Spiritual Awakening: Getting High!!!
As you embrace the spiritual awakening process it is important to set a goal to reach higher than you thought you could. It starts with a commitment to become an action taker. When I was a coach for The Special Olympics I remember hearing their oath which stated let me win but if I can not win let me be brave in the attempt. As I went to many practices I saw a desire in the Special Olympians that exhibited a spirit to soar to heights that some only imagined. I watched these Special Olympians in awe and each day I was filled with a new found passion and a dedication to take action. As a result I found success knowing that my effort to show the world that service to humanity was the best work of life was paying off as people were seeing me shine my light and illuminating the world so they began to shine their light. As we continued to shine our respective lights our pieces of the world was bathed in an magnificence of light that provided a spark of hope and healing for all. As you continue to be a beacon of hope for those you meet along your spiritual journey remember to reach higher and to push yourself past the limits. When the challenges you face in enhancing your personal, professional, and spiritual life and the lives of others remember to keep pushing and don’t quit.
It is when you adopt a don’t quit attitude that you can come out of the dark and step into the light by embracing the fact that you a re a divine child of GOD and GOD has great plans for you. There will be some set backs along the way so do not get discouraged simply take the set backs as an opportunity to rest and to reset so that you can move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. As you find your purpose and following your calling you will find yourself making changes that will propel you to great achievements allowing you to come alive thus empowering and inspiring others to do the same.