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Spiritual Awakening: The Final At Bat Finishing Strong!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Final At Bat Finishing Strong!!!

BOSTON (AP) -- Derek Jeter tacked one last hit onto his remarkable career, then waved his helmet in a final farewell to the major leagues. SuccessfulFinal at bat-FeatureDerek Jeeter  stepped to the plate at historic Fenway Park in what would be his final at bat in a 20 year career. Jeeter finished strong in dramatic fashio as he hit a single which also gave him a RBI (Run Batted  In). As I watched Jeeter’s final at bat I began to think how perhaps some divine guidance was involved as he always carried himself with dignity and grace being of service and value wherever he went. I began to ponder how our final bat will be?Will our spiritual awakening lead us to be like Jeeter and him that game winning RBI or perhaps a Homerun. The key is to start with the end in mind and take the action steps necessary to move forward in our spiritual awakening and work toward spiritual enlightenment.   Today ask yourself how your final at bat in life will be remembered.

 In that final at bat will you finally understand that you have name and the legacy you leave will forever be associated with that name.  Will you live out your dream and finish strong or will you simply coast and look back and wonder what might have been or could have been. The days of should ofs, could ofs, and would ofs need to be retired and the days of doing must be implemented.  In living up to your name in every at bat especially that final at bat is tantamount to personal and spiritual growth. I was recently told that my name Jonathan meant sent from GOD. I take this very seriously when I step tot he plate of life and take my at bats.  My Hebrew name is Yusel Simcha, meaning Jonathan The Blessing. I have taken this to heart in everything that I do as I do my best to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity to all I come in contact with.  In all the at bats we have leading up to that final at bat we should be able to say I did my best and I finished strong. Each time we think we struck out we must take a breath and internalize what we learned so the next time we can hit that single, double, triple, or home run.  We have the chance each time that we step to the plate of life to swing for the fences and make a positive impact in the world. Ask yourself how you want your final at bat to be and then do all you can to manifest that outcome.