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Spiritual Awakening: Applaud and Celebrate Your Greatness and Greatness in Others

One of the greatest ways to celebrate and embrace greatness is sitting quietly watching the sunset and recording all that was great in the day.

Spiritual Awakening: Embracing Greatness

When I meet people that are inspiringa nd empowering others I like to applaud and celebrate them. I like to embrace greatness and offer people that are making a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others an opportunity to appear on my Internet Radio Show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, that airs on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at I also like to invite them to be part of my weekly teleclass, Tantalizing Tuesday which is heard from 7-8 PM EST at 605-477-2100 pin 131099#. The idea is to empower and inspire others by interviewing those who are walking their talk and delivering a positive message.  When you embrace and celebrate greatness you begin to find your own greatness. As you embrace your greatness you stretch yourself to do things you may have never thought possible. This was the case when I envisioned The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards. We are now 19 days away from this event and have 6 great speakers and 42 incredible honorees.Over the next few weeks I will introduce you to these honorees. It is my hope that you will visit and support the effort to embrace greatness.