Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Talents The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spirituality: Optimizing Your Talents

Spirituality:Optimizing Your Talents

We all have talents in us and for many these talents lie dormant until we find them and let them come out.  Many times our talents come alive when we begin to find our passion and discover our purpose. There are times when the talents are there but due to fear or lack of encouragement we do not pursue the opportunity to use the talents. Many times we have natural ability and when used in  a positive way our life improves. Discovering your talent and letting it come out takes an understanding of who you are and how you are expanding and growing.

Spirituality: Discovering Your Talents

When was the last time you did a talent inventory? Have you asked yourself what am I good at, what talents do you possess, am I investing in myself?

Action Takers Award Winners Dreams Finishing Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Power Purpose Service and Value Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive The Journey Uncategorized Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Living On Purpose

Spiritual Awakening: Living On Purpose

How many times do we ask what is my purpose? When  we awake and begin to realize that our true purpose is to be of service and value to all that we come in contact with and thus make our world a better place by helping others we truly grow and expand. Today I was out promoting The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and went to Magics Arcade and as I stated I came to introduce myself the gentleman behind the counter said he wasn’t interested and isn’t buying anything. I answered with how silly are you going to be to not be open to receive and thus let an opportunity to bring business to you go by the wayside. After a dialogue he came around and thanked me.I left feeling that part of my purpose of helping other people excel was met as the next time someone comes into his business he may take this lesson and grow and expand thus creating more success for him and his business. The key is to know why did you open your business? Why are you doing what you are doing?

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Power Prasyer Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Celebrate Life By Lifting People Up

Spiritual Awakening: Celebrate Life By Lifting People Up


I saw this quote and I immediately thought of the people that will be honored on Saturday 3/24/12 at The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and how they are lifting up the people in the communities where they live, work and play. Each honoree has an amazing story and by attending the event you will have a chance to meet them and be inspired by them and be lifted by the experience. When we lift up others we also lift ourselves for we celebrate life by lifting people up. Think about it  after a big football game the winning team usually carries a coach off the field on their shoulders. I am figuratively lifing our honorees up on my shoulders to show tem respect and admiration.

 Don Shula celebrates life and his 317 career victory with his players.

Come Alive Honor Messages Service and Value Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: Who are You?

Spiritual Awakening: Who Are You?

It is said that when you are ready the teacher will arrive. I  have been blessed by many teachers and most recently a new teacher came into my life and I was so moved by her belief in me that I decided to honor her with a Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award. Becca Tebon is an amazing person who is showing the world how to go gree from the inside out. Recently she appeared on Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman and the one thing that resonated with me was her I AM statements.

Becca Tebon helps to answer the question who are you?
Come Alive Honor Messages Service and Value Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: Furthering Your Mission

Spiritual Awakening: Your Mission 

Your mission if  you choose to accept it is to lift others up and as a result lift yourself up. There are many people who have taken this mission and have realized that we are all interconnected and that when we lift eachother up great things happen. On 3/24 during The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards at The Unity Church in Pompano Beach you will meet many of the lifters. When this event was first conceived I  started to think who amongst my collegues can I recognize for their work in their respective communities to show that you don’t have to be a celebrity, an athlete, or a politician to effect change and here are those I have chosen to honor.

      Image Detail

Sarah Doctofsky     Karen Raport   Leslie Bruce     Cindy Papale         Valerie Leeds    JLOVE Jackson                Ernest Chu


Spiritual Awakening: What Was Your Lesson Today?

Spiritual Awakening: What Was Your Lesson Today?

Today my lesson came in the form of a minor car accident as I backed out of my parking space at my condo thinking it was clear another car came around the corner and I hit it. The other driver drove off and parked and when approached didn’t realize they had been hit. The sitiuation was worsened when the driver didn’t said no speak English. This irked me to no end and tried every ounce of my spiritual being, so I took a deep breath, walked away, called 911, and when it was all said and done a driver exchange was done and now he has to contact my insurance company. I hope he understands the process.Thus my lesson was to look out, be more attentive, and patient. I have  always said things happen for us not to us. Today was a message to slow down and be careful. It was source’s way of saying I love you and want you here but slow down and relax and enjoy what has been provided for you.

Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: Being of Service and Value

Spiritual Awakening: Being of Service and Value

As I was reading one of the many books I have on personal development I came across the concept of being of service and value. I immediately thought of the Zig Ziglar quote “Help enough people get what they want and you get what you want,” and thus started to think what is the one question we should ask everyday in our spiritual awakening and I came up with How am I being of service and value in my personal and professional life? Think for a minute have you helped someone with their goals, have you encouraged them, have you found a way to help others.


These words will lead you to be of service and value.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Greatness Honor Inspiration Messages Never Giving Uo Power Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spirituality: Stepping Into Your Power

Spirtuality: Stepping Into Your Power

An example of Spirituality and Stepping Into Your Power

I am often asked JDOGG when did you realize that spirituality meant stepping into your power. My answer is I have been steeping into my power and honing my spirituality all my life. Some examples include:

. Being on The Skipper Chuck Show after I used my power to raise funds for The Muscular Dystrophy Association

. Winning The John H. Armbruster Award from The U.S. Jaycees as a Top 5 Jaycee in America as a result of stepping into my power to serve as a living example of Jaycees Creed

. Receiving The 2008 Hope Award from The South Palm Beach Unit of The American Cancer Society for my powerful dedication to their mission

. Having Governor Jeb Bush Honor me as a Point Of Light Award Recipient for my dedication to community service.