Spiritual Awakening: Focus On The Joy!!!
As I left the bank today(12/8/2017) I realized just how much joy I have in my life and how important it is to focus on the joy. I walked to my car thanking GOD for allowing me the opportunity to use my talents for good and as a result having money to take care of the necessities in life. As I got into my car I realized a shift in my being. It was at that moment that I reminded myself to bring joy to everything I do. In becoming an action taker driven with a purpose to be joyful while being of service and value to others I have found that I am more aware and awake spiritually. I still have some challenging moments however when those moments arise I do my best to be joyful. In reflecting back on 2017 and preparing fr 2018 I am reminded to focus on the joy that there is the world and to celebrate the small victories thus attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life.
In focusing on joy we open up many channels to receive as the universe return what it is given. If we go about each moment with a goal to be joyful we will receive joy in return. It is when you answer your calling in a joyful manner that you bring more joy into your life. I have been sending out direct messages to people to take a moment and visit http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg19 to make a donation to help plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. In the past I would get upset by the amount of people who weren’t responding but today I decided to be grateful and joyful for those that were donating. As I focused on the joy that their donation brings to those touched by cancer I realized that my entire attitude changed. I went from anger to happiness in a matter of moments. It was when we change our focus that our entire perspective changes.