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Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Fool Yourself!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Fool Yourself!!!

Many times along our spiritual journey we come to a crossroad where we may be fooling ourselves because we have not released our limiting beliefs. The key is to understand that we must not be fooled by our limitless beliefs and we must stop our negative self talk and simply begin to understand that we are divine children of GOD capable of great things. It is when we stop listening to the doubters and the haters and the negative thoughts in our head that we are able to move forward and begin to manifest the life that we desire. How many times have you said I can’t or I’ll try only to find that you kept yourself stuck because you didn’t take action on what you really wanted and you allowed yourself to stop and thus are left with questions like what might have been or what could have been? Let’s change the thoughts from I can’t or I’ll try to I can and I will and see what begins to happen. You might have to be relentless in your pursuit to bring something to fruition however you will find that by being tenacious and driven you will find success. The time is now to plan your work and work your plan and stop fooling yourself. So many times we get so caught up in why something can not work that we never get started to make it work. Some call this stinking thinking and they are right. I have  come to learn that you must ask the universe for what you want and then take the appropriate action to allow the universe to deliver it.

Jarvis Landry Sinbad Sports

A great example of this is my work with Sinbad Sports. I have a goal to sell 350 autographs and I know that I can not just wish for the people to come I must go out into the community and share this event and do my best to let as many people know about the signing and the store. I have been posting on Facebook and sharing with people. I have also been sharing the post cards and attending events inviting people to come and have detached from the outcome knowing that I will be successful because I am taking action as directed by GOD and following his message. The great thing about this signing is that a portion of all the autograph sales will be used to help children get back to school clothes and supplies thus fitting into my purpose to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. In taking action and doing my best I know that I will meet with success. It is important to remember that your attitude will determine your altitude. In not allowing myself to be discouraged by those saying people won’t pay $69 for an autograph and moving forward i am finding people who will pay $69 for an autograph and who will buy other items to get signed when they come to the store. By being in tune with my inner divinity and following my heart I am finding people who will come to the store and purchase autograph tickets and merchandise. In simply sharing information and detaching from the outcome I am finding success. It is when you stop fooling yourself and start believing in yourself you will find success.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions

Spiritual Awakening: Stop Fooling Yourself!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Stop Fooling Yourself!!!

 Today’s blog entry was inspired by The Styx song Fooling Yourself. How many times during your spiritual awakening have you found yourself trying to be a people pleaser and be what others thought  you should be? How many times have you conformed to what others wanted instead of stepping into your power and standing up so as to be your authentic self. Hoe many times have you fooled yourself and followed others instead of doing what  you are divinely guided to do?  How many times have you gone to seminars only to see people trying to sell you a bill f goods from the stage. You are fooling yourself if you think the answer is in a magic bullet or a shiny object. Many times we fool ourselves into beliefs that limit us like things will get better when I get a new job or things will get better when I get a new car, or things will get better when I find my soul mate. The truth of the matter is that you are fooling yourself with these beliefs because the truth is that until you find your calling and use your gifts for good you will be in a place that is not divinely ordered for you.  We all have  a tendency to put the emphasis on the materialistic objects in life that we get caught fooling ourselves and chasing money. It is true that you need money to pay bills and to have the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing met however if we make everything we do about money we begin to fool ourselves and soon we hit a point where we decide to turn things around. It was when I made a decision to focus on being of service and value that things began to positively manifest in my life.It was when I decided to stop fooling myself and to embrace my spiritual GOD given talents that my personal and professional life improved. It was when I began to walk in my truth and create a oneness consciousness that I began to realize that my purpose is to help other people excel. It was when I began to understand that GOD had been directing me to make a positive impact on the world since I was 11 years old that I began to find more success because I stopped fooling myself and started to walk a divine path where GOD is my partner and together we create a wonderful life.
In many cases we allow ourselves to be fooled because we see the shiny objects that are being presented and we think wow if that person can do that so can I.  The only problem is that many of theses so called gurus or experts are false prophets fooling the public into buying into their way of doing things which doesn’t always work for everyone. The book you buy for $19.97  or the DVD program you buy for $97 is only as good as your implementation. I have  seen people spend thousands and thousands dollars on so called experts only to be fooled and at a financial downturn.  To avoid being fooled o suggest you find people who truly want to help you that you are spiritually aligned with and who have your best interest in mind. I have seen so called coaches posting how they are living the high life with the fancy car, the expensive house, the elaborate trips only to find out that behind it all they are in debt up to their eyeballs.  I suggest that you turn to GOD for divine guidance so you can stop fooling yourself.  If you meet someone and they start to talk what seems like a good game but have no substance to show you then run away so you do not get fooled and don’t fool yourself.