Spiritual Awakening: Waking America Up To Positivism!!!
As we celebrate the birth of The American Nation this week let us look back and honor those who awakened and rose up to give us the inalienable right to pursue happiness. Our forefathers didn’t like how they were being treated so they revolted against what they perceived to be tyranny and misrepresentation. They became action takers and realized that they were divinely driven to make their world a better place. They made many sacrifices and many would describe their battle as a spiritual awakening as they realized that they had the GOD given right to be happy and prosper. Over the years the 4th of July has become simply a day off for parades and barbecues and don’t forget the fireworks. However for me the 4th of July has taken on a different meaning it is a day where I can wake up my community to the concept of positivism, which is finding a way to be positive while being of service and value. The 4th of July over the years meant I could exercise my right to freedom of assembly and spread some positive energy to those I came in contact with. I remember a 4th of July in 1989 where I met The Coral Springs Jaycees for the first time as they were sponsoring The 4th of July Activities in Coral Springs and circulating a petition to ban the burning of The American Flag. As someone who had many family members and friends serve our country I had no problem in signing the petition. I was invited to their meeting. I attended that meeting and I saw The Jaycees Creed for the first time.
That night was part of the furthering of my spiritual awakening process. I quickly began to get involved in projects and saw first hand the difference you can make when you commit to the concept of positivism. The Jaycees Creed has become one of my anthems to remind me daily that I have a purpose to help other people excel and to wake people up to the concept of positivism.