Spiritual Awakening: Coming Together!!!
In the final scene from the movie, Grease, everyone came together to celebrate the milestone of turning the page and going froward with their personal and professional lives. For many of us it is a spiritual awakening when we make the decision to come together fort he common good of all people. In Grease Danny Zucko (John Travolta) and Sandy (Oliva Newton John) made changes and sacrifices finding common ground so that they could have a caring and loving relationship. If only life was like the movies where at the end most everyone comes together and the world is better for them setting aside their differences and making positive changes.
In coming together one must embrace their dreams even if to others they seem impossible. To those that say it is impossible explain to them that the word itself says I am possible. Then find people who share in your dream and your vision and have them come together. Think of yourself as the lone snowflake in a storm along you may have some power but gathered with other snowflakes you are the most powerful. You can also look at the power that you have and that others have and harness it to come together for the greater good of humanity. It is when we step into our power and shine our light that we give others permission to step into their power and shine their light thus the entire world is illuminated. Gather the dreamers and help them to turn their dreams into reality and you will see how powerful you truly are.