Spiritual Awakening: Get Your Shift Together!!!
As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find yourself taking more and action which will enable you to get your shift together. Over the last 8 weeks I have experienced a gamut of emotions which led me to get my shift together. I needed to go from wanting to forget everything and running to facing everything and rising. It was when I sat in meditation that I received to the message to get my shift together and to do things to move me forward after the loss of my DAD. As I marked my 53rd birthday yesterday (8/2/2018) I realized that it was time to step into my power once again and to get my shift together going from a position of lack to a position of abundance. In getting my shift together I have been able to attract money that will enable me to move from negativity and anger to positivism and joy. In sitting down and connecting to GOD I was able to receive some answers and thus able to get my shift together. In changing my thoughts and stepping into my power I have regained control of many situations and thus am able to turn things around.
In turning things around and understanding that I am a divine child of GOD and GOD wants me to prosper I have been better able to plan my work and work my plan and make adjustments as GOD has intended. I have come to understand that I can not control the actions of others and that at the end of the day it is not my position to judge them. I can get mad when someone makes an appointment with me and changes plans at the last minute or doesn’t show up or I can have an alternative so that I can be productive and meet the goals I set for the day. In getting my shift together I have gone back to practicing The Four Agreements!!!