Spiritual Awakening: Rising Up!!!
Today we mark Good Friday and The 1st Night Of Passover. The coincidence of this is the fact that The Lat Supper was actually a Passover Seder showing us that we are more alike than we are different and that we are all spiritually interconnected. Through the spiritual awakening process we begin to see that we are all divine children of GOD and no one way of thinking is better than the other. In taking action to show reverence to GOD we come together for the betterment of our community. On Passover we eat Matzah as The Israelites did not have time to let the dough of the bread rise but it also marks a time when The Israelites rose up to take on Pharaoh and escape slavery. Easter marks the great rising of Jesus Christ, The Savior, who became the ultimate lamb to erase and forgive our sins helping those who believe to be redeemed.
When you feel distracted or like you are going off your spiritual path take a breath and rise up by embracing your inner divinity and then coming from a position of joy so that you can get back on your journey to success. We must look at ourselves as being divine children of GOD with amazing capabilities of being of service and value to others. When we understand the idea of redemption and forgiveness fully we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. We have been redeemed and GOD will watch over us and protect us just as he did The Israelites on their journey out of Egypt provided that we honor and praise him in all that we do.
Though The Israelites were freed from physical slavery how many of hold ourselves mentally enslaved due to limiting beliefs and thus create blockages the stop us from creating the life that we desire? In is when we realize that we can achieve anything we put our mind to by rising up and fending off the negative self talk and moving forward despite what the naysayers have to say. If The Israelites would have bought into the idea that they couldn’t fight Pharaoh they may still be in captivity. Ask what may be holding you captive then rise up and defeat it.