Action Takers Anthems calling Change

Spiritual Awakening: Signs, Signs, Everywhere A Sign!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Signs, Signs, Everywhere A Sign!!!!

This post was inspired by a song from Five Man Electrical Band tittled Signs. As I listened to the the lyrics and really focused in I began to ask how many times have we missed signs or have we not acted upon the signs that being put infront of us. Is it no wonder that many struggle as they obliviously go through life not seeing nor understanding the signs? Have you ever received what you thought was a sign and then sat quietly asking the universe what it meant and listened for an answer?  There are signs all around us delivering messages to us and the more intune with the signs that we become the more fruitful our lives become as we begin to take action in an effective and efficient manner.

Spiritual Awakening:People to Help You Understand The Signs

 Satya Kalra, a founder of Path to Anandam is popularly known for her Anandam life style (Blissful Living). Satya’s mission in life is to live in love, peace and Anandam and spread the same to others by leading, practicing and propagating spiritual living and helping others to become more self-dependent and self-reliant, specially destitute women and children.

       I had the privilige of interviewing Satya on 1/14/13 on my radio program at, you can hear it in the archives. After the show she called me directly and we had a very nice conversation about how we can be of service and value to one another.  This all came to fruition because of the sign that I received to reach out for guests for my radio show, By becoming an action taker I was able to make a connection and follow the signs to continue my awakening.

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Spiritual Awakening: How Are You Lifting Others Up

Spiritual Awakening: Be A Lifter

Being a Lifter Gives You a Sense of Achievement!

When I first conceived the idea of The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards I looked to honor 50 people who are lifting people up and helping them to enhance their personal and professional life. As of today  I have 25 people who are truly lifters.  Lifters are people that see the good in others, shine their light everywhere they go, and make a positive impact in the lives of others. When you decide to be a lifter great things start to unfold and your message is maximized and received. Those that are being lifters that so far have been chosen to receive a Spiritual Entreprenuers Visionary Award are:

1: Sara Doctofsky- For helping children to achieve their full potential

2: Karen Goldberg Binette Raport- For showing people how to Feel The Hugs

3: Leslie Bruce- For also showing people how to Feel The Hugs