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Spiritual Awakening: Everything Counts!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Everything Counts!!!

As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise today (1/6/2018) I encountered many great people who understood the value of giving and this energized me as every donation was getting me closer to the goal I set of raising $2500 to help fund research, education, advocacy, and services. I also encountered some negative people who simply didn’t understand that we are all interconnected and every interaction you have with someone counts. When I encountered these people I remembered the teaching of Don Miguel Ruiz if not taking anything personally and not judging. I took a deep breath and began to tap into my divine guidance system allowing GOD to direct me to where I need to be to have success in my quest to attack cancer from every angle. It was when I sat in reflection at Starbucks folding the brochures for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise that I began to understand that everything we do to be of service and value to others counts. Each action we take to show that service to humanity is the best work of life counts as it energizes us and allows us to vibrate at a level that will attract the resources we need to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually into our life.

As I continued to reflect on the happenings of the 2 hours spent promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise I realized that it takes everyday people to come together and understand that everything counts. Every moment we have the opportunity to touch lives in a positive manner and when we make it a point to stay positive positivism will follow us and allow us to manifest the life that we desire. The smallest gesture counts as it can change someone’s day and propel them to heights they had only dreamed of in the past. I have found that many people will listen and understand the value of making a spiritual connection where everyone benefits. I have come to learn and understand that it is not my job to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path but to allow the universe to work and when they are ready they will find their path. In understanding that it is important to walk in your truth you will soon see that everything you do counts. Sometimes things may appear to be an illusion but even those illusions count as they remind us to question everything.