Spiritual Awakening: 12/12/12 Another Day Or A Day Of Awakening?
As I awoke today I began to ponder the meaning of 12/12/12 and realized that it is another power energy day where certain portals will be made available to those who are on a spiritual path to become more enlightened and thus to continue their expansion and their quest for transformation so as to positively impact the world. Tapping into the number of positive energy fields today will help you to become an action taker where your anthem will allow you to have an awakening and to follow your calling. Today can be a great day to affect change in your personal and professional life as you begin to come alive and get involved with your community. Those reoccurring dreams and messages can now be acted upon with the confidence that you will be emotionally ballanced and the outcomes will be favorable. You feelings will be powerful and more easily understood today.One way to create more positive energy today is to engage in fellowship by sharing encouraging words with all those you come in contact with. A smile will go along way in tapping into the positive energy of today. The way you react to the flow today will help in answering the question is today just another day or is a day for awakening?