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Spiritual Awakening: Coming Full Circle!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Coming Full Circle!!!

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As I went to get an affidavit notarized I realized that the place I was walking into, FOX TAX SERVICES, had donated to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life a few years ago when I was out collecting. It was am spiritual message as they had donated $10 and today the fee for the notarization was $10. As I left the office I started to think how things in our lives come full circle as GOD has a way of putting us in the right places at the right times to make us whole. As many of you are aware my DAD passed away in June of 2018. The other day In was reflecting back on the times that I had with him and began to realize that when I was younger he took care of me and as he got older I took care of him. As I sat in meditation over where I am and where I want to be the concept of being whole and things coming full circle permeated my thoughts. As I continue to take the action necessary to move forward in a positive direction towards my dreams I realize that everything we do will come full circle so it is important to be fully aware of the energy that we are giving out and how we are vibrating with others. It is important to see what we are tuning into and focusing on as what we focus on expands and thus allows us to connect with the Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus,  and The Angels which allows us to expand on our awakening. As we come full circle it is important to detach from outcomes so that we can come alive and answer our calling so we can be come the change we want to see in the world and thus be of service and value to our community.