Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment

Spiritual Awakening: A Force Of Nature!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A Force Of Nature!!!


 As we experience the spiritual awakening process we come to understand that there is only one way to live and that is to be larger than life. In becoming larger than life we become a force of nature with a purpose to be of service and value to others. When we become an action taker we become a force of nature by simply doing what others may fear to do. I have adopted the anthem of I am a force of nature whose vibration positively affects those I come in contact with.  As many of you know I am involved in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and recently made All Star Status by raising over $2500. I sit at $2526.90 with 8 days before my relay. My donation page is I was at a fundraising event a few weeks ago and one of the other volunteers described me as a force of nature and I said aren’t we all. She thought and said but you take action and just ask everyone aren’t you afraid of confrontation. I said no because I have GOD watching over me and directing me. When the fundraiser was over we had raised $129 in 4 hours and shared Relay For Life with many people. As I drove home I thought about how we are all made up of electrons and neutrons and that we all have a vibrational frequency and that if we were to simply be broken down we would simply be molecules filled with energized particles. As I arrived at home I started to think how we are all forces of nature and how we have the opportunity to become more spiritually advanced thus enhancing our personal and professional lives. I chose live life big to lead off today because there is no other way than to live.

Jonny Moseley is a well accomplished former Olympian who had a saying go big or go home. He was definitely a force of nature and in his sport of skiing he definitely became one with the slopes through hard work and dedication and finding the vibrational resonance that allowed him to perform at a top level. You are a force of nature as well and can perform at a high level by simply embracing your gifts and your talents and using them. So many times people do not evolve spiritually to become that force of nature because they are afraid of what might happen. If we eliminate the negative scenarios and simply move forward focusing on the immense positive possibilities  we become more powerful than we ever imagined. When we detach from the outcomes and we just do things with great love and gratitude we become a force of nature that can make a positive difference in our life and the lives of others.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: The Heat Is On!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Heat Is On!!!!

 As the final buzzer went off, The Miami Heat were victorious 117 -92 over The Indiana Pacers in Game 6 of The Eastern Conference Finals  Advancing to their 4th straight NBA Finals I kept thinking about how this relates to having a spiritual awakening. The Heat were determined to take strong action after a game five loss. Taking action is an important step in the spiritual awakening process. They saw a deficiency and rather than make excuses they took action to fix it. In the loss The Indian Pacers learn what they need to do to get past The Heat as The Heat has knocked them out of the playoffs for the last 3 years. The Pacers now know that they must make some adjustments. In the spiritual awakening process one will experience loss. In working through the loss you will grow by making adjustments that lead to victory.

 During your spiritual awakening you will become filled with fire that will fuel the energy for you to create the life that you desire. In being consumed with the fire of spirit you will be able to find clarity in purpose as you are creating a oneness consciousness with GOD that will allow you to step into your greatness and achieve the prosperity which is your birthright. As you are consumed by the fire of spirit it is imperative that you write your goals down and that you put a plan of action in place to achieve these goals. As you work toward your goals and answer your  you will find that the heat is on and GOD will continue to feed that heat so the fire is always kindled inside. There will be set back and there will be times that you may want to extinguish the fire. Do not extinguish the fire with in keep in burning because as long as there is one burning ember inside of you a flame can be turned into an inferno thus allowing for great things to happen in your personal and professional life.

 In being immersed in the fire that burns inside  you will begin to light the creative juices that will propel you forward in the positive direction of your dreams. The heat is on side of you and now is the time to turn it up and set a fire inside others. In shining your light and sharing your burning embers you effectively change the world one person at a time. In sharing positivity and being of service and value the fire spread and when the fire spreads for good everyone involved benefits.

Action Takers Anthems

Spiritual Awakening: Building The Motivational Pyramid!!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Building The Motivational Pyramid!!!

prgrsvimg In school we all took that required psychology class and what was the one thing that we all remember? Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs. Many of us get as high as Esteem Needs and stop never having the spiritual awakening to become self-actualized. To do this we must go deep inside and find our true calling and purpose. We must tap into the creative being that lives inside of us and begin to understand that we are divine children of GOD and his plan is bigger that we can imagine. In an effort to build the motivational pyramid we must become action takers by understanding the messages that are being given to us.

Spiritual Awakening: The Motivational Pyramid Blueprint!!!!

 When building  anything you need a blueprint so that you can see what the finished product will look like. The same goes with the spiritual awakening plan as you begin to build your motivational pyramid.

The first level is self motivation for you are the only one that can create what you desire. Start by stating I am motivated to______________________________. I have the power to create. I will move positive in the direction of my desire. Make a list of what motivates you and then create the goals that are realistic and attainable  and post them where you can see them. A great tool is to laminate a business card with your daily, weekly, and monthly goals with your action steps so that you can carry them with you to keep you self motivated.  There will be set backs, however for every set back there is progress to be made. A great way to keep motivated is to keep doing positive things for yourself and being grateful for the positive things. Sometimes all it takes to be self motivated is to change the words we use from I have to or I need to I get to. This small shift changes the way you look at things and creates a positive vibration and a good feeling that you strive to repeat.

Action Takers Awakening Community Emotions Feelings Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Life Lifting Love Messages Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Talents Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Strength After Superstorm Sandy!!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Strength After Superstorm Sandy!!!!



As the news broke of millions without electricity and many who lost everything in what is being refered to as Superstorm Sandy I began to wonder where the strength to carry on from the people affected by the storm will come from. I realized that it will come from those who are spiritually intune and understand it is not about fame or glory it is about helping those in need. I read many stories of compassion like the women who hung out a sign I have electric plug in your phone here or the restaurant that cooked for an entire community at no charge. There are many stories of positivity coming out of the devastation. I watched the Steelers-Giants Game on 11/4/12 and the commentators kept saying that The Steelers could have flown in Saturday as the hotel they had orginally booked was available and the team said no use the rooms for those that really need it. The Steelers won 24-20, I think Karma may have played a role showing us that when we sacrifice for others we are rewarded.