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Spiritual Awakening: Bethany Hamilton Inspires Beyond The Surf!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Bethany Hamilton Inspires Beyond The Surf!!!



As I found the movie Soul Surfer on TV the other night I was intrigued and I watched what turned out to be an amazing inspirational story about Bethany Hamilton. As Bethany began to understand the impact she was making on the world far beyond the reaches of the surf she became in tune with her spirituality. The shark attack that took her arm was a tragic event that set in motion events that would not only transform Bethany’s life but would also transform the lives of those who followed Bethany’s Story. One of the most poignant scenes in the movie for me was when Bethany traveled to Phuket, Thailand to help World Vision after The Tsumani to help rebuild and help the villagers.  She took a surfboard to the water and continued to motion to a little boy to come to the shore line. The boy was afraid and hesitant but eventually trusted Bethany and he got on the surfboard and then other villagers followed and began to regain their strength and confidence.  Bethany would return home to stacks of fan letters explaining how she had inspired so many simply by getting back on her board and trying. Bethany would train for The Surfing National Championships and though the judges didn’t count the final wave as they determined she stood up after the horn all the competitors counted it. Bethany would win The National Championship The Next Year.

 Bethany shares her story and the role that her faith played in her moving forward. Today Bethany is 23 years old and continues to inspire beyond the surf.  Bethany proves that your faith can help you to overcome any adversity that comes into your life.  Her positive message is empowering and inspiring many.   Thank you to Bethany Hamilton for inspiring this blog entry today.

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Spiritual Awakening: Excercising The Body Safely!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Exercising The Body Safely!!!!


I want to thank Dana Gore for this guest post to help those who are having a  spiritual awakening to exercise their body safely.

Awakening to the Concept of Exercise Safety

For many of you, the idea of participating in a health and fitness program represents an image that focuses on thin vs. well, not thin. It’s geared toward the need for weight-loss and requires making significant and unpleasant “sacrifices” in order to finally get permission to like yourself. You may even be reading this right now and nodding your head in agreement, because this has been the story of your life.

It certainly was the story of my life.

But what if I told you that there is a spiritual component that works in harmony with the concept of healthy-living that could shift your entire mindset and therefore, your reality, toward one filled with personal empowerment? Would you have any interest in reading further?

What if I told you that your life may depend on it?

Ok, cool. Now that I have your attention…

When we believe what society tells us – that we have to look a certain way in order to be loved and accepted – we tend to get sort of depressed. We think there’s something wrong with us. That we don’t live up to a standard of existing that warrants us the feeling of being worthy.

I mean, let’s face it…if a celebrity’s imperfections are going to be ridiculed and/or airbrushed away as if they didn’t exist, then what’s to stop the rest of us from judging ourselves? What’s to prevent us from believing that


It’s this perception that influences us to make decisions about our well-being from a place of desperation. This is where we get careless.

Answer this:

When you are unhappy with your body – I mean really unhappy – aren’t you in a mega hurry to Get. This. Weight. Off. Now? Don’t you, just about, throw all caution to the wind and do whatever it takes to get what you want?

Like yesterday?

Most people do. When the girl/guy they desire doesn’t notice they’re alive. When the family matriarch – from her ever-endearing “I’m just being honest” place – asks you in front of your family why you’re so fat? (True example by the way). Or when your friends tell you they’ve booked a last minute trip to Vegas with you and you realize you wouldn’t be caught dead in a swimsuit or an evening gown (another true story – although not mine).

These are just a few examples of the pain that drives our decisions. We’re focused on how much we detest the result of who we are, so we react to it.


When we aren’t at peace within ourselves – when we hate our bodies, we feel miserable. So in a society that makes appealing promises of instant gratification, we make hurried and uneducated decisions to get what we want.

Why should this matter?

Because when it comes to our health and well-being, awareness is our friend.

  • Do you know how to choose a fitness program based on your level of ability?
  • Are you aware of any possible contraindications you may have to exercise?
  • Do you know how to choose a qualified fitness or nutrition professional?
  • Do you know what “Special Populations” means and if you fall into this category (and why it matters)?
  • Do you know what proper progression stands for and how it relates to injury?
  • How to decipher between “good and bad” exercise pain?

These are important topics that come into play when making decisions about our bodies, but are often, and unfortunately, ignored when those very decisions are being made out of desperation.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is an alternative.


All it takes to move away from the aforementioned perspective and toward one of self-empowerment is the act of facing who we are, how we got to this point, and asking ourselves who we would prefer to be.

Are you happy being someone who constantly reacts to life and feels like a victim? Or would you rather be someone who has their own best interests at heart and treats themselves with the dignity and respect that we are all worthy of?


What would life be like for you if you cared about your well-being? If you simply became the person who naturally preferred to be active? To be someone who, out of sheer desire, preferred the leafy green salad filled with the delicious nutrients that powered their every cell with the energy of life – instead of the person who settles for the diet food because they are on restriction?

Does that persona seem more appealing? Because it’s not only possible to become that person, it’s a responsibility. It’s our job, as participants in this world, to become living examples of the joy we all desire.

From this perspective, we are more interested in achieving optimal health. We adjust our lifestyles to enable the habits that naturally result in being slim and energized.

We make informed decisions about our well-being because we are focused on loving, rather than detesting ourselves.

We are aware

And we ARE worthy.


If you enjoyed this article, you will LOVE these:


Hey –

Since you read the entire article (good for you!)– check out the video trailer of A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You). Stay Safe. Be Aware.



About the Author

  Creator of I Choose Awareness and author of the book “A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety – (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You)”, Dana Gore completed the curriculum at Fitness Institute International, Inc. as an outstanding graduate in 2009.

Having suffered from eating disorders in the past which caused her weight to balloon to over 200 pounds, Dana realized it was time for a major lifestyle overhaul. Once she discovered Fitness Institute, her life took on new meaning.

Armed with credible information about Exercise Science, Dana aims to bring guidance to the public about how to achieve optimal health in a safe and structured manner. She believes that the body follows the guidance and instruction of the mind and spirit. She inspires her readers to seek inner-peace as a means to well-being in all areas of life.













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Spiritual Awakening: The Power Of One!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Power of One!!!!

  As I chose the topic for the day I pondered the days events a phone from a rabbi about a new congregation where spirituality would be the focus and the power of each individual would be explored. Then I found this video by Chelsea Flowers and the idea for today’s blog was born.  Like a pebble that hits a pond we make ripple that can positively effect the ecosystem and when another pebble is added the positive vibration grows and like that pebble we add value to our universe.

  It is when those seeds are planted and then harvested that a community is feed and nourished. Jesus showed the world the power of one and he left his legacy within each of us as divine children of GOD. As divine children of GOD we have a power, a divinity inside of us that can fuel us and so others the power we have to positively effect our lives and the lives of others. It is in recognizing our divinity and the divinity in others that we enhance our personal and professional lives while also enhancing the lives of others. The power you have is greater than you can imagine.

 As the day unfolds things of things you can do to make a positive difference in the world and show people the power of one.  You can share a smile, a  kind word, hold the door open for someone, make a donation to charity, find something you no longer use that can benefit someone and give it away, or print up your business card with a positive affirmation on the back.  Sometimes we can make a difference by doing something simple. I always recommend that people visit websites like and get a gift for no reason and send a note that says just because.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Inspiring  Power of 1 People

 Marc Buoniconti was left paralyzed after a football injury. He didn’t allow this setback to deter him and with the help of his father Nick he started The Miami Project To Cure Paralysis.

 Eric Le Grand is a former Rutgers Football Player who was left paralyzed after a play on special teams went awry. Eric’s courage and his mantra BELIEVE has created a new awareness in the development of research to find a cure for paralysis. Eric was an ESPN Arthur Ashe Courage Award Winner.

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Spiritual Awakening: Let’s Get Juicy And Scrub Our Souls!!!!

Lisa McCourt, Writing Coach, Joy Trainer, and Best-Selling Author (

Spiritual Awakening: Let’s Get Juicy And Scrub Our Souls!!!!

Thank you to Lisa McCourt for this guest blog. I hope that it helps you on your continued path to a spiritual awakening. Remember it is when you cleanse and stay centered and grounded that you find the most success.
     I’m needing a soul-scrub.  Maybe it’s spring in the air; maybe it’s just that I’ve let too much psychic debris accumulate in 2013; maybe it’s emotional triggers stirred up by media coverage of tragic events.  But I’m definitely wanting to release some of the build-up in my life right now.  I’ve started pulling clothes out of my closet to give away . . . I’ve started unsubscribing to email lists . . . I’m purging my kitchen of foods that don’t nourish.
It feels good, but it’s not enough.  I need a top-to-bottom, emotional rub-down.  In case you’re resonating with any of this, I invite you to join me in a 21-day spring-cleaning event on all levels.  I’m asking my wisest guru friends for advice.  I’m culling from my own workshop practices.  And I’m spending time in meditation every day, inviting Universe to guide me in a grand scale Let-Go.
Here’s how it will work:  For three weeks, starting today with this newsletter, I’ll give you the best practices I can dig up for releasing all that doesn’t serve — physically, psychically, emotionally.  I’ll send you two more installments over the next two weeks.
Let’s start by deciding to do it.  Set the intention with me right now that you’ll be lighter, freer, far more clear and vibrant — just 21 days from now.  Know that it’s entirely possible, with just a bit of effort and commitment.  You with me?  Let’s go.

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Spiritual Awakening: Drafted To Inspire!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Drafted To Inspire!



Each day it seems I find another inspiration. Yesterday was no different. As I watched The NFL Draft and saw Joe Andruzzi take to the stage to honor those killed and injured at The Boston Marathon while also making the pick for The New England Patriots I listened to his inspiring words and found then to be moving. As he presented The Patriots Jersey to the commissioner as New England traded their pick to The Vikings I though wow what a courageous man. Joe Andruzzi is battling cancer and yet he was running in The Boston Marathon and when the explosion he put himself in harms way and helped others.  As I read more about Joe I realized it was a natural for him to help those injured as his brothers were on the scene on 9/11 as firefighters. Joe’s courage and willingness to give now drafts all of us to inspire.

 The 617 signifies The Boston Area Code. Boston Strong has become the rallying cry for a city to come together and triumph over the adversity that they faced. It would be awesome if we all headed the call of being drafted to inspire and followed Joe Andruzzi and others who are showing great strength and shining their light for others to see.

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Spiritual Awakening: Opening The Inspirational Funnel!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Opening The Inspirational Funnel!!!

 As I emceed The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Coral Springs I witnessed many opportunities that opened up the inspirational funnel. This particular moment was when Kids of Love honored Aaron who was celebrating his 6th birthday. Aaron is a cancer survivor and when he took the microphone and said “Hello, I love you,” to the crowd you could feel the inspiration that he exuded. Through out the night seeing his smile and all the survivors kept the participants inspired to keep walking as they celebrated those who have survived cancer, remembered those lost to cancer, and fought back by raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services.  As of Saturday morning over $129,000 was raised.

 Through out Relay For Life there were many times that the inspirational funnel was opened. Just after The  Luminaria  Ceremony, where candles are lit in honor or memory of those affected by cancer a family arrived at Relay For Life. They were on the way back to their hotel to rest and make funeral arrangements as their mom had passed at 10:05 PM that evening. They saw The Relay as they were driving by and they stopped by to see if they could purchase a luminaria in their mom’s honor. The answer was don’t worry about a donation we will be happy to help you remember your mom. They were brought to the stage where DJ Willie told their story. They walked down the stairs and everyone that was at Relay joined in a lap with them. We stopped close to the start/finish line where I had everyone make a circle and I led a prayer for the family. The family thanked us and continued to walk for a while. I kept thinking if this doesn’t open up a funnel of motivation what do you need? At that point I walked over to the luminaria bag I had purchased, with the money collected at my pool area, to remember my mom and I sat on the track and realized my mom’s presence and a sense of pride for doing what I was doing while motivating others to take action to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

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Spiritual Awakening: More Than A Feeling!!!

Spiritual Awakening: More Than A Feeling!!!

 Today’s blog entry was inspired by a song that I hold as one of my anthems Boston’s More Than Feeling reminds us to rise above all expectations and to take action on our feelings. Through our spiritual awakening we are able to move forward in a positive direction of our goals and exceed them.  What feelings are you having and taking a positive action on?

 The Black Eyed Peas paid tribute to Oprah with their song I’ve Got A Feeling. As I listen to this song it reminds me that we have a power to make everything good simple by getting centered and grounded and bringing the right energy and vibration to the situation.  It is when we bring the proper energy to our calling that we have a great day or night. By allowing our feelings to come alive we can help our community realize dreams by keeping our emotions positive and thus creating fellowship and thus becoming of service and value.

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Spiritual Awakening: Keep On Moving!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Keep On Moving!!!

 Today’s blog post is dedicated to all those who have been affected by the bombings that occurred today at The Boston Marathon. I encourage everyone to pray for all those in your life as you continue to move forward on your path to spiritual awakening. As I was looking for something to  include in this entry I remembered the Matthew Wilder song Nothing’s Gonna Break My Stride and thought how great it would be if we all adopted this philosophy and began to help one another to move forward in a positive direction.

 As the gruesome scenes came across the TV all I could think of why do people choose to use their power for bad as opposed for good? This is an age old question like why do bad things happen to good people?  Perhaps this is a sign that those of us who are spiritually awake to awaken others by shining our light as brightly as we can for others to see and follow.  I have come to the conclusion that we resist will persist be it terrorist acts, be it lack of funds,  be it the lost feeling of community, or being against something. Today’s events in Boston once again set to polarize terrorism because it creates the news cycle that the media craves to boost their ratings. What about a month from now? Now is the time to wake up people and think what can I do to make coexistence a reality in our society? What can I do to make a difference in my community? What can I do to shine my light? There is evil lurking in our society and in order for this evil to be stopped we must all realize that we are brothers and sisters as well as being divine children of GOD. We must keep moving forward to be the lifters that our society seeks today. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming others let us look deep inside and decide to be part of a kinder world where people respect each others views and don’t blow each other up.

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Spiritual Awakening: Getting Back To Nature!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Back To Nature!!!

 When was the last time you shut everything off and took time to recognize the beauty of nature? Each day  that I am at my clubhouse I take a few minutes to take a walk around our large pool area, I stop and marvel at the iguanas, the ducks, the trees, and the other creations that I observe. I use this time to center myself and refocus. By getting back to nature and enjoying the quiet time we are able to stay on our path of spiritual awakening and truly find our inner strength. By getting back to nature and stopping to enjoy the miracle of creation we are able to find joy and inner happiness. I remember one of my fondest moments with someone I loved who has since passed was the day at The Nature Center when we stood and shared a great moment of watching the bald eagles. The spirituality that nature brings forth is amazing and when cherished and enjoyed it opens up all of our chakras so that we are open to receive the joy and abundance that our creator has provided for us.  Think of the times you have reconnected with nature and all the joy it has brought to you and build on those memories to live in the present moment as you continue on your spiritual journey.


During my U.S. Peace Corps in The Philippines from July 2002 – February 2003 I had the opportunity to get back to nature on many occasions from visiting the Botanical Gardens in La Union to going out on The Banca Boats each time I remember feeling an inner peace and a serene calmness come over me and each time I went into nature my day improved. It is when you take the time to enjoy the nature that is around you that you can find your inner strength.

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Spiritual Awakening: Be A Pyro! Start A Fire!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Be A Pyro! Start A Fire!!!!


 As I was helping some of the residents of my condo complex turn on the gas grill where the auto igniter did not work I became a fire starter as I took the lighter and hand lit each burner accordingly. I thanked GOD for allowing me to do this safely. As I sat down to write this entry it hit me you can become a pyro and start a fire within yourself that will burn with passion and desire and thus propel you to step into your greatness and share it with the world. I then found a song that I had never heard before by Cascada that fit this theme so perfectly. Again I thanked GOD for his guidance in finding the appropriate videos and songs for this entry.

By starting that fire and continuing to add fuel to it like the lyrics of this Def Leppard song suggests you begin to get what you want because you are following your passion and you keep rolling. It is up to you to reach down inside of your self and become the pyro and start the fire. It is when you start the fire and embrace the fire that you truly begin to unleash your power from the inside out.