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Spiritual Awakening: Turn The Page

Spiritual Awakening: Turn The Page!!!

The last month has been filled with many trials and tribulations as I have faced many challenges in my life. I have had many days where it has seemed that I lost my mojo as many of the fundraisers that I had been promoting like POINTS FOR THE CURE BASKETBALL EDITION   and SEND CANCER TO THE PENALTY BOX  didn’t garner and donations. I began to think what am I doing wrong that people are not responding to my asking for support and then it hit me that it was time to turn the page. As I was shelling out $1093 to fix my car yesterday (6/14/2023) it hit me that instead of being upset that I needed to spend this money I should be grateful that I had the money to fix my car and that I need to turn the page and get back in touch with my inner divinity. I share my experience with you so that you can see that you are not the only one that may need to turn the page and make changes in the way you are doing things. In today’s world where we can get so caught up in issues that do not serve us we need to turn the page and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. As I arrived home yesterday I looked at one of the walls in my condo and saw The Serenity Prayer that has been on that wall for many years and it served as a reminder to get back on track to control the things I can and to accept the things I can’t and to have the wisdom to know the difference. I was also reminded that no one is served by excuse making and now is the time to become and action take and to plan your work and work your plan. As I sat down to write this blog I began to realize  that if you wallow in the negative you create blockages that stop you from reaching your full potential. The question now is how do you turn the page and get back on a positive path that will enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life? The answer is simple remind yourself that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. Now is your time to turn the page by consulting with GOD, Jesus, Spirit, Source, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that are watching over you and know the power that you possess and want you to step into that power and to become a difference maker. Now is your time to turn the page and to write your own story.

As today unfolds and you continue to write your story and turn the page remember that much of your greatness is yet to be written. Make today the best it can be as yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised. Remember that there are two types of people in the world the action takers and the excuse makers which one will be you be as you turn the page. How will you write your story today? What will you do today to move in a positive direction of your goals? When writing your story remember that you have the ability to change your circumstances by turning the page.

In writing your story turn to GOD and allow GOD to guide you so that you move forward in your quest to grow so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life and turn the page so as to continue writing your story. We can not go back and rewrite what ahs happened but we can learn fort he past so we can turn the page and live in the present while planning for the future. Do not let that which you can not control hold you back. Look deep inside your self and make the mind, body, soul connection that will allow you to turn the page. Don’t allow some negative outcomes to stagnate you focus on the good things that are happening and assume an attitude of gratitude. When things seem dark remember their is a light inside of you that needs to be turned on so that you can shine bright and illuminate the world. If things seem really bleak and your hope is lost let go and let GOD as GOD always provides.

Now is your time  to turn the page and realize that the plans that GOD has for your are far greater than your plan.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community

Spiritual Awakening: No Waiting!!!

Spiritual Awakening: No Waiting!!!

Today (7/26/2022) I had my endocronologist follow up appointment due to me having Type II Diabetes which I had neglected when I was 1st diagnosed a few years ago because I was afriad of what the doctor would tell me. After a 6 day stay in the hospital from May 23-29, 2022 I decided that it was time to take action and that waiting was no longer an option. This was a wake-up call of sorts as I have come to realize that if I am not taking care of myself I will not be able to take care of others. I am pleased to say the appointment went well and I am down 10 lbs to 214 from 224 lbs on my last visit. I have been able to modify my eating habits and as a result my blood sugar level has been in the range that the endocronologist wants it in. I go back in 3 months for another follow up. I have come to realize that by taking action that I can get healthier. In taking action I can also share my story and hopefully encourage others to get checked while they overcome their fears of seeing the doctor. The Type II Diabetes is one of many medical challenges I am facing which I am taking care of as I have come to recognize that part of the spiritual awakening process includes being aware of your body and doing what you can to stay on a path to wellness. The point I am making is that one should not wait to be healthy that you should make health and wellness part of your daily routine.  I ahve come to understand that when you look good and feel good you can do good. The idea of releasing weight had been on mind for years but I talked about it and never really acted upon it until I was hospitalized for 6 days then I decided to commit to making changes so that I can help others to awaken while I strengthen myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. It was in listening to GOD that I decided to finally take care of myslef and to do the things needed to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. It was time for me to face the truth and to believe in myself and to take action so that I can move forward in a positive direction of my dreams and goals. Through all my medical challenges I have learned that help is on the way.

In accepting that help is on the way I am able to become more and more aware and awake. In seeking help I have realized that there is no waiting to make the connection with GOD as GOD will send you messages and guide you so that you can walk in your truth and be the best version of yourself that you can be. Over the last 3 months I have made a decision that instead of forgetting everything and running that I will face everything and rise. It may take some time to remove blockages that have held me back however I no realize that when it comes to health and wellness and being of service and value to others you must take care of yourself first. Now is your time to stop waiting and to rise.

Many times when things seem the darkest and you want to wait that is the time to take action and allow things to play out as GOD has intended. Make today a day where you rise about that which was holiding you back so that you can thrive and begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Don’t hesitate to take care of yourself for when you tak action to stay well you can face all challenges that come your way. I learned the hard way as I didn’t see doctors for many years and kept saying to myself I will be okay only to find out that I was creating more issues that have now manifested themselves which I am taking care of however now. I hope that this entry will stop you from waiting and encourage you to take care of yourself. I encourage you to make each day count and to make sure you are not waiting to take care of important things in your life. As you stop playing the waiting game remember that this is the day that the lord hath made so be glad and rejoice in it. As you continue on hyour spiritual path and creating a life filled with bliss and abundance remember to take it one day at a time. Namaste!!!




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Spiritual Awakening: Time For A Change!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Time For A Change!!!

Jonathan Lederman (@jdogglederman) / Twitter      On May 29,2022 I was discharged from Westside Medical Center after a 6 day stay. In those 6 days I realized that changes were necessary if I was continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have begun to follow up with doctor’s and am getting on a path to wellness. As I started to reflect on where I am now I came to understand that inorder to be of service and value to others you have to take care of yourself first. In peeling back the onion I have recognized that in my quest to be accepted and to make a positive impact on the world by showing that service to humanity is the best work of life I put myself at risk. As a result I let my health go to where I now have many issues that can  be corrected with lifestyle changes. The IBS, Diabetes,  and Hypertension can be controlled when I take action to release weight and to exercise. The Darier’s Disease ( The Skin Condition I have) can be contolled with dermatological care and using the cream that he told me to use. In the awakening process I have all asked GOD to help me change the things I can to accept the things I can not and to give me the wisdom to know the difference. In making changes I am beginning to come alive again and am makibg sure I put myself 1st so that I can help my community. My journey will not be easy but as I change my mindset and begin to focus on my self care and moving forward in my life I undestand that it is imperative to change.

In my quest to become the best version of myself that I can be I recognize just how important it is to make changes and to let go and let GOD. OVer the last 45 days I have been able to make better choices and have started to listen more to people who know a bit more about about health and wellness instead of being stubborn and yesing everyone to death. It is when we make changes physically, mentally, and spiritually that we beging to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives.

As I have written many times before we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. This begins by showing gratitude and praising GOD for paving the way for us and understand that GOD’s plan for us are far greater than our own. As many of you know I haven’t had steady work for about 2 years and have had some finacial challenges but I know this is all part of GOD’s plan for if GOD brings you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is through making changes and allowing GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to guide you that you can have bliss and abundance in your life.  In making changes we recognize that GOD is not finished with us yet.

It is when you commit to making changes after being knocked down that you will be reminded that you are unfinished in GOD’S eyes and he will give you the tools and resources to become a more complete person. We are all works in progress and unfinished thus it is important to make changes when GOD taps you on the shoulder and say it is time to wake up and change your life. One thing you could do is ask GOD to help you to remove that which no longer serves you. In removing things that no longer serve you you will feel better as you are able to make room for better things. It is now time for you to have the courage to change.

Some changes occur when we change our thoughts and discover what was holding us back. After not seeking medical attention for many reasons such as being fearful of what the doctor’s may find I changed my thinking and have begun to embrace my doctor’s visits realizing that with the correct treatments both traditional and holistically that my life will change. In the past I was very reluctant to go to hospitals as many people I know went into the hospital and never came out but now I accept the fact that thus thinking needed to change as my last hospital visit saved me as it put me on a path to see doctors and to get healthier. I was afraid of the expenses as money has always been a concern of mine however I now get the fact that GOD will provide and direct you properly so that you can walk in your truth and have a better life. It is now time for a change.

Being that nothing stays the same it is time to change for it is your chance to shine your light and illuminate the world. You will find that when you start to make positibve changes in your life everything seems to become better for you can reach your full potential by becoming the best person you can be. It is your time to seize the day and make the positive changes so that you can feel better menatlly, physically, & spiritually. Stay Positive!!!! Namaste!!!


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Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Stop!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Stop!!!

      As you experience a spiritual awakening you will have moments that will having you wanting to stop as you feel you have gone far enough in your journey. When those moments come into your life take a moment to remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper so that you can prosper others. Many times people throw in the towel and stop and never realize their full potential. Today we are bombarded with many doubters, haters, and naysayeers who will nebver understand why we continue to fight on to reach our goals and dreama. We must block those people out and continue on our path and move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. There are going to be circumstances that we can not control such as decisions that other people make. When we want to stop we must reach down deep inside of our selves and remember that we have a power that needs to be unleashed so as to pistively impact our lives and the lives of others. IT is time to be a warrior.

       It is when we have a warrior mindset that we can continue on our spiritual journey toward enlightment thus allowing us to shine our light and illuminate the world. Many times we have a tendacy to over analyze and worry about so much that we stop right before a break through is about to happen. The time is now to find your stride and to continue on your path to greatnesss and you were born to be great. I have had moments where I wanted to quit because I felt that people were not resonating with my message and were not responding to me like I would have liked them to but after I took a moment to reflect I remembered that I must not stop because if I stop my mission to be of service and value to others I stop growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. It is time to step up and get back up and achieve the goals I have set for myself and I encoiurage yiu to do the same.

Framed Don't Quit Poem Print

Many times when you want to quit simply rest and reflect but do not stop as you have a inner divinity inside of you to tap into to make a connection with GOD so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. It is in the times that seem the hardest that we find the strength to perservere and become stronger understanding that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have had many ideas that I have implemented that I didn’t get the response that I was hoping for and I wanted to stop and simply fade away but I knew if I di that that I would only be shrt changing myself and the people that I was meant to help. In the last few months I have had some challenges in my fundraising efforts for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I wanted to give up and stop as I thought after 25 years of fundraising I have done enough and it is time for someone else to do what I have done and then I am reminded why I continue to do what I do and not to stop because there are so many people who actually appreciate what I do. After a few negative encounters I simply took a moment to mediate and through the meditation the message I received I began to comprehend the idea that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. I have come to understand that when you put yourself out there you will encounter some people who are simply not interested in anything you are doing but those that are meant to help will be put in your path. Sometimes it is simply a matter of being committed to finish what yiou started. When you feel like giving in and stopping remember that you are here for a reason.

       It is when you finmd you purpose and your reason that you begin to tap into the resources that will not allow you to stop. I have found that for every no or negative interaction there are more yeses and more positive interactions to come. IT is time to focus on the positive interactions and to understand that I am going to encounter excuse makers and action takers. It is importsant to show gratitude for the action takers and to simply let the excuse makers pound sand. It is your time to soar.


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Spiritual Awakening: Unleash Your Inner Warrior!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Unleash Your Inner Warrior!!!

     Once you experience a spiritual awakening you realize just how strong you can be as you unleash your inner warrior. It is when you tap into your inner divinity and release the warrior inside of you that you are able to walk in your truth and thus attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Though their may be some turbulence along the way you can adjust and allow your inner warrior to guide you as you continue your spiritual journey. Now is your turn to become invincible.

     When you unleash your inner warrior and put on the armor of GOD you will realize that the only thing that can stop you from achieving greatness is yourself. It is your season to face everything and rise by living a life of purpose and becoming an taking action. When you take action you begin to attract the people and the resources that are needed to create the life you desire. It all comes down to making a commitment to being a warrior and to becoming the best version of yourself. It is your time to walk in your truth and simply become heart centered as you unleash your inner warrior.

      Now more than ever we need warriors to stand up and be of service and value to one another. No is the time for us to connect and become warriors of hope as we seek to change the world and make it a better place as we awaken spiritually and unleash our inner warrior. We have the power to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to enhance our own personal, professional, and spiritual lives.

Pin on The 1/1/1 Leader Project

It is through the connectedness of spirit that we are able to join forces and make positive changes by sharing messages that will resonate with other and thus create more bliss and abundance into our lives. I have found that by unleashing your inner warrior and joining hands with others in a peaceful way that you positively impact your community and as a result you prosper so you can prosper others.

          One of the great ways to tap into your inner warrior and set it free is to use music that will increase your vibrational levels so that you vibrate on a plain that will attract the resources that are necessary to create a place where you can shine your light and illuminate the world. When we unleash our inner warrior and lift our voices to GOD we are guided to walk in our truth and to create a better world simply by helping one person at a time.

     Another way to unleash your inner warrior is to take out the trash and to clear the blockages that are stopping you from stepping into your power and achieving greatness. We have all had adversity in our lives and that is what strengthens us as we are able to overcome challenges and become warriors. When you unleash your inner warrior you will find that you get closer to reaching your dream.

       When things seem the toughest that is when you must unleash your inner warrior for those who do not quit find success. I have stated several times that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it as I have  experienced first hand how GOD has guided me through challenges and obstacles. When you sit in meditation and you find your inner warrior you will become stronger and be able to face anything that comes into your life.

Courage quote with inspirational photo

It takes courage to put yourself out there and to walk in your truth as there will always be doubters, haters, and naysayers but a warrior does not try to fight the doubters, haters, and naysayers a warrior simply stays committed to walking in the truth and serving as a n example to others that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations and that service to humanity is the best work of life. The time is now to unleash your inner warrior and to face everything and rise. You have a choice to make and that choice is to either be an action taker or an excuse maker.

  It is my hope that this song will help you to unleash your inner warrior so that you can make positive changes in your life that will allow you to excel at all you do and to embrace the idea that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe that you can achieve. Now is your time to unleash your inner warrior and to continue on your spiritual path. Namaste!

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Spiritual Awakening: Live Life On Your Terms!!!

As I sat in a presentation from Legal Shield in heard the speaker talk about living life on your own terms and it really resonated with me as it reminded me of the spiritual path I have chosen to take. In living my life on my terms and doing it my way I have had ups and downs. I have experienced the loss of my MOM on July 5, 2012 and my DAD on June 7, 2018 and the one thing that I am grateful for is that I allowed me to live my life on my own terms. They might not have always understood the decisions I made but they allowed me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually on my own terms. In living life on my own terms I have learned so much like making sure that if you have an elderly parent that they have a will and that you are included on all important documents such as deeds to property, bank accounts, and any other assets that they have. I also learned to make sure they have their final arrangements taken care of so that you have peace of mind and do not incur a major expense when they are called home to GOD.

In understanding that this is your life and it is yours to live ion your terms as directed by GOD you will be able to tune into your Divine Guidance System and create the life that you desire. As you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life you will see that living on your own terms may create challenges thus you will want to ask the question of how does this serve my higher self. In serving your higher self you will begin to see more peace,love, joy, and prosperity in your life. There will be times of struggle so just remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In the last 7 months I have been dealing with many situations that I never saw myself in like having to make a mortgage payment, and paying off a home equity loan as a result of my DAD passing and me needing a roof over my head. I have reached out to help and set up a page at and have had a few people step up. In August of 2018 I had one person step up in a big way to help me and I am grateful that this person walked in his truth and supported me in the manner in which he did. I have asked many others to please use my services as a PA Announcer, an Emcee, a Voice Over Talent or to book a consultation with me and am grateful for those who have stepped up to use my services. There are many out there who could have helped but have not for whatever reason they may have. I have come to learn that there are two types of people in life excuse makers or action takers. You must determine which category you will fall into so as to live life on your terms.

Be Bold And Live Life On Your Own Terms!!!

It is when you commit to living on your own terms and decide to be of service and value to others that your life will change. There will be trials and tribulations thus remember you have the power to change the things you can and accept the things you can not and the wisdom to know the difference. It is in removing the people and things that no longer serve you that you make progress.

As you begin to live life on your own terms you will want to live out loud and walk in your truth. You will encounter doubters, haters, and naysayeers so it is important to ignore them and live your life on your terms. It is also important to also stop your own negative self talk. When you commit to living life on your own terms and move in a positive direction toward your goals and dreams you will find yourself feeling more fulfilled. Make today the day you start living life on your own terms. Namaste!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Who Is Protecting You?

As I was watching TV the other day I watched a State Farm commercial which asked who is protecting your house? This made me think about who is protecting you as you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life? As I sat in meditation I realized that I was being protected by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Master, and The Angels. As I came out of the mediation I began to understand as long as I maintain my connection with my protectors and listen to their messages that everything will work out in the end. As you waken spiritually you will find yourself protected and thus in more favorable positions to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life so that you can do the same for others. In staying connected and being focused, centered, and grounded you will find everything flowing in your life just as GOD has intended. GOD will protect you and guide you by giving you messages on a regular basis. It is up to you to accept this protection and trust in GOD that GOD will prosper you and provide for you.

As many of you who read this blog on a regular basis are aware I have had my share of trials and tribulations over the last 6 years and at times have found myself in a struggle questioning what will happen however once I let go and let GOD I began to see that I was protected and everything was happening according to GOD’S Plan for GOD’S Plan for me is far greater than my own. I have also started to realize that when you are protected and feel secure that you can step into your power and achieve the greatness that is your birthright. As GOD has protected me GOD has put me in places where I can thrive and has created situations that lead to success. The power to change lies within us and if we understand that GOD will protect us and not give us anything that we can not handle we will begin to manifest the life we desire.

When you start to strengthen your relationship with GOD and detach from outcomes you will find it easier to live your life on purpose by being of service and value to others. As I reflect back on my 40 years of community service I can point to all the times I had success and every instance shares one thing in common and that is that I was open to accepting that I was being guided and protected by GOD. To further my protection I have called on Arch Angel Michael to put up a wall of protection around me so that I can flourish as I continue on my spiritual journey toward enlightenment.

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These cards will help you to stay protected thus allowing you to thrive.

One of the tools in my spiritual tool box are The Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I utilize these cards to further my protection and to take action to shield myself from any challenges I may face in my human existence. In consulting with The Angels you will be guided to take the action necessary to manifest the life you desire. Many times it is as simple as just listening to your protectors. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Breaking Free!!!!

     As you embrace the spiritual awakening process it is important to be able break free from that which no longer serves you. It is important to break free from the belief systems that are creating blockages in your life by making a commitment to change your mindset and thus breaking free from that which is stopping you from stepping into your power and achieving the greatness that is your birthright.

Walk in your truth and embrace your power!!!

      When you decide to break free and understand that you are one that can remove the shackles that are holding you back you will start to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. When you embrace the fact that you were born free and the only person that can take away your freedom you will find it it easier to rid yourself of the accouterments that have been holding you back over time. It is time to change your mindset and understand that it is not about the materialistic but rather the spiritualistic. Do not misinterpret this as being anti money as with money you can do many things and be of service and value to many people however the greatest gift you can give someone is a helping hand not a hand out. In breaking free from the belief that you need a big house, a fancy car, and expensive clothes to be considered successful you will find that you are able to attract everything you need so that you can positively impact your life and the lives of others. 

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Be The One Who Stays Positive In The Face Of Adversity!!!

     As you break free from that which has kept you in mental bondage you will see that you begin to attract more bliss and abundance into your life for you stop thinking about what you do not have but you are grateful for what you do have. In the last few months I have found myself breaking away from that which is not serving a higher purpose and as a result I have been blessed with support from people who share my same ideals especially those who believe that service to humanity is the best work of life. In looking at what I was allowing to hold me back and make changes to break free I realized that it was time to tap into my divine guidance system and reconnect with GOD and remember that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. I have also come to realize that my methods of doing things may not resonate with everyone and that is okay for those that are intended to hear my message and support my endeavors will be brought forth to me for GOD’S Plan is far greater than my own. It is important to realize that we are dancing on GOD’S Dance Floor and GOD makes the playlist.

    When we let go and let GOD we are able to break free from any barriers that we perceive to be holding us back. Sometimes it is as simple as taking massive action and moving forward in the direction of our goals allowing GOD to direct us. Sometimes it is simply a matter of letting go of the people, places, and things that no longer serve us. As I sat in meditation I realized that I was holding on to some ideas that were ego driven and thus they were edging GOD out so it was time to break free from those beliefs and to simple stay connected to GOD and understand that GOD will provide all that I need so that I can continue to be of service and value to others. 

    Now is the time to break free and praise GOD who will continue to guide you and allow you to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. Watch what you are focusing on as what you focus on expands. Watch the words you are using so that you can break break free. It is time to speak life and remain on your spiritual journey despite what others may think. You will encounter many people who simply will not understand that everyday you are changing and becoming stronger in mind, body, and spirit thus allowing you to break free. When you encounter these people don’t try to defend your actions simply stand in your truth and continue to walk your path showing them that you are making a better life for yourself and others.

    The words we choose to use will determine how free we become. When we can turn off the negativity and break free we can move in a positive direction shining our light bright so we illuminate the world. Our words become actions and our actions can empower and inspire others. It is your time to become stronger.

    As you break free from that which no longer serves you you will find that you are getting stronger and that things will improve. In the darkest of times things seem dim but then there comes a light to lift you up and thus the darkness dissipates  and the light takes over allowing you to break free. Now is your season to break free!!! Namaste!!!

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Flow Forgivness Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Hope Prevails!!!

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and text
Relay For Life Where Hope Is Found

   In 1999 I embarked on a journey to help those touched by cancer. I was angry as cancer had taken so many from me and then I found Relay For Life and I experienced what I will call my first recognizable spiritual awakening. I am sure I had other spiritual awakenings however the first one I can recall as I began to fundraise for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Relay was a new concept in the community where I was living at the time(Coral Springs, FL). It was a challenge to get people involved and I was a mighty team of one. I was guided by GOD to contact all the people I knew in the city and ask for their support so I did just that. I had excellent results and our first Relay For Life in Coral Springs raised over $40,000. As the years went on I would lose more people to cancer but instead of getting angry I used the losses as fuel to fund research, education, advocacy, and services and have been successful. On July 5, 2012 my faith was tested greatly as I held my mother’s hand as she took her final breath and was called home to GOD after suffering a massive heart attack while battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. It was at this moment that I had another spiritual awakening as I went down stairs to make calls and catch my breath and try to understand that my mom was gone. It was about 90 degrees out and I was shivering like a leaf and when I reached it the trunk of my car what did I find, yes you guessed it one of my relay for life hoodies. I looked up to heaven and knew that my mom was already sending me signs and that I was to continue in my effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. My experiences with Relay For Life have had there ups and there downs. People have told me why they don’t support The American Cancer Society and that is okay. In the past I tried to convince them why they needed to support my efforts to help The American Cancer Society however now I simply show gratitude to those supporting the efforts and to those who aren’t I simply accept that trying to change their mind is like wrestling a pig in the mud you are both going to get dirty but the pig enjoys it. I have come to understand that hope prevails when you stay focused, centered, and balanced on your calling. 

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Hope!!!

  After being in a dark place I sat in meditation and turned to my creativity as a writer and wrote this poem which helped me to come out of the darkness and into the light gaining an understanding that hope prevails. 

Celebrate Life

By Jonathan Steven Lederman

We gather tonight United in this fight

People from all walks of life Overcoming hardships and strife

Walking for 6 hours

Showing the power Coming together

So that Cancer is beaten forever

May the lights shine bright

As you continue your fight

The survivors you inspire

With your courage and desire

Caregivers you motivate

With dedication and the hope you create

So gather everyone with your teammates

Say a prayer or two

For your loved ones, friends and you

Celebrate Life!!

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In taping into your inner divinity you will find that hope prevails!!!

   It was when I began to tap into my inner divinity and allow myself to be guided by GOD that I was able to understand that hope prevails. As a result I have been able to find success with my activities with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life, overcome adversity in my life, and to continue on my path toward enlightenment.  Many times I am asked what my secret is and my answer is that when things seem the darkest that is GOD making a way for you to shine your light. In embracing the idea that hope prevails I have come to learn that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have also come to realize that my methodology may not resonate with everyone but those who are in need of receiving my message will and those will be the ones who help me to be of service and value to others. I have also come to understand that if you truly want hope to prevail you must become an action taker.

    We all need to have hope if we are to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In many cases you simply need to let go and let GOD. GOD will help you to shine your light bright thus enabling you illuminate the world. As long as there is a burning ember in your heart you can fan the flames and create a fire that will make you unstoppable thus showing you that hope prevails.

     Now is the time for you to be brave and to embrace the fact that hope prevails. Now is your time to continue to on your path by stepping into your power and achieving your greatness so as to show the world that hope prevails. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Vote Yourself In!!!

       As I went to vote I decided that since I did not like either candidate for Governor that I would write myself in because I am a warrior with a mission to be of service and value to others. As I left my polling place I started to think about how many times one must vote themselves in so as to progress in a positive direction towards their goals as they evolve in the spiritual awakening process. Sometimes you have to go uninvited and stand out so that you can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually understanding that you were born to prosper by helping others. I have used the mantra that service to humanity is the best work of life for several years now and when no one else would step up to the plate I often stepped up voting myself in and thus leading the way to positively impact the lives of others. Sometimes you simply have to vote yourself in and then allow GOD to guide you so that you will prosper. I remember back in 1989 my Jaycees chapter was about to cancel The Holiday Shopping Spree for Needy Children as there were very little funds in the treasury. As a new member I suggested we approach businesses to see if they would sponsor a child for $50. I was told we never did that before I asked why not and was told because we just didn’t. My answer was let’s start now. They answered you can do that if you want to but we aren’t going to do that. Guess what I did I started calling people I did business with and asked for their support then I called on businesses that were prominent in the community and asked for their assistance. Two weeks later at a chapter meeting I came in to the meeting with over $3000 in donations. That year we took 64 children holiday shopping. It was at that moment that I realized to whom much is given much is expected. In the years since I have found myself voting myself in when others would not step up. As a result I have experienced personal, professional, and spiritual growth. It is when you vote yourself and commit to making a positive impact on the lives of people you come in contact with that you begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Sometimes it is just simply reminding yourself that you were born for this.

Now is the time for you to vote yourself in as you are a powerful person destined to make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. It is time to find your purpose and to live that purpose so that you can receive the bliss and abundance that comes from voting yourself in. It is when you step up and take action that you achieve the greatness that is your birth right. It is when you step into your power and vote yourself in and become an action taker that you begin to evolve spiritually thus moving toward spiritual enlightenment. Sometimes it is just a matter of stepping in when no one else will.

    It is your life and it is time to vote yourself in. It is time for you to realize that you area  divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to be successful. It is time to live each day to its fullest so that at the end of the day you can say yes I lived my day in joy and I brought joy to others. It is time to understand that it is not about securing materialistic things but it is about growing spiritually and leaving a legacy of hope and healing for future generations.  It is your season to serve and to be served so vote yourself in and stay positive.