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Spiritual Awakening: Source Strikes Again

Spiritual Awakening: Source Strikes Again

 I have stated many time that by being an action taken and fololwing your anthem that you will have an awakening and see how source strikes again. This was evidenced this week as I attended a dinner at The Victory Christian Center in Boca Raton as part of The Celebrate Recovery Program. I was invited by my friend Dale, who I had seen in a while and it was time to catch up and share as we both had just experienced the passing of  someone close, for me it was my mother for her her brother. She had told me I was covered, meaning that my meal was free, however when I arrived I took $3 and put it into the donation basket. The evening ended and I didn’t even think about the $3 I donated until yesterday (7/26/12) as I was leaving a client and had just received my check for services rendered when her husband handed me $30. I started to remember the passages that speak about when you give it is returned ten fold. This is what inspired this post Source Strikes Again. I invite you to share your stories of how source is working and striking in a positive manner in your life.

 Spiritual Awakening: How To Connect With Source?

Many times we are destined for a calling that source has given us all the tools to pursue and bring to fruition, however we may not be connected or open to receive at that time  and as a result we put up road blocks instead of making the connection with source. Some may call it the God Connection, The Jesus Connection, The Source Connection, The Buddha Connection, or something else. The key is that you tap into this amazing power that is inside of you that the world is in desire of. The question now is How To Connect With Source? There are many ways.