Spiritual Awakening: Expose Yourself!!!
It is when you expose yourself to the spiritual teachings and embrace the spiritual gifts that you have been given by GOD, The Angels, and The Ascended Masters that you begin to release your attachment to materialistic things and realize that none of your earthly possessions really matters. What really matters is the fact that you can knowingly and authentically state that you are living a life of purpose that is bringing service and value to the world. The other day i heard people bragging about their cars and I thought well you can not eat your car and you can not feed others with your car. I then thought your car could bring to places to get food and buy food for others but at the end of the day that fancy BMW, Bentley, Mercedes, or Lamborghini is going to get you to the same place as my Chevy Cobalt. These same people then started to speak about their fancy homes and their mortgages and I thought wow do you really need a five bedroom home if you are single. Then they all began to complain about the bills that came with the cars and the fancy homes. I again thought if all this materialistic stuff isn’t bringing you happiness maybe you need to expose yourself to what the root of the issues are. In taking action to expose yourself to what the root issues are you will see that it isn’t always about materialistic possessions or your surroundings it is about who you truly are and embracing that person and then exposing yourself more and more peeling away the layers that have led to the blockages that are stopping you from moving forward.
On of the greatest ways to move forward is to consult clergy after you do this self assessment.Once you expose yourself and get naked with yourself you will find it easier to come alive and be of service and value to your community. In removing the fear of what you might find out you will be able to become more and more detached from the concept of being right and start to do the right thing. In exposing yourself you will able to more effectively move in the direction of your dreams. In doing a self assessment you will begin to see what emotions are hindering you and what emotions are helping you. The key is to continue to understand who you are and what is your calling is and to work toward answering that calling.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help Expose Yourself!!!
Many times when I need to expose myself to new messages or new teachings I will purchase some spiritual candles and light them while I sit in prayer and meditation. I will quiet my mind and thus I able to get centered and grounded and receive the messages that are designed for me.