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Spritual Awakening: Dipping The Apple- Shana Tova

Spiritual Awakening: Dipping The  Apple

 This video is the inspiration behind this blog entry today. As I  bit into a chocolate covered apple from Edible Arrangements I took a moment to really enjoy. I looked out the window and the sun was bright with some rain coming down  the lake and the palm trees brought a smile to my face. I began to think how many times do we go through a day without dipping the apple, not in a literal sense but it a figurative sense.  Taking a moment to dip the apple and being appreciative for the joys and sweetness that come into our lives daily helps to make the mind, body, soul connection. Each day we can stimulate our mind by reading, we can enhance our body through exercise, we can add joy tot he soul by assuming an attitude of gratitude.  We can truly dip our apple and enjoy the sweetness of our spiritual journey.

 I found this video to be very entertaining and it brought a smile to my face and made me realize that it was time to reflect and follow messages that were being sent from GOD. As we enter anew year on The Jewish Calendar remember that you can make a positive difference in your life and the lives of those around you by continuing your spiritual development.  You have a chance to be an action taker and to set in motion positive events when you take time to dip your apple.  When you have your awakening you will realize that there is a greater power than you that will lead you in the direction you were meant to go.

 What actions are you taking to be inscribed into the book of life. One great way to dip your apple is to help others in their charitable causes.  You will notice a donate button on this page and it is my hope that you will answer the calling for help and do waht you can to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.  If things have not been going the way you want you can make a change by dipping your apple and finding the joys to celebrate. You have the opportunity to come alive and help others to come alive by being a beacon of hope to them. Community service is one way to give back and to lead the life that GOD has designed for you and to insure that you are inscribed into the book of life.

As we usher in The Jewish New Year let us be reminded that we have a power inside of us to help others  and to make a positive impact in our lives and the lives we come on contact with.
 It is when we dipour apple and take time for a quiet and peacful moment that we often find the greatest joy.  It is when we go deep inside ourselves that we truly discover how great we are. In many cases it is when we put on reflective music and just allow ourselves to be that we realize how good life is. The sun shine bright, the water ripples in the lake, the palm trees sway in the wind and the messages begin to come in to appreciate what we have and to show gratitude for what has been provided. Though there will be trials and tribulations that will build our character it is important to dip your apple.


The singer in this video passed at age 38 from a massive heart attack in 1997. This shows us just how important it is to dip our apple daily. Please share how you are dipping your apple.