Spiritual Awakening: Putting Yourself First!!!
In the last 13 months I have come to realize that most of the reason that I am in the position that I am in is due to the fact that for 40 plus years I have put helping others in front of helping myself. I found myself justifying this by thinking I was meeting a spiritual responsibility by being of service and value to others, which is important however if you can not help yourself you will not be able to help others. I was justifying what I was doing by thinking well I am taking action and helping other people to excel when in reality this was hindering me because I was not making my physical, mental, and spiritual well being a priority. It was when I awakened to the spiritual principles of putting myself first and connecting to GOD that things began to turn around. Though I am still a bit financially challenged and have set up a donation page at www.gofundme.com/help-jdogg-save-his-condo-and-more I know things will improve as I put myself first and take action as directed by GOD. In calling upon GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance to put myself 1st I have found myself gaining more clarity in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. In discovering the power of putting myself first I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply live in the moment knowing that GOD put me here to serve my community by answering my calling to come alive and to effectively make the changes I can as I live a spiritual life in my human form. In putting myself I have been able to pursue some of my dreams while putting many of the emotions that used to hold me back aside.