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Spiritual Awakening: Becoming Heart Centered!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Becoming Heart Centered!!!


Over the last several years  I have had the pleasure of meeting many people who are truly heart centered. These people put others first asking how they can be of service and value to others. They are constantly looking for ways to make the world a better place. When asked for support they are the first to step up. These heart centered people make up less than 5% of the population, however they are the ones who are most successful in their personal and professional life.  One of these people is Kristin Planinz, whose email resonated with me and she gave me permission to share it here on this blog. When I first started this blog it was to share with others so as to empower and inspire them to enhance their personal and professional life. Thank you to Kristin Planinz for sharing her insight.


Intuition Insight

How to See When You Can’t See
True Story #1:
Yesterday I was practicing gratitude and I decided to show some gratitude by doing something nice for my husband (Kyle).  So I filled up the car with gas before he left to work.  I was laughing to myself, thinking of how happy he would be when he discovered what I did and I anticipated a lovely phone call just a few minutes after he left.
I got that phone call, but it wasn’t lovely.  As he rushed off to work he didn’t notice the gas gauge and attempted to refuel the tank.  But when the gas refused to fit where it couldn’t, it ended up all over Kyle instead and he got angry!
His first impulse was to blame me for his misfortune.  Why didn’t I tell him what I had done?  He would have experienced gratitude knowing what I had done and gone on his merry way to work, avoiding the whole unpleasant encounter.
My perspective:  why did he not look at his gauge?  Why did he set himself up to be rushing so much that he didn’t look at what was right in front of him?  How could I have known he wouldn’t see?