Spiritual Awakening: Are You Prepared?
I have been reading about many people being called home to GOD over the last few weeks and I was wondering how many of them had final arrangements through a pre-need program? I realized that this was not something that many people woke up in the morning thinking about as the idea of dying makes us face the fact that we are only mortal and that one day we are all going to walk in the kingdom of GOD so you need to be ready for that occurrence. You may say that it sounds morbid to plan your own funeral. I am here to tell you that it is the best decision you will make as it will give you peace of mind, stop family discord, and save you money. When you go to do your will you should also consider doing a pre-need so that everyone knows your wishes as your will is usually not read until after your passing. The key is to be prepared so when GOD does call your home there are no questions as to what your desires are at the time of your passing. Many times families are very distraught at the time of death and they make decisions only to find out that those arrangements were not what you wanted which creates more conflict thus creating blockages in their personal and professional life that could have been avoided had you had a pre-need arrangement. Now is the time to make sure you are prepared.