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Spiritual Awakening: Shaken Not Stirred!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Shaken Not Stirred!!!!


 In the James Bond movies he has a catch phrase when ordering his martini, Shaken Not Stirred. As I reflected back on this phrase I immediately thought that there are many times when we take action that we are shaken and not stirred and when we are shaken we must find something to un-shake us and put us back on our spiritual path that will allow us to continue in the spiritual awakening process. This song was one of the reminders that if you have faith and you create a oneness consciousness you will not be shaken, however if you are shaken you can get back on track. In answering your calling and following your heart you will have some detractors who will do their best to shake you and take you off of your path. Do not allow these naysayers and doubters to shake you simply detach from them and move forward in the positive direction of your dreams. As you begin to change those that are involved in your life will change. At first this may shake you up as you eliminate people and things that no longer serve you. As you get past the initially shake up you will begin to come alive and see that you have greatness inside of you and that it is time to step into your power.

Spiritual Awakening: Shaken Not Stirred- A Success Story!!!

 Sometimes in our efforts to be of service and value we will be shaken as not everyone will resonate with our efforts. In my quest to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays through my involvement with Relay For Life I used to take it quite personally when someone said no or made an excuse or was mean towards me. I recently realized that if I am shaken this doesn’t serve my purpose and that I must detach from the outcome and continue to do what I am comfortable with. I was a bit shaken during the fundraising for The 2014 American Cancer Society Relay For Life because I kept comparing my results with the results of others.  As I was telling someone that I have raised $1862 so far they said that is great. I replied yes but there are people who have raised a lot more. The person’s response to me after that was JDOGG you have to stop comparing yourself to what others have done your $1862 is $1862 that the organization didn’t have before you did fundraising. I reflected on his words and thought he is right. It was at that point that I became un-shaken and continued to do the fundraising the way I was comfortable and looked at each dollar raised as a triumph. I began to use the concept of gratitude and instead of being shaken I was able to stay the course an now look at from the perspective that some money raised is better than no money raised. I now look at the detractors in a different light as I know some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.