Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: How To Make The Mind Body Soul Connection?




I am often asked, JDOGG, How do you make the mind body soul connection. I usually answer with the Norman Vincent Peale quote “What the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, and you can achieve it.”   In May of 2011 I conceived an idea to host The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and I beleived in my heart that this event was meant to take place and on March 24.2012 the event was held. It was an incredible day of learning how to make The Mind Body Soul Connection. Dr. Mia Merritt spoke about helping others and following your mission. Sarah Spiritual gave an inspiring presentation about connecting with source, Ernest Chu spoke about using spiritual capital, Angelika Christie spoke about overcoming fear, Ken Esrig spoke about starting from where you are. All the speakers sent a message that resonated with those in attendance. The Honorees, which are listed under the tab Meet The SEVA Honorees are amazing. When it was all done a donation of $218 was made to The Reaching Out To Cancer Kids Program.

The next week I attended Vision Quest 2012 and it was amazing how many people were their again learning to make the mind body and soul connection. One of the highlights for me was doing a breakthrough, which was captured on this video.

Anthems Come Alive Dreams Fellowship Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Positivity Power Prasyer Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy The Journey Uncategorized Vision

Spiritual Awakening: What Turns You On?


When I awake I wonder what will excite me and turn me on today? This brought me to ponder what is it that is turning you on? Is it the site of a beautiful sunrise out of your window? Is the fact that you were granted another day to celebrate life and make a psoitive impact on the world? Is it that you anticipate someone whose life you can enrich? What is it that turns you on?

Once you find the thing that turns you on and excites you make a plan to stay excitted and passionate about that use it as fuel to drive you towards your goals and objectives.

Action Takers Anthems Come Alive Dreams Fellowship Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Dropping An F Bomb!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Dropping An F Bomb

Okay it is not what you think, no I dropped another F word, fellowship as I was discussing how great it was to see so many people gathering to celebrate their respective holidays. I am very blessed that I was able to celebrate bith Passover and Easter and commune with GOD and continue on my path to create a oneness consciousness and to understand that GOD did not mean for us to be alone. GOD intended us to fellowship with others and to share with others. Both of these festive holidays give us a time to fellowship with others and share how god is working in our life.




When we talk about fellowship we must understand that it is a gathering to give praise and to lift on high ourselves and others to GOD and to be joyful in all that he has created for us.


 As GOD has created this day let us take a moment to share in fellowship with others and lift them up and celebrate them and rejoice in the beauty that GOD has created.

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Power, Passion, Purpose: Ingredients For Success

Power, Passion, Purpose: Ingredients for Success

When baking every recipe calls for spefic ingredients. Today we will bak a cake for success using power, passion, and purpose as the main ingredients. By using these ingredients we will make our cake very tasty as success is very sweet.

As I began to read Ralph Waldo Emerson’s definition of success I began to think what were the ingredients needed to achieve this? I found power, passion, and purpose as the answer.Power not in the sense of being in control but the power you have within yourself to achieve what you desire the power of choice to move forward towards your goals and  desires or the choice to draw back from your goals and desires. The power to  make good decisions and the power to learn from the not so good decisions so as to improve.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Coincidence Or Fate That Is The Question?

Spiritual Awakening: Coincidence or Fate That Is The Question

I began to ponder this question as I opened Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses book  ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS HEAL YOUR LIFE WITH DAILY PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS today and saw the verse “Thia is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24 and  realized that this same verse is on my calendar for April and then as I randomly opened my bible I turned to Psalms 118:24. Thus the question is it coincidence or fate that has brought this idea into being. My father came to vist and we began to discuss happiness and through out the day people I encountered shared the concept of happiness. Last night on my radio show, which is heard from 7-8 PM EDT at on Monday, the topic was happiness.

I have often said there are no coincidences as the universe conspires to bring ebrything together as it may be sought at the right time. How many times have you heard the message only to think coincidence? Well it was not coincidence it was source helping you to achieve. I am reminded of a day back in October 2011 when I was driving Home from an event and I had this desire to turn into the park where their was a football field. There was a game going on and I parked and went to the press box and offered to do the announcing, I was told go downstairs and speak to our vice-president, I did and I was told sure go upstairs and announce. I did the rest of the games that afternoon and was invoited to do the homecoming games. I was then invited to do the playoff game. I was nominated by The Lauderhill Broncos as Volunteer of The Year for The SAKE Awards. Was this fate or coincidence.

Action Takers Anthems Come Alive Dreams Finishing Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Talents The Journey Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: What is Your Vision?

  What do you see?

Spiritual Awakening: What is Your Vision

One of the first things we must answer in becoming self aware is what is my vision? On 3/30/12 I was fortunate enough to attend The Vision Quest 2012 Conference hosted by Allow Your Vision To Soar.  As I listened to Kimberly West speak and tell her story and share this wonderful insight ” Every dark experience you have encountered in your life only means one thing! There is something so much brighter  just waiting for you to see,”I began to realize all the pent up supressed activities of the past were not serving me and through out the day I began to release them and let go. I steeped out of my comfort zone a bit and participate did a breakthrough facilitated by Dr. Melissa Anderson, The Quantum Catalyst, who placed a arrow to my neck and had me walk forward through my fear and I shattered the arrow. I kept the  arrow and have plans to make an art piece out of it with a message about overcoming fears. I began to write down notes and defined one of my visions and that is to positively touch and impact  lives of those affected by cancer. As I delved into this vision I realized that I am doing this daily through my work with Relay for Life and sharing 1-800=acs-2345 with people. As the day unfolded I realized that we all have a vsion and sometimes it takes some work to realize that vision. There were many highlights that helped me to set my vision in motion.On of which was watching and hearing Amy Barbera Sing.

Allow Your Vision to Create Beauty.

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Talents The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spirituality: Optimizing Your Talents

Spirituality:Optimizing Your Talents

We all have talents in us and for many these talents lie dormant until we find them and let them come out.  Many times our talents come alive when we begin to find our passion and discover our purpose. There are times when the talents are there but due to fear or lack of encouragement we do not pursue the opportunity to use the talents. Many times we have natural ability and when used in  a positive way our life improves. Discovering your talent and letting it come out takes an understanding of who you are and how you are expanding and growing.

Spirituality: Discovering Your Talents

When was the last time you did a talent inventory? Have you asked yourself what am I good at, what talents do you possess, am I investing in myself?

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Anthems For Inspiration

Spiritual Awakening: Anthems For Inspiration

Under the categories section you with notice a word prasyer, it is a word I made up to describe praise and prayer. After I made up this word I began to think about anthems for inspiration, songs or other influences that are uplifting and help to focus on praise and prayer. I was very fortunate when planning The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards to reach out to Mary Morrissey who sent 50 copies of her book, The Miracle Minute to me. Each day I read a passge from the book to assist in getting me focused to be a shining light of hope to all I come in contact with.

 Mary Morrisey provides many anthems for inspiration in her book The Miracle Minute.

A few days ago  I was surfing Youtube and came across this video that has always inspired me and I hope it will inspire you.

Action Takers Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Finishing Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Going For It

JDOGG Goes For It as an Emcee

Spiritual Awakening: Going For It

How many times have you wanted to go for it and the voice in your head talks you out of it or a family member or friend puts down the idea and you foolishy listen to their input? This used to happen to me many times until the day I decided it doesn’t matter what others think what matters is that I believe in what I am doing and I will find a way to make it work.  I am reminded of the one legged wrestler, Anthony Robles who won The NCAA Wrestling Tournament at his weight class last year as he didn’t let people hold him back he went for it and he won.

Anthony Robles serves as an example to all us that lifes great treasure lies in human personality.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Lessons Learned From Helium Balloons

Lessons Learned From Helium Balloons

I thought wow I can show up the afternoon before The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and set up the red balloons I had chosen to represent power. I was very happy when I left the church the balloons were flying high and I was ready for the next step. Saturday Morning I arrived at the church and the ballons had fallen from up on high to the floor. I though okay sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go astray so what do I do? I used what was left of the helium to fill up a few ballons and then I just spread out some human air filled balloons around the room and continued to set up. As I continued to set up I began to realize the lessons being taught by the helium balloons:

1: You can plan and have expectations but sometimes things happen that you adjust to and it turn out better than expected

2: Always have a back up plan

3: Leave time the morning of the event to blow up the balloons so as to have your maximum impact

4: Don’t over react as things have a way of working out in the end.