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Spiritual Awakening: Removing Emotional Baggage

This is Destiny’s Child with a remake of The BeeGees Song Emotions in which the lyrics gives us insight into the baggage that we hold onto  in many cases that hold us back.

Spiritual Awaening: Removing Emotional Baggage

Before we begin to remove emotional baggage we must first define what emotional baggage is.

Emotional baggage can be defined as ‘Painful memories, mistrust and hurt carried around from past sexual or emotional rejection’.[1]

It is an image of ‘a big sack that you carry around with you at all times…[with] every disappointment, trauma, and wrong that you’ve ever experienced….This image, the metaphor of emotional baggage, has penetrated our culture’.[2]

What emotional baggage are you carrying? Well it is now time to unpack and only keep the things in you bag that will serve you and help you become a better person personally and professionally.

 It is time gto throw that suitcase away and release the emotional baggage that may be holding you back.  We all have had pain for some it is physical, some mental, and for some both. The events of our life that we couldn’t control can no longer be allowed to control us. What ever the painful memory is it is time to find a way to let it go for when you let it go and release your emotional baggage you can move forward. Many times we hold onto to things emotionally and we find ourselves in a rut because we have associated all these negative emotions with the situation. It is time to become an action taker and do something to remove the emotional baggage. It can be as easy as adopting a new song to help you get over the situation and remove the emotional baggage. A song like this,

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Spiritual Awakening: Using The Pause Button

Spiritual Awakening: Using The Pause Button


This post was inspired by a session I did with someone who kept piling on one issue after another and it became like a massive cd recording so I stated let’s use our pause button and slow down and get to the issues one at a time.  As I began to use waht I call Using The Pause Button I began to realize that most of us all just need to pause from time to time and breathe and thus change how we are dealing with issues. The issues can be resolved when we pause and begin to remove the emotional charges associated with them.

 When we choose to use the pause button we often find what The Big Issue is. Many times it is our own conflict of how we think things should be and how they are. The key is to pause and understand there is a big difference between these and that is when we pause and find tools that can help us overcome the issue. For example you are working for someone and after a few days they send the human resource person over to the site to let you know that in their eyes you aren’t meeting their expectations and they are letting you go.  You get angry and don’t understand, however on your drive home you pause and seek guidance from source/GOD and you realize that this happened as he had bigger plans for you. You then look inside and find that there is a pattern of self sabatoge that you desire to change and you begin to take action steps to change and you soon see better outcomes.

Anthems Awakening calling Dreams Finishing Flow Greatness Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Purpose Sharing Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Synergy The Journey Vision Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: A Mother’s Love

 This blog entry was inspired by my mother, Judith Miller, who suffered a heart attack on 6/28/12 and is in ICU at The Northwest Regional Medical Center in Margate, FL. The photo to the left is a sample of her art work.

Spiritual Awakening: A Mother’s Love

As I turned to leave my mother, who is in ICU after suffering a heart attack she said I Love You. I could see that it hurt her just to talk. Over the last 3 years my mom has been through a lot from being diagnosed with non-operable metastatic lung cancer and beating that to yesterday( 6/28) having  a heart attack. As I left I started to recall all the time my mother has been there for me and began to let go of some of the baggage that I held about times and circumstances that no longer serve me. As I unlocked my car with tears rolling down my face I felt a cleansing happening and my tears subsided as I realized how lucky I am to have my mother still of this earth and as I focused on her loving me and being grateful for that my day began to improve and my worries subsided. This gave me the inspiration to write this blog entry and to help others to appreciate their mother’s love and to help mother’s realize that we are always your kid and we will always love you. For those whose mother may not be of this earth anymore I remind you that you carry her love in your heart and can communicate with her anytime you wish just by opening up your heart and speaking to her as she is your angel.


Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Dreams Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Here Is Your Change?

 Today’s blog post was inspired by David Bowie’s Song Changes in which he realizes that a person can change over time but that person can not change time.

Spiritual Awakening: Here Is Your Change?

As I was making calls for a client today (6/27/12) I began to hear all the exceuses and many of the lack words that I have been avoiding and catching myself when I find myself using them. On one occassion I decided to tell the person you want change here is your change as I could tell that the thing holding them back was their thought process. I wasn’t argumentive I stated if they wer truly serious about making a change then the way they communicated needed to change. The person said thing like I am above average to which I said let’s try having you say I am great at what I do and people pay me top dollar for my services. I have found when you make this small change you and truly believe this that you begin to attract the clients and obtain the bookings that you have been seeking. It is when you change your verbage that you can truly change the outcome to the one you desired.

 Brett Hart of the WWE used to have his catch phrase, I am the best there is, the best that was, and the best there ever will be. One of the first changes one can make to improve their circumstances is to adopt this philosophy for it is when you believe that you are the best at what you do and you carry yourself as such that others will do the same.  The change starts to come when you start to believe and you make changes to fit this new belief.

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Spiritual Awakening: Are You Making Every Moment Count?

 This post was inspired by the passing of Kathy Dedek, who touched many lives and always had an encouraging word for those she came in contact with. She was called home to GOD on June 23, 2012 from the complications of a brain aneurism. Kathy taught us all how to make the moments count. I dedicate this entry to the memory of Kathy Dedek.

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Making Every Moment Count?

I watched the NBA Finals and witnessed Coach Solstra of The Miami Heat answer a question of you are 12 minutes away from a championship with “We need to stay in the moment.”  Then came the news of Kathy Dedek’s passing and I thought how quick the moments come and go. I then asked myself are you making every moment count? The answer was yes as I begin the day with a gratitude prayer, then I read from Rev. Dr. Dee Adio Moses book, Oneness Consciousness, then I read a passage from Mary Morrissey’s book The Miracle Minute, and then choose a random Bible Verse, then I put on Janet Lee Kraft’s CD and get ready for the day knowing that I am centered and grounded.

 It is when we are focused on the moment and not the past nor the future that we achieve the greatest results

Action Takers Awakening calling Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Can Oreos Bring Happiness?

Spiritual Awakening: Can Oreos Bring Happiness?

I was feeling a bit down today as certain aspects of my life seemed out of balance and then my mom called and we had a difficult conversation and then I began to make phone calls to set appointments for one of my clients as ran into a whole lot of rejection. It was at that moment that I took a deep breath and started to think put a smile on my face and make plans after it is all done for the day to go to my clubhouse and grab some oreos and an iced tea. As I started to eat the first Oreo a sense of joy came over me, which got me to thinkig can Oreos bring happiness? The answer is not that the Oreos were bringing happiness it was what they represented that brought happiness as they represented a joyful time when I would open up the Oreos take them appart and lick out the filling and this memory helped me to make a shift and realize that as challanging as things are at times you can find happiness in something as easy as an Oreo.

 I know for many of my readers who are into health and wellness the choice of oreos to bring happiness is not the best so I am seeking alternatives and have  found a few:

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Come Alive Dreams Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: How Are Your Vibes?

Spiritual Awakening: How Are Your Vibes?

As I was collecting for The American Cancer Society today(6/17/18)  at The Tamarac Cafe Diner I began to think how are my vibes? What vibrational frequency am I giving off? I felt very positive and let my positive energy radiate through out me and onto others. It was amazing what started to occur people began to give and those that did not give were very polite in saying no. I began to observe the actions of many of the people and began to realize that many of the ailments that they suffer go hand in hand with the vibrational pattern that they are giving off.  The experience led me to write this entry How Are Your Vibes?

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Spiritual Awakening: How is Your Flow?

Spiritual Awakening: How is Your Flow?

This blog entry was inspired by a minor set back that occured this morning. I showed up to work with a client who had booked me for 3 days only to find out she wasn’t able to work with me this week.  At first I was very upset, then I took a deep breath and realized everything will work out and I stayed in the positive flow.    As I was writing this the phone rang and it was my client and we came to an agreement. It is amazing what can happen when we just go with the flow and let things happen. The lesson learned is to breathe and slow down and allow the good to prevail.

 Opening the chakras and being open to receive will increase your flow.

Spiritual Awakening: Understanding Flow

Once we realize that everything is energy we begin to create the ability to harness the energy for good and thus increase our flow. The biggest step is to ubderstand the flow of energy and how it is affecting our state of being in  making the mind, body, soul connection.

 This energy pyramid shows that the greatest energy we have is our spiritual energy, our connection to source and those surrounding us.  It is when we are spiritually energized that all the other aspects of energy allows for positive flow. The key is to get centered and balanced and look for the good in the energy field. Today the client cancelled, which is disappointing, howver it freed me up to do a blog entry and seek some other opportunities and follow up on a few projects.

Awakening calling Come Alive Finishing Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Sow Your Good

Spiritual Awakening: Sow Your Good

As I read Mary Morrissey’s, The Miracle Minute, today the passage I read was about Sowing Your Good and this inspired me to write this blog entry as I have witnessed so many people that are sowing their good. It is when you begin to sow your good that you begin to open up the channels of reception and that you will begin to be rewarded. It is when you give of yourself and do things without expectation of return that the biggest gains are made. It is important to monetize yourself and your brand as the money that comes in can be used to sow your good. I often do events where I will set aside a percenatge of my emcee fee for a charitable cause as I know when you give to others and help to further their mission you will also be create a flow that will help you to further your mission.


I have seen many people sowing their good recently as they have become lifters in their community and beacons of hope to others. The list is quite extensive as evidenced by my list of friends on facebook who continue to pass their knowledge on to help others. I recently had the opportunity to connect with Rev. Cortez Mack who has a documentary film What About The Children that will inspire you to sow your good to help future generations.

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Spiritual Awakening: What Call Are You Placing?

 Jim Croce talks about placing a call to find a long lost girlfriend in his song Operator.

Spiritual Awakening: What Call Are You Placing?

As I listened to Jim Croce’s Operator I began to think what call are we placing and how are we being perceived when we make the call.  I have a friend Cynthia Segal who helps to place a great call to help people enhance their personal and professional life. She has a site She has been named one of the top psychics in the world. When you call her and she makes the special call for you she will give you the messages she receives. Then it is up to you to follow through and take action remembering that Passion + Action = Success.

 Blondie reaches out and asks yiou to place a call and call her anytime.

Spiritual Awakening: Types of Calls

I utilize my phone in many situations and each time befor I dial I get myslef centered and grounded and prepare by asking what call am a I making:

1: The Invitation- The call where you are inviting someone to attend an event. Make sure to explain why it will be beneficial to them.

2: The Donation- The call where you are asking for support of a project or cause. Make sure you touch the heart of the person you are speaking with.

3: The Thinking About You Call.  A short call to remind someone they are important