Spiritual Awakening: Changing The Oil!!!
In order for your care to run properly you need to change the oil. In order for your infusion lamp to work you have to change the oil. If you are to maximize the spiritual awakening you must change your oil. The oil change is in the form of changing the way you do things and the way you react to things. In taking action to change your oil you will see a vast difference in your performance as you make the mind, body, and soul connection. As you look at the oil that is creating negative energy and you change it with oil to create positive energy you will see a major shift in how things are occurring in your life. You can do a daily oil change in your life by looking at what created positive results and adding more oil to you while looking at what created negative results and draining it and replacing it with fresh oil. The more positive viscosity you can generate in your life the better. You change your oil in your car every 3,000 miles and what happens if you wait to long to change the oil your car becomes sluggish and doesn’t perform to its peak capacity the same is true with your mind, body, and soul thus you must be able to change your oil on a regular basis.
Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Change Your Oil!!!
The caterpillar morphs into a butterfly by changing its internal oil. The laws of nature take over and allows for this transformation to take place. In allowing for the change to take place the butterfly lives and gives life to other creatures by pollinating different flowers. One way to change your oil is to become a germinator and spread your positive pollen to others. When you begin to change those who you surround yourself with you begin to change your oil and find a mix that will lift you up and help you to fully experience your spiritual awakening. In making the transformation you will begin to experience more joy and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.