Spiritual Awakening: Be An Agent Of Change!!!
As I look at all the events unfolding around the world I think what can I do to become an agent of change and how can I become more and more spiritually awake? The answer came as to become an agent of change. It is time to tap into the inner divinity that lies in all of us and connect with others by being loving and caring in all we do and taking action and not allowing naysayers and negative self talk to get in the way.
If you are to change the world you first need to change yourself. You must be willing to go to the ends that no one else is willing to go. You must be willing to step into your power and through all your fears away. You must be willing to loose those who you thought were friends and overcome all the doubters.
In becoming an agent of change you must be true to yourself and be authentic understand that you are a divine child of GOD with a purpose. It is when you commit to becoming an agent of change that you will start to take actions to answer your calling and realize personal, professional, and spiritual growth. You will begin to find opportunities that you never though existed as you begin to take action to move in a positive direction of your dreams. It is when you truly believe that you can make a difference and you work at using your talents to make positive changes that your life and the lives of of others improves. Ask yourself what will I do today to become an agent of change for me and others? Ask yourself how you will show others that service to humanity is the best work of life. Start to believe in yourself and invest in yourself and you will become an agent of change.