you want the world to hear and be thankful to you for singing? What positive message will you be able to deliver to the world? I began to think of the songs that I listen to for inspiration. I have my top 10 ranked later in this entry. We all have a song to sing and I encourage you to sing yours loud so the entire world will hear and be moved by you to take action. It is when you sing your song that you shine your light and inspire and empower others to do the same.

 Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive has become an anthem for many to sing their song.

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Song

I use the word song to encompass all talents that you posses. How do I find my song(purpose)  is a question I am asked so many times when I am helping people with media and marketing relations. Each of us has a calling( a song) and once we find that calling great things begin to unfold. Whatever you are being called to do at this moment to be a shining light and to sing your song embrace it and watch the greatness unfold. There are many ways to find your song.

1: Answer What do I Enjoy?

2: Ask How Can My Song Be of Value and Service?

3: Who Am I Surrounding Myself With?

For me I enjoy helping people get the word out so I became The Spiritual Eemcee Maximizing Your Message. I provide a service taht everyoen with a business needs, the ability to get media attention. I surround myself with others that support my mission, such as providing a great event with The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards, which will be held on 3/24/12 at Unity Church in Pompano Beach from9 AM – 4 PM. MY song is one of hope and inspiration. Through my ability to plan projects, bring people together, and help kids with cancer I have been able to further the mission and sing my song.

Your song when sung will lift others up and as a result you will be lifted

I found my song when I looked deep inside and realized that I am a child of God and God’s Purpose for me is to Help Others Excel. Once I accepted this purpose things in my life began to change for the good. There have been challenges and I have been scared but I have been singing my song loudly wherever I go. I have wondered where money will come from, and then I remembered if I sing my song the money will come and it has eachtime I have sung my song.

When I need inspiration and motivation  I look to quotes and pictures and then I continue to sing my song.


Spiritual Awakening: My Top 10 Motivational Songs



Below is my Daily Song:
Day by day
Day by day
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly
Day by day

What are your top 10 songs? This week share your song and be a shining light of hope.