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Spiritual Awakening: Doing The Deed!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Doing The Deed!!!


As school started today in South Florida I began to reflect on all the dirty deeds that I did while in high school and the lessons that these deeds contained. From 1979-1983 I was a bit of a rebel and my rebellious actions often landed me in Internal Suspension. This rebellious side also led to many good deeds being done as I was able to reflect and turn the rebellious side into a positive side. It was when I decided to take action and confront my rebellious side that I had an awakening of sorts that kept telling me there must be a better way. As I matured I began to understand that the dirty deeds needed to stop and the good deeds had to take over. By committing then to do good deeds and to be of service and value I began to see a more positive shift in my life. As I began to walk a spiritual path and do what was right in my heart I began to grow and great things started to happen. I was beginning to feel fulfilled as I was helping others and as a result I was helping myself. I began to get recognized for my good deeds. It was when I decided to change that my life began to change. In 1983 I was accepted to 4 colleges, University Of Maryland, American University, Stetson University, and Hofstra University. I chose Hofstra and in The Fall of 1983 I began a journey that would change my life. In 4.5 years I would learn so much about myself and I would see that I was evolving asa spiritual being. My ways of doing things were a bit different and yet highly effective. As I look back on the deeds done in college I can tell you that most of them were good and changed some lives.  In 1989 I joined The Jaycees.Junior Chamber of Commerce and learned a lesson that I use as a mantra today That Service To Humanity Is The Best Work Of Life. One of the things that I learned through out the spiritual awakening process was that we weren’t born to follow.

As I began to embrace the fact  that we were not born to follow that we were born for a purpose and to lead I realized that the best leaders are the ones who allow others to aspire to leadership roles. Some will say that we all ca not be leaders and the truth is that yes we can as we can lead our lives as leaders in our lives that we can do what we believe in our heart and follow our heart. The only two people we have to follow is GOD and yourself. If  we tap into our genius and step into our power we will lead the life that GOD has prepared for us and no one else’s life. So many time we are told what we should do or what we have to do by people that don’t understand that we were not born to follow we were born to stand out. To these people I say I will do what I believe will honor GOD and myself and all will work out in the end as it is divinely planned.  In many cases we must detach ourselves from those who want us to follow and we must take the path that GOD has provided for us. It is when we learn to hold on to our dreams that we are able to understand the plan that GOD has for us and to better follow his plan by doing the deeds he has set out for us.