Spiritual Awakening: Changing On The Fly!!!
As I arrived at The Medical Center to have an ultrasound done on my abdomen to evaluate the hernia that was recently discovered there was a sign that their power was out. I called the number and rescheduled for Friday. As I walked back to my car I began to think how quickly the best laid plans of mice and men go astray and how important it is to be flexible. All of our lives we are taught plan your work and work your plan. What they don’t teach is the importance to change on the fly and to be able to adapt to all situations that you encounter. Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that things can change very rapidly thus it is important to have mechanisms in place to help cope with the changes. At first I was upset about having to reschedule my appointment but then I realized if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. As a result of a change in plans it freed me up to do this blog entry and to continue on my quest to find employment as my business has slowed down significantly. IN the past I would have gotten angry and created more issues and blockages but now because of my ability to change on the fly I was able to be grateful that I was given time to do other things and to move forward in a positive direction on my goals.