Spiritual Awakening:Rocky, The Karate Kid, Mandisa, & CNN Heroes Inspire Greatness!!!
I am asked on many occassions JDOGG what do you use to stay focused, motivated, and grounded? I ususally answer I use songs that have a message or a calming effect like the ones above. I sit quietly just listening to the music and bock everything else out. When the song ends I will remain quiet and began to visulaize desired outcomes that I seek and that helps to motivate me. Many time what I visualized comes to fruition as I recall the feelings and begin to take action. I have a few songs that I listen to that have become anthems for me like the folowing:
By using rituals like listening to Janet Lee Kraft, Reading Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses, and reading Mary Morrissey I have found on the days that I do this I am super motivated and don’t allow negative energy to affect me. I have found that by being motivated and going with the flow and increasing the positive vibrations and being a shining light that good things happen. I walked into a small paint store in West Boca on 441 south of Palmetto Park and the women and man there were very open and receptive and they each gave a dollar and took brocures for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Boca Raton. We spoke about helping the small business owners. This motivated me to continue.