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Spiritual Awakening: Spiritual Lessons From Sports!!!

Spiritual Awakening:Spiritual Lessons From Sports!

Lessons Learned From Vince Lombardi

One of my favorite coaches( though I never saw him coach) is Vince Lombardi. Vince once taught a very important lesson that anyone who has had a spiritual awakening should know and that is to do everything with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and passion  are ingredients that lead to success. When you are fired up about something it shows and comes across and many people respect that as it shows that you are being authentic. Vince’s Green Bay Packers were taught to be winners on and off the field. His players had a spiritual connection as they knew they were all interconnected and together they could accomplish more. Their spiritual awakening came in the form of winning and the knowledge that it took stepping into their power and using their talents for good that would bring them together. Vince was an action taker who spoke his truth and wasn’t afraid of what others thought.  His belief that winning wasn’t everything that it was the only thing taught people that regardless of what you do you should do it great with a winning attitude. Vince’s message of what it takes to be #1  has been used to help many people make a spiritual connection and led to many spiritual awakenings.