As you embrace the spiritual awakening process it is important to be able break free from that which no longer serves you. It is important to break free from the belief systems that are creating blockages in your life by making a commitment to change your mindset and thus breaking free from that which is stopping you from stepping into your power and achieving the greatness that is your birthright.

When you decide to break free and understand that you are one that can remove the shackles that are holding you back you will start to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. When you embrace the fact that you were born free and the only person that can take away your freedom you will find it it easier to rid yourself of the accouterments that have been holding you back over time. It is time to change your mindset and understand that it is not about the materialistic but rather the spiritualistic. Do not misinterpret this as being anti money as with money you can do many things and be of service and value to many people however the greatest gift you can give someone is a helping hand not a hand out. In breaking free from the belief that you need a big house, a fancy car, and expensive clothes to be considered successful you will find that you are able to attract everything you need so that you can positively impact your life and the lives of others.

As you break free from that which has kept you in mental bondage you will see that you begin to attract more bliss and abundance into your life for you stop thinking about what you do not have but you are grateful for what you do have. In the last few months I have found myself breaking away from that which is not serving a higher purpose and as a result I have been blessed with support from people who share my same ideals especially those who believe that service to humanity is the best work of life. In looking at what I was allowing to hold me back and make changes to break free I realized that it was time to tap into my divine guidance system and reconnect with GOD and remember that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. I have also come to realize that my methods of doing things may not resonate with everyone and that is okay for those that are intended to hear my message and support my endeavors will be brought forth to me for GOD’S Plan is far greater than my own. It is important to realize that we are dancing on GOD’S Dance Floor and GOD makes the playlist.
When we let go and let GOD we are able to break free from any barriers that we perceive to be holding us back. Sometimes it is as simple as taking massive action and moving forward in the direction of our goals allowing GOD to direct us. Sometimes it is simply a matter of letting go of the people, places, and things that no longer serve us. As I sat in meditation I realized that I was holding on to some ideas that were ego driven and thus they were edging GOD out so it was time to break free from those beliefs and to simple stay connected to GOD and understand that GOD will provide all that I need so that I can continue to be of service and value to others.
Now is the time to break free and praise GOD who will continue to guide you and allow you to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. Watch what you are focusing on as what you focus on expands. Watch the words you are using so that you can break break free. It is time to speak life and remain on your spiritual journey despite what others may think. You will encounter many people who simply will not understand that everyday you are changing and becoming stronger in mind, body, and spirit thus allowing you to break free. When you encounter these people don’t try to defend your actions simply stand in your truth and continue to walk your path showing them that you are making a better life for yourself and others.
The words we choose to use will determine how free we become. When we can turn off the negativity and break free we can move in a positive direction shining our light bright so we illuminate the world. Our words become actions and our actions can empower and inspire others. It is your time to become stronger.
As you break free from that which no longer serves you you will find that you are getting stronger and that things will improve. In the darkest of times things seem dim but then there comes a light to lift you up and thus the darkness dissipates and the light takes over allowing you to break free. Now is your season to break free!!! Namaste!!!