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Spiritual Awakening: Hold Fast Your Dreams!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Hold Fast Your Dreams!!!

      Through the spiritual awakening process you will find that you can tap into your inner divinity and manifest your dreams thus allowing you stay motivated to be of service and value to others. Through out my spiritual journey I have been fortunate to have many of my dreams turn into reality. Most recently I was the PA Announcer for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs Football Team and they won a State Championship in 2020 and team I announce for win a championship and I was given a championship ring which fulfilled a dream to have a team I announce for win a championship and for me to have a ring. The day I received the ring I wore it to an event and was able to brag about being the PA Announcer. The memories of that experience fuels me to hold fast to my dreams. I look forward to making more dreams come true. In the course of my awakening I have  come to realize that it is important to share your dreams and show gratitude to those who support your dreams.

Sources Of Wisdom Book 2 by Jim Dupre, Timothy Michael Ricke, Jonathan Jdogg lederman, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®Another dream of mine was to become a published author which became a reality when I became a featured author in Sources Of Wisdom Book 2 which then led me to be a featured author in Sources Of Wisdom Book 3. I also have had my poetry published on line at and have won a few editor’s choice awards. This all came about by taking action and realizing that if you are to turn your dreams into reality you must put aside all the doubters, haters, and naysayers and believe in yourself.  As I reflect on all the dreams that I have had that have come true I realize that regardless of how tough things may get you must be strong and hold fast your dreams. Do not allow others to hold you back simply take positive steps to bring your dreams to fruition.

Poem: Dreams

As you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you will find that a major contributor to your growth is how you act upon your dreams. When you have a dream and you focus your vision on that dream you will find that your dream will manifest as the universe will conspire to give you the resources needed to turn that dream into reality. I have always said to write your dreams down with action steps to bring them to fruition for if it is in sight it is in flight however if it is out of sight it is out of mind. One great tool is to make a vision board and to understand that the possibilities are endless you just have to believe. When you change your mindset and create a belief system that allows you to step into your power so you can achieve the greatness that is your birthright you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. There may come situations that create blockages however you can clear the blockage by knowing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it allowing you to dream.

       Take time to dream today and write your dream down so that you can face everything and rise. Your dreams are sacred to you so give them the attention that they deserve so that you can create the life you desire. When things seem difficult and challenging simply take solace in knowing that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens you. As I look back at the 55 years I have spent on this earth I can recount many times that I have dreams realized and sometimes not having a  dream come true held a valuable lesson of the fact that GOD had other plans for you. I remember the years of 1986-1987 I was a student at Hofstra University and I was a big fan of the football team and I applied to be part of The Homecoming Court and was not selected. At first I was disappointed because it was a dream to be part of the pageantry but after a while I realized that I could still support the team and be part of homecoming in my own way. I managed to make a bigger impact as I did fundraising for The Booster Club and attended all the games that year and even had a column In The Hofstra Chronicle. Though all dreams may not come true just following them holds lessons that will help to clear blockages so that you can have other dreams come true. It is your time to become a dream weaver today. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Make It A Better Day!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Make It A Better Day!!!

     With all the craziness that is happening in our world today it is imperative that those of us who have had a spiritual awakening come together and make it a better day. The news bombards us daily with all the divisiveness that is happening in our community when in reality there is a lot of good that people are doing however our news media would rather focus on the negative and keep everyone arguing. I have come to realize that when we become action takers and start to detach from being right or wrong we find ourselves doing the right thing. If we are going to make it a better day we must connect with GOD and understand that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants everyone to prosper. If we are all to prosper we must put our differences aside and find common ground where everyone benefits. If we are to make it a better day we must overcome our differences and realize that we are truly more alike than we are different.

     To create a better way it is important to understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is important to tap into your inner divinity and answer your calling by making positive change sin your personal, professional, and spiritual life. The key to making a better is to speak life and to find a commonality with all those that you come in contact with through out the day.

     When we begin to speak life we begin to vibrate at a higher level thus we are able to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives as we make it a better day. Now is the time to stop making everything a debate and to simply understand that if we are to make it a better day we must be more kind, compassionate, and empathetic toward our fellow human beings. Over the last 6 months I have seen people come together to help one another however the media is not covering that as they continue to spin a narrative of divisiveness. There are many challenges that we are facing to create a spiritual shift toward goodness and to make a better day however if we begin to look beyond the outer and more toward the inner we can have a meeting of the minds and understand that most of all want the same thing and that is to have our basic needs met. I know many people are struggling and feeling frustrated due to many circumstances that are beyond their control however I know that GOD doesn’t put anything on your plate that you can not handle. You are truly amazing and in a position to make it a better day simply by staying connected to GOD. It is time to dive in and go to the deep end.

Remember when you were a kid learning to swim how you would hang on to the wall and work your way around the pool and then one day you reached the deep end and you said the heck with it I am going to try to paddle my way across to the other side. At first you may have been scared yet you went forward and started to paddle to the other side then when you made it to the other side there was a feeling of euphoria as you gained a sense of accomplishment. The same thing happens when you have a spiritual awakening and know that you can control how your day will go. The world today is bit crazy and mixed up however you can make it a better day by tapping into you spirituality and becoming a loving and caring person who commits to be of service and value to others. Now is the time to come alive and find ways to live your life on purpose.

       It is your time to come alive and make a better day realizing that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. You have a bright light that when lit will illuminate the world as you dream with your eyes wide open allowing you to see the possibilities that are beyond the horizon to make it a better day. You have the opportunity to show others that you will make it a better day by becoming a peaceful warrior who respects the view points of others and who works for the common good. Now is the time to find the commonality that binds us all together to make a better day. Namaste!!!