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Spiritual Awakening: What Is Your Quest?

Spiritual Awakening: What Is Your Quest?

As you awaken spiritually you will find yourself having more clarity on the answer to what is your quest. What may seem to be an impossible dream becomes possible the minute you commit to taking action. Once you take action you will find that the universe delivers what is neccessary to complete your quest. As long time readers of thgis blog are aware I am on a quest to help those touched by cancer. In 1998 my journey to help those touched by cancer began when I joined The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Coral Springs as I was looking for a way to honor my Grandfather, Leo Lederman, who fought a valiant fight against prostrate cancer however was called home to GOD. Over the years I have had many people called home to GOD as a result of cancer including my MOM, Judith Miller, who was called home on JUly 5, 2012 after suffering a massive heart attack after battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. Once I becam an action taker I have been able to continue my quest by experiencincing a spiritual awakening and answering the calling to make a positive change in my life and in the lives of others. It is when we heed  our calling and  go on our spiritual quest taht we come alive and are able to be of service and value to the community. In following our quest and becoming an action taker we are able to rise.

When you commit to rising above the negative and taking action to be a positive influence in the world you will find that you attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life so that you are able to help other people excel by shining your light so bright that people are inspired and empowered by your axtions. It doesn’t matter what your political affiliatio is or what religion you choose to practice you have the opportunity to tap into your inner hero and to leave a positive mark on the lives that you come in contact with through out the day. Many times it is simply a matter of embracing your quest and following your heart.  Such was the case on October 30, 2022 I hosted POINTS FOR THE CURE FOOTBALL to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Plantation and Sunrise to honor the memory of my mom. I was successful as $348.01 was raised to fund research, education, advocacy, and services. In taking action and having the courage to change I was able to continue my quest.

It is when you have the courage to change that you are able to follow your quest and create a positive flow that will allow you to vibrate at a high level so that you can continue on your quest to find a mind, body, soul connection. Many times it is a simple task of putting an idea in motion and reaching out to those who may be able to assist you in your effort. The key is to move forward in a position direction of your dreams and not to be discouraged. In the past I would focus on what didn’t go well and it would create blockages but now I look at the positives and I am encouraged as I know that I am one person doing the best I can with the tools I have and that in the end it all comes down to GOD’S Plan for GOD’S Plan is far greater that the plan I have for myself. Many times you just have to wrap your head around the fact that your were born to be on this quest.

It is time for you to continue your quest and to walk in your truth not allowing doubters, haters, or naysayers to stop you from stepping into your power and achiving greatness which is your birthright. It is said the two best days of your life is the day you are born and the day you figure out why. Now is your time to embrace your why and continue on your quest. Throw away all the garbage that is stopping you from continuing on your quest and becoming a peaceful warrior. Now is the time to live in the present and to focus on your quest. It is your time to focus on your quest and to bring your vision to light. When you are distracted  and taken away from your quest sit down and tap into GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance as they will deliver the message needed for you to bring your quest to fruition today. Namaste!!!


Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life

Spiritual Awakening: Throw It Away!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Throw It Away!!!

As I was cleaning up my condo and throwing the things that no longer serve me away I began to think of how important it is to throw that which no longer serves away you. Through the spiritual awakening process you will find it easier to throw away what I call trash like items that are old, people who don’t make you feel good, activities that trigger negativity, haters, doubters, naysayers, things that are not good for you. The other day I bought what I thought was a healthy choice for bread as I purchased Italian Hoagie Rolls. After reading about them and speaking to a friend I threw them away as they are filled with carbohydrates that turn into sugar and  thus negatively impacts my Type 2 Diabetes. As I threw them away I made a commitment to not eat bread for a while. In making the decision to not eat bread I came to realize that sometimes you simply have to throw away the foods that no longer serve you. In my journey to become healthier and throw that which no longer serves me I have become an action taker which has led me to feeling better about myself which has improved my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I encourage you to take action to remove the blockages in your life that are preventing you from attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your daily activities. As you throw things away you will find that you are becoming more centered, focused, and grounded for you are clearing the way for GOD to deliver better things to you. In answer the call the make changes you will find that you came alive and that youa re able to better serve the commiunity. As a result of throwing it away you will find yourself detaching from outcomes and thus you will will be able to move easier toward your goals and objectives. It is when we let go and let GOD guide us that we are able to create the life that we desire.

As I was throwing away some of my old shirts from events and organizations that I have been part a part of that created some memorable times I took pictures and posted to social media so I would have a record of them so that I could use them as a reminder to help me to stay motivated so that I cna continue to be of service and value to others. As I continue on my spiritual path I have learned that I need to throw away certain thoughts I had and start to take care of myself. I used to avoid doctors as I was fearful of what they would tell me but now I understand the importnace of seeing the doctors and dealing with things head on so they do not get worse. I used to think seeing a counselor or a psychologist was a sign of weakness which was garbage thinking because there is nothing wrong in seeking help. In the last 2 months I have learned to to throw away the negative mindset and to stay more positive and to go from limitting beliefs to limitless beliefs. As you continue to waken spiritually remember that by throwing away that which is bringing you down you will position yourself to move up. It takes courage to take the steps to throw things away so that you can continue to enhance the mind, body, and soul connection.

In decluttering my condo I have come to realiz that it takes a bit of courage to change for as you move away from that which no longer serves you may be tempted to forget everything and run instead of facing everything and rising. I was so worried about what others might think about me discontinuing some things because the items I had accumulated for fundraising had consumed my cond and made ot look like a warehouse that I was hesistant to stop asking for items and waited to declutter for awhile. When I decided to have the courage to change my mindset about getting my condo in order I began to feel more joy and thus was able to pass my joy onto others. In stead of worry what others would think I started to just clean and find ways to shrink the inventory of items I had accumulated thus crreating an enviroment that allows me to thrive. When you can throw away the physical and mental things that stop you from thriving you can make changes that allow you to help yourself and others. There is something catharatic about removing that which no longer serves you. If you ahve been hesitating to take steps to unclutter your life take a deep breath and begin now.  The experience will bring more bliss and abunance into your life as you will be more spiritually aware and awake and you will get a good feeling for you are making room for better things to come your way. It is through your commitment to throw or give things away that you will attract more bliss and abundance into your life. May you move toward in your quest to throw things away finding more spiritual growth as you declutter and move toward enlightenment today, Namaste!!!



Action Takers Awakening Change Come Alive Community Emotions Gratitude Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Motivation Music Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Service and Value Songs Spiritual Awakening Staying Alive The Journey Uncategorized Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Time For A Change!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Time For A Change!!!

Jonathan Lederman (@jdogglederman) / Twitter      On May 29,2022 I was discharged from Westside Medical Center after a 6 day stay. In those 6 days I realized that changes were necessary if I was continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have begun to follow up with doctor’s and am getting on a path to wellness. As I started to reflect on where I am now I came to understand that inorder to be of service and value to others you have to take care of yourself first. In peeling back the onion I have recognized that in my quest to be accepted and to make a positive impact on the world by showing that service to humanity is the best work of life I put myself at risk. As a result I let my health go to where I now have many issues that can  be corrected with lifestyle changes. The IBS, Diabetes,  and Hypertension can be controlled when I take action to release weight and to exercise. The Darier’s Disease ( The Skin Condition I have) can be contolled with dermatological care and using the cream that he told me to use. In the awakening process I have all asked GOD to help me change the things I can to accept the things I can not and to give me the wisdom to know the difference. In making changes I am beginning to come alive again and am makibg sure I put myself 1st so that I can help my community. My journey will not be easy but as I change my mindset and begin to focus on my self care and moving forward in my life I undestand that it is imperative to change.

In my quest to become the best version of myself that I can be I recognize just how important it is to make changes and to let go and let GOD. OVer the last 45 days I have been able to make better choices and have started to listen more to people who know a bit more about about health and wellness instead of being stubborn and yesing everyone to death. It is when we make changes physically, mentally, and spiritually that we beging to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives.

As I have written many times before we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. This begins by showing gratitude and praising GOD for paving the way for us and understand that GOD’s plan for us are far greater than our own. As many of you know I haven’t had steady work for about 2 years and have had some finacial challenges but I know this is all part of GOD’s plan for if GOD brings you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is through making changes and allowing GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to guide you that you can have bliss and abundance in your life.  In making changes we recognize that GOD is not finished with us yet.

It is when you commit to making changes after being knocked down that you will be reminded that you are unfinished in GOD’S eyes and he will give you the tools and resources to become a more complete person. We are all works in progress and unfinished thus it is important to make changes when GOD taps you on the shoulder and say it is time to wake up and change your life. One thing you could do is ask GOD to help you to remove that which no longer serves you. In removing things that no longer serve you you will feel better as you are able to make room for better things. It is now time for you to have the courage to change.

Some changes occur when we change our thoughts and discover what was holding us back. After not seeking medical attention for many reasons such as being fearful of what the doctor’s may find I changed my thinking and have begun to embrace my doctor’s visits realizing that with the correct treatments both traditional and holistically that my life will change. In the past I was very reluctant to go to hospitals as many people I know went into the hospital and never came out but now I accept the fact that thus thinking needed to change as my last hospital visit saved me as it put me on a path to see doctors and to get healthier. I was afraid of the expenses as money has always been a concern of mine however I now get the fact that GOD will provide and direct you properly so that you can walk in your truth and have a better life. It is now time for a change.

Being that nothing stays the same it is time to change for it is your chance to shine your light and illuminate the world. You will find that when you start to make positibve changes in your life everything seems to become better for you can reach your full potential by becoming the best person you can be. It is your time to seize the day and make the positive changes so that you can feel better menatlly, physically, & spiritually. Stay Positive!!!! Namaste!!!