Spiritual Awakening: Shine Your Light!!!!
As I was listening to REACH FM today on my way to The Car Dealership I heard a song about learning to shine your light. As I listened to the lyrics I thought how many people need a quick reminder to shine their light. So many tines we get caught up in our human existence that we lose sight of our purpose and that is to shine our light and walk in our truth for others to see so that they will be inspired and empowered to shine their light. As I stopped to collect donations for Relay For Life and to promote my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on www.wrpbitv.com on Tuesday at 6:30 PM I asked GOD to give me the proper energy to shine my light. He did and upon walking into the barber shop to seek donations and invite them onto my TV Show I felt a shift of energy and a confidence come over me. The gentlemen not only donated they liked my quick intro about their shop that they took out their phones and made a quick promo video. It was quite the enlightening experience as I realized that if I shine my light and am authentic I create a ripple effect of positivity that enriches the personal and professional lives of those I come in contact with.
As I left the barber shop and finished the rounds at the shopping plaza I began to think ready or not here I come. This Britt Nicole song reminds us that ready or not it is time to take our message out to those who are waiting to hear it. Sometimes through our spiritual awakening we may not feel ready but we reach down deep inside ourselves and we unleash our message thus shining our light so bright that we attract he proper people who are meant to help us further our mission. In discovering your mission you begin to shine your light everywhere and your passion comes through and the world is a better place.
In shining your light it is important to give praise to the person who makes it all possible. You can call this person Jesus, GOD, Source, Spirit, Allah, Yehova, Yeshua, or Higher Self, whatever you call that person remember it is that person who allows you to shine your light. In shining your light and walking your truth you will give permission to others to do the same and thus you will be part of a global shift toward positivity. The enemy will put up roadblocks and try to discourage you. It is when you face these roadblocks and shine your light that you are able to continue to be an action taker and create the change you want in this world.
When you shine your light and you show others your light you begin to encounter positive experiences that will help you to grow personally, spiritually, and emotionally. I had declared 2014 as The Year Of Transformation and one aspect to make this transformation possible is a commitment to shine your light. The light you have inside is meant to be shared as you are here to be a lifter and an encourager. In shining your light you allow others to shine theirs and soon the whole world lights up.
When you are a lifter and an encourager you can help people to keep smiling and to keep shining. In finding opportunities to shine your light you will find that you begin to expand your spiritual horizons and your path and purpose becomes more clear and thus you begin to easily manifest what you are seeking.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools And Resources To Help You Shine Your Light!!!

When you encounter doubters along your path to spiritual awakening remember the best tool you can have is a BIBLE, basic instructions before leaving earth. I was out collecting donations for The Relay For Life one day with a canister in one hand and my bible in the other, I walked into a store and the man behind the counter asked me what the book was and I said it is my BIBLE, he responded you have a weapon. He then proceeded to ask everyone to put something in the canister. The BIBLE serves as the most awesome tool you can have when your desire is to shine your light and walk in your truth.

Books are great tools if we apply what we have read and are truly committed to shining our light and walking in our truth.
Songs such as Heartlight by Neil Diamond serve as tools to help us get centered and grounded and thus become anthems for us to shine our light.
As you answer your calling & come alive by shining your light remember that the key to awakening is remembering you are a divine child of GOD with a purpose to enhance the quality of people’s lives while you are hear on earth. It is your duty to follow your dreams & to help others to excel. In the end all that will matter will be the lives that were positively touched because you had the courage to shine your light. As you stay positive, remember that the only one you have to answer to is GOD. POSITIVELY SHINE!!!!!