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Spiritual Awakening: Creating Your Power Source

Spiritual Awakening: Creating Your Power Source

I have had the honor and pleasure to meet Bert Oliva and interview him on my radio show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, which is heard at on Monday from 7-8 PM EDT. On my show we spoke about power and finding your power source and  Bert broke down the word Power into the following acronyn.

P= Passion, which when broken down is Pass I On meaning to pass yourself on and to use your knowledge to help others achieve their goals and objectives.

O= Opportunity, Look for the opportunities that are available for you to step into your power and to positively impact the lives of others remember that by helping others get what they want you will get what you want.

W= Wealth most want it but don’t know how to obtain it. One way is to pay yourself first. For example each time you earn money take 10% and put it to the me fund. Then pay your bills and meet your obligations.

E= Education, though you may have ended your formal education it is very important to educate yourself and invest inyourself be it through books, seminars, or other avenues the more you learn the more you will earn.

R= Real, be your authentic self don’t be afraid to let the world know about your flaws and how you have overcome them.let people know who you truly are. Define yourself by not letting others define you.

 Most of our power comes from our heart. From the moment we are conceived we begin to develop our inate intelligence and as we develop in the womb the brain is formed first and then the spinal cord and then all the other human elements. We come out and are immediately spanked to show that we are awake. Then something happens all the power we had in the womb is usurped as we become dependent on the outside world. We begin to explore and as we grow we learn to crawl, then we learn to walk and then we start to run. We begin to formulate our beliefs and many times we give our power away. Then one day we discover that all the power we need lies with us and we begin to discover our power source. We begin to tear down all the limiting beliefs that have held us back. Like the scene from Network we run to the window and we shout as loud as we can that I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. It is at that moment we discover our power source.

Spiritual Awakening: Ways to Discover Your Power Source

1: Stop listening to those who doubt you– I remember having on teacher tell me I would be lucky to amount to anything and another that wrote in my year book To a young man with a lot of potential if he would only use it. In 1988 I was reunited with both as I was substituting at the middle school where they both taught and that I had attended. I went up to the one who doubted me and introduced myself and said How Are you Liking me Now. I walkedup to the other and thanked him. BY letting go of the doubters and listening to the encouragers I am finding success.

2: Surround yourself with those that lift you up and inspire you– I recomend a brag wall at your home or strategically placed items that can set the tome for a positive limitless mind set. At my home I have many photos and quotes that inspire me. I look at them everyday and thus set the positive attitude in motion.

3: Stop and just breathe-  Many times take a deep breath and evaluate the situation.

4: Meditate-  Find a quiet spot wherever you may be and clear your mind and let the messages flow in and out and ask your higher self for guidance and direction.

5; Believe that greatness is your birthright- remind yourself that you are great and that greatness is something you deserve.


Spiritual Awakening: Affirmations and Songs To Find Your Power Source



You may be one but you are one with a great power source

The effort you make to use your power source for good makes a positive impact

Muhamad Ali, Marianne Williamson, Rocky Balboa give lessons on finding your power source.

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Muhammad Ali

As you find your power source and become more awake be a shining light to those you come in contact with.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners calling Come Alive Fellowship Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror

Michael Jackson’s Man In The Mirror shows the way to way to make a change and it reminds us that all change starts with us.

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror

As the news of Donna Summer’s passing came across the wire I began to get very introspective and to take a look an the man in the mirror. Donna’s songs had mad a major impact on my childhood and today in my adulthood I find myself still moved by her music. As I reflected I began to post on facebook that people can visit and honor Donna with a donation to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I also began to think what will my legacy be? Donna Summer will forever be part of our lives as her music lives on.

Donna Summer reminds us that sometimes things are one of a kind and that we will not have the recipe again. The message I share from this song is to start from scratch and see what happens.

A few days after Donna Summer passed word came in that Robin Gibb lost his battle to cancer. Again I put out the post honor Robin Gibb and anyone touched by cancer and help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by visiting I then began to post songs that Robin was known for through The BEEGEES and began to take a look at myself and ask what impact am I making?

I chose this BEEGEES Song love somebody as a reminder to love yourself.

Spiritual Awakening: Loving The Man In The Mirror

In order to create a legacy and make a positive impact the first step is to love the person looking back at you. This is the most difficult step in the path as we are often told from a young age you are not good enough or you don’t have talent and through out our lives we reinforce this. Now is the time to shift your thoughts and to look at yourself as capable.  In the morning when you look  at the man in the mirror say:

1: I am loved and deserve to be loved

2: I am accomplished and continue to accomplish great things

3: I am good enough, qualified, and loved

4: I look good, I feel good, I will do good

5: I attract the people meant to be in my life

6: I attract joy and abundance easily and effortlessly

This will help you to create that auora of self love and thus enable you to be a shining light for others.

A question to ask is who do I see when I look in the mirror.

  Do see the roaring lion inside of you? It is time to let him/her loose. Remind yourself you are strrong and gifted. Stop allowing negativity to hold back your greatness. There are those who may doubt you as they don’t see the same person you see, don’t allow them any space in your head and surround yourself with caring and encouarging people.

Spiritual Awakening: Tool To Improve The Reflection of The Man In The Mirror

1.Become an action taker. As you look at that refelection tell the man in the mirror to gof for it you are capable of achieving gteatness.

2.  Play some music that you can adopt as your anthem- I like to play Janet Lee Kraft’s Album

3. Begin to write a journal and document your awakening

4. Make a wall of people you consider award winners and use them for motivation and inspiration

5. Explore your calling and take step to follow the calling and come alive


Peter Frampton asks us to show others the way. By finding your way and reflecting on the man in the mirror you will help others find their way.

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror – Final Thoughts

As you look in the mirror remember  that you become what you think abouit so thing positive and highly about yourself and be a shining light for others to see.

Neil Diamond inspires us to turn on our heartlight.

As you begin to really look at the man in the mirror you will evolve and emerge as the person you wish to become.




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Spiritual Awakening: Motivation Through Music

 The Newsboys song Miracles really sets the tone and exemplifes music as a motivator

Spiritual Awakening: Motivation Through Music

It only taes 45 seconds to change your vibrational energy. One great way to change you vibrational energy and to create a positive force around you is to use music. I have found songs like the one abpve can help to change a sate of mind and alleviate the negative frequencies. The use of music in your daily life as you live in the present moment will help you to create the life you desire. Music is very powerful and influential as it evokes all types of emotions.

Plato believed that music could help you to unleash your greatness by finding the hidden secrets that lie deep in your soul.

 Even The Cookie Monster knows the power of music. Sometime by shutting off the world you find yourself receiving messages that will help you change the world.

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners calling Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Fellowship Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Happiness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: What is Your Calling?

 Spiritual Awakening: What Is Your Calling?

A question I am often asked is JDOGG, How do I find my calling? I answer with by seeing what is bringing you joy in your life and bringing joy to others. In finding your calling their may be challenges like the one I had this month where I took a job at a local bowling center and after 10 days was let go and told that I wasn’t meeting the owners expectations. I took this as a sign that GOD had a better plan for me. After I clocked out and told a few people the phone rang and it was another bowling center seeking a volunteer coach. I took this as God’s way of telling me that I was not meant to be behind the counter of a bowling center handing out shoes, and ringing people up for their bowling, but that I was meant to use my gift and coach and thus create joy for myself and others. Eachtime I have left a job or been asked to leave a job I have realized it is one more brick on the path to finding my calling.

 Finding your calling is an everyday path that we walk as we continue to look at how we are spending our day. One way to find your calling is to track your day and make notes about the things that you are doing and the feelings they evoke.

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Fellowship Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Happiness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Starbucks Sharing and More


Spiritual Awakening: Starbucks Sharing And More

As I stopped into the Strabucks located close to Diamond Strike Lanes to prepare for my shift today I began to realize how important it is to implement the 3 foot rule, talking to people who are with in 3 feet of you and to begin to share. I had tickets for The June 2, 2012 Miami Fury Women’s Tackle Football Game when they will host The Tampa Bay Inferno and asked a gentleman if he liked football and he said yes and I told him about the game and he said his wife will love this so i gave him 4adult tickets and 4 youth tickets. We got to talking and he thanked me for the tickets. I use this story to illustrate how important it is to share with others as you never know the lives that you may touch.


Sharing the opportunity for people to celebrate life by participatimg in a variety of activities is a great way to spread joy through out the community.

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Fearless Painting Fellowship Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Fufilling Your Potential

Spiritual Awakening: Fufilling Your Potential

I am reminded that we are all put on this earth for a purpose and we have the potential to fufill that purpose. I was looking back at my middle school year book when I came upon a note written by Mr. Doyle that read to a a youg man with a lot of potential if he would only use it. I knew that I had a potential for greatness in any endeavor that I would undertake and this was reinforced by that statement in my year book. It is when we begin to look inside ourselves that we find the greatness we have. It is when we decide to share this greatness and develop this greatness that we begin to fufill our potential.


I remember a journey I set upon about 13 years ago to help people affected by cancer. I knew I had the potential to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer as I was very gifted with the ability to ask for asssitance. In 2000 I participated in my first Relay for Life to benefit The American Cancer Society. I used many of my contacts to secure silent auction items and I made a statement that The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Coral Springs has the potential to be a $100,000 a year Relay. I most recently participated in The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Boca Raton and made a statement that this Relay has The Potential to bea $100,000 a year Relay. I believe that when you see potential in something or someone that it is important to recognize that potential and to help fufill that pontential.

Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Pleasuring Yourself and Then Pleasuring Others

Pleasuring Yourself and Then Pleasuring Others

Now that I have your attention, let me explain what is meant by this it is not where your mind took you what I am speaking about here is taking care of yourself. From looking good, to feeling good physically and emotionally, the finding joy in what you do I am speaking about finding what pleasures you and what brings about your best.

 What are you doing to live a joyful life. The following is a list of 10 things to do to pleasure yourself and the pleasur others.

10: Spend Quiet Time in Nature

9: Tell Someone They Are Special

8: Help a Charity

7: Keep a Gratitude Journal

Anthems Come Alive Fellowship Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Growth Comes From The Inside

Spiritual Awakening: Growth Comes From The Inside

 Be present and aware and explore yourself and then you will be of most value to others as you reach your higher calling.


I have often stated that to grow both personally and professionally that you must go deep inside and find the emotional charges that are holding you back or creating negative results in your life. As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Boca Raton, FL my attitude may not have been the best and I may have been a little to asserative in my efforts as my belief was everyone can give atleast $1 to the cause. After a few bad encounters I went to my car and I quietly asked myself, what am I doing that is creating the negative and I realized I was bringing bad energy with me worrying about how people will judge me and how I was making this about me and not the higher calling of creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I turned to the bible and read Proverbs 18 and then turned to my favorite Psalm “This is The Day The Lord Hath Made Rejoice In It,” and began to utter the words put a smile on your face and be the loving caring person you are and let your light shine. This shift made the world of difference as the encounters with people improved and when I finished my mission I had collected $72 towards my personal goal of raising $1500 for Relay for Life. As of  8:00 AM today I am only $57.35 away from this goal and as I type this blog I pause and thank GOD for the ability to go deep inside and realize that it is not about me it is about the cause and the mission to help people affected by cancer through research, education, advocacy, and services.

Anthems Come Alive Dreams Fellowship Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Positivity Power Prasyer Service and Value Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy The Journey Uncategorized Vision

Spiritual Awakening: What Turns You On?


When I awake I wonder what will excite me and turn me on today? This brought me to ponder what is it that is turning you on? Is it the site of a beautiful sunrise out of your window? Is the fact that you were granted another day to celebrate life and make a psoitive impact on the world? Is it that you anticipate someone whose life you can enrich? What is it that turns you on?

Once you find the thing that turns you on and excites you make a plan to stay excitted and passionate about that use it as fuel to drive you towards your goals and objectives.

Action Takers Award Winners Dreams Greatness Honor Messages Never Giving Uo Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson The Journey Uncategorized Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Never Give Up!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Never Give Up!!!

As a new week begins and March Madness(NCAA Basketball Tournament) begins I am reminded of Jimmy Valvano and his speech at The ESPYS. Coach Valvano passed shortly after he received The Arthur Ashe Courage Award. He was the first recipient of the award and the folowing is the list of all the winners who share the common trait of never giving up:

The Arthur Ashe Courage Award (sometimes called the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage or Arthur Ashe for Courage Award) is an award that is part of the ESPY Awards. Although it is a sport-oriented award, it is not limited to sports-related people or actions.

Year Recipients
1993 Jim Valvano
1994 Steve Palermo
1995 Howard Cosell
1996 Loretta Claiborne
1997 Muhammad Ali
1998 Dean Smith
1999 Billie Jean King
2000 Dave Sanders (posthumously)
2001 Cathy Freeman
2002 Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick (posthumously) [1]
2003 Pat Tillman and Kevin Tillman[2]
2004 George Weah [3][4]
2005 Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah and Jim MacLaren
2006 Roia Ahmad and Shamila Kohestani
2007 Trevor Ringland and David Cullen from Peace Players International
2008 Tommie Smith and John Carlos
2009 Nelson Mandela
2010 Family of Ed Thomas
2011 Dewey Bozella