Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Fearless Painting Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Fortune Cookies Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Helium Balloons Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Certified Authentic?

Spiritual Awakening:Are You Certified Authentic?

Image result for certificate of authenticity JSAImage result for certificate of authenticity JSAIn the sports memorabilia business it is important to have a certificate of authenticity when selling autographed items. In making sure you have a certificate of authenticity you assure the buyer that they are getting the real autograph. Imagine if people came with a certificate of Authenticity to show that they were spiritually aware and awake. As I was out taking action to help promote The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I kept telling the person I was helping to just be yourself. When we finished I thought about how we show up in situations and the importance of being authentic and true to your higher self by not trying to be something that you are not. As I sat in reflection I began to understand more and more the importance of being who I am and taking action on what I was destined to achieve. I looked back and realized that the concept of fake it until you make it does not work as people will see right through you and when you try to fake it you create blockages for you are not showing up as your real authentic self. In the spiritual awakening process it is imperative to tap into your inner divinity and unleash the real you that best serves your higher self. Take an inventory on how you are showing up and the vibration that it is creating and how it is affecting your day. If you find yourself having to be something that you are not take a deep breath and get back to center reminding yourself that you are a divine child of GOD destined to have peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life. Then remember that at the end of the day you do not have to prove yourself to anyone for you are already great in GOD’S eyes and that is all that matters.

Action Takers

Spiritual Awakening: A Recipe For Hope And Healing!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A Recipe For Hope And Healing!!!

As you begin to awaken spiritually you will need to have a recipe for hope and healing. The first ingredient should be love. As you begin to take action toward embracing the spiritual awakening process remember that if you can not do great things to do small things with great love. When you awaken every morning put a little love in your heart and become a lifter bringing love and compassion into all that you do.
As you put love into your heart and you give out love and kindness you will begin to receive more love and kindness. Add some kindness to your recipe by find ways to lift others up. Sometimes it is as easy as holding the door open for someone or smiling at someone or leaving your change in a tip jar on making a small donation to a charity. It is important to remember that kindness counts.

Action Takers Awakening Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Explode Into Greatness!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Explode Into Greatness!

Today (7/4/2017) many will gather at events through out the United States to celebrate the greatness that are the opportunities in America. It is time for you to explode into greatness just like the spectacle that is a fireworks show. You have the chance to tap into your inner divinity and be guided by GOD to explode into greatness which is your birthright. You were not born to be ordinary you were born to be exceptional. It is when you begin to find your purpose and embrace it that you will find yourself exploding into greatness. It is up to you to ignite the spark that will passionately drive you become more aware and awake by taking action while you are experiencing a spiritual awakening. It is important to embrace the fact that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD wants you to explode into greatness. It is time for you to utilize your talents to be of service and value to others so that in return you will create the life that you desire by exploding into greatness.
If you want to explode into greatness you mus have a heart that is on fire fro what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. As you fill your heart with a burning passion and then taking action you will find success. I recently came into 19 boxes of assorted books as a result of  my cousin passing away a few weeks ago. I could have worried about where I am going to store all these different books and what I am going to do with them but instead I sat in meditation and a vision came to me. That vision was do a Books For The Cure Fundraiser benefiting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise and donate 50% of all sales to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise. Well today I received payment for some of The Tarot Books someone purchased and $5 is being donated to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise. It was because I was will to explode into greatness by listening to the messages being sent to me that I am able to help plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. In having a burning heart you are able to take action and follow your passion and thus be met with success.

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy The Journey Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: On Top Of The World!!!

Spiritual Awakening:On Top Of The World!!!

As you go through the spiritual awakening process by becoming an action taker you will find that you feel as though you are on the top of the world. This feeling exists because you have been able to strengthen your relationship with GOD by taping into your inner guidance and acting on the messages that you are receiving from GOD, The Ascended Masters, and Your Angels. As you become more aware and awake of how you are evolving personally, professionally, and spiritually you will experience the top of the world feeling more and more. This top of the world feeling will come into play every time you let go and Let GOD and as a result you will attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you forward along your spiritual path you will find it easier to obtain the top of the world feeling simply by detaching and allowing things to flow as GOD has planned for you. In becoming someone who is of value and service you will find yourself feeling better and eliminating the negativity that was holding you back and creating blockages from achieving the life you desire.
As you forward in a positive direction of your dreams you will see that you experience a top of the world feeling bringing bliss and abundance to you and those that you come in contact with as you move along your spiritual path. It has taken me a while to understand that the only person I can control is me and the only being that I have to answer to is GOD. In the past I used to project how I wanted things to be then I came to the understanding that the way things are and the way things should be are two very separate things. As a result I go about doing what I can do to spread positivism and kindness to others. I have come to do my best to live by The Four Agreements so that I experience the best life for myself.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Spark It Up And Pass It Along!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Spark It Up And Pass It Along!!!

It is when we spark up our creativity and take action that we enhance the spiritual awakening process. On of my favorite exhibits at EPCOT is Journey Into Imagination as it reminds us just how powerful we are and how important it is to collaborate with others to bring our visions to life. It taking action on a vision that you conceive in your mind and believe in your heart you will manifest what you are seeking. In imagining and then bringing that idea to life you also come alive and find that you are expanding in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. How many times have you been told by others that it is impossible or your idea is crazy and you didn’t pursue your idea only to see someone else implement it and have success? How many times have you let negative self talk sabotage you and stop you from taking action? There will always be doubters, naysayers, and haters but do not allow them to rent space in your head. Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned there are no bad ideas and that you never know until you take action. In taking action and putting your idea put there you will see what is working and what needs improvement. In using your imagination and making sure you write things down as they come to you it will allow you to take action when ready. I recommend that you get a legal pad and  carry it with you and keep it with in arms length at all times so you can record your ideas and then take action to bring them to life. I have a friend who carries a small tape recorder with him every where he goes and when he has an idea he speaks it into the tape recorder and then when he has 15 minutes he listens to the playback and thus is able to begin the process of taking action on the idea.  Simply imagine and then take action to bring the vision to life.

Imagine if everyone began to subscribe to the belief that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations what a world we would have. If we simply began to understand that we are all divine children of GOD and that GOD has great plans for us we would become more aware and awake thus allowing us to make a mind, body, soul connection which would lead us to manifesting the life we desire. Remember that you are where you are today in the place that GOD has planned you to be and everything is the way it is supposed to be at this time. It is when you can visualize and act as if that you will begin to understand more clearly your spiritual awakening.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Light A Candle Of Hope!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Light A Candle Of Hope!!!

As I was preparing to leave my condo today to go out an take action to spread a message of hope and healing I reached into my cash box for a $50 gas card and while doing so I knocked over and broke The American Cancer Society Hope Award that I received in 2008 as part of my involvement with Relay For Life. As I picked up the pieces and put them in the garbage I realized that it was no the award that was important but what it represented. The award represented me becoming a beacon of hope for those touched by cancer. As I placed the pieces of the award into the garbage I also realized that this was a message to stop living in the past and to pick up the pieces of my life and light the flame inside of me that will become a candle of hope. In becoming an action taker and becoming more aware and awake I have come to understand that there are messages that come to us daily. It is up to us to take these messages and light a candle of hope that will encourage others to do the same thus illuminating the world. As I took the broken pieces of The Hope Award and placed them in the back I thought about how important it is to throw the pieces of my life that are no longer serving me away and to simply face everything and rise. As I though more and more about the award I realized that it is not about the award at all it is about the journey and the positive impact made along the way.  It is when we light our candle that we encourage others to do the same and as a result we begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In taking a deep breath and understanding that everything happens for a reason we can add value to our life so that we can be of service to others. It is when we light candles of hope and understand that we have the ability to help other people excel be it with a word of encouragement or designing an action plan with them. Sometimes it is as simple as being a candle in the wind.

On of the people I admired over the years was Lady Diana who showed the world that regardless of our status in life we can make a difference in the world. When Lady Diana passed on August 31, 1997  I remember hearing this song and realizing that it was time to rekindle a spark inside of me that desired to show the world that service to humanity was the best work of life. Over the years I have had many opportunities to be a candle of hope by being of service and value to the communities where I have lived, worked, and played. In understanding that I have an opportunity to be a candle of hope on a daily basis by simply being positive and encouraging I am able to attract light into my life that allows me to move forward in a positive direction of my goals. Take a moment to be a candle in the wind and inspire others to become action takers so that they can enhance their lives and the lives of others. Shine your light bright for the world to see.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Gratitude Greatness Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Taking A Step Back!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Taking A Step Back!!!

As we continue on our spiritual journey and become more and more aware and awake we must remember that we must step back and detach from the situation at hand. Today (4/25/2017) I was tested as I was out collecting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and had an encounter that taught me a very important lesson. That lesson is that not everyone is going to be open to receive the message that you are delivering. I also used my spiritual teachings to take a step back and apologize to the person who seemed to be upset with me. In doing this I was able to diffuse any hard feelings that this person may be harboring. As I walked back to my car I did a gratitude prayer and realized that I should be focusing on those who gave and those who were supportive instead of one person who gave off a negative vibration. As I sat in quiet contemplation I understood that in being an action taker you will encounter all types of situations that will force you to dig deep inside and understand that you must take a step back sometimes and then move forward by being caring in all you do.
It is important to move right along despite any set backs and challenges. When these challenges occur while on our spiritual journey we need to take a step back take a deep breath and create a special place for those who have created the challenges and then let it go. It is in stepping back and taking responsibility that you are able to clear blockages that may be holding you back. On a daily basis it is important to take a step back and reflect on how far you have come so you can let the past go and let GOD as you move forward in a positive direction moving toward your dreams. As you move right along you will encounter those who do not resonate with you and will react in a negative manner to the point of even calling you names. When this happens remember that it is imperative not to take anything personally. It is important to take action so that you can step into your power and achieve the greatness that you are destined to achieve. Through the awakening process you will find that when you step back and take responsibility for the role you played in any situation you are able to release any of the blockages that are stopping you from moving forward.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: BOOM Goes The Dynamite!!!

Spiritual Awakening: BOOM Goes The Dynamite!

Sometimes when we get in a rut along our spiritual path we have to blow up our limitless beliefs and start to find our rhythm so that we can continue to move in a positive direction of our dreams. Sometimes it takes a while to climb out of the dark ditch because we are so filled with feeling of anxiety however when we realize there is nothing to be anxious about that all we seek is being guided by GOD thus we have no worries. It is when we eliminate our limiting beliefs and  start to shift from a position of lack to a position of abundance that we will see improvements in our personal, professional, and spiritual life. When we begin to step into our power we begin to see that we are of value and service to others and deserve to be treated with respect and compensated fairly for what we bring to the table. Sometimes it is necessary to blow up that which no longer serves you so that you can move forward to exceed your goals and objectives. In taking action to understand that you are a divine child of GOD who has the right to be prospered so you can prosper others you will see how easy it it to release what no longer serves you. When you shift your focus and detach from outcomes you will be saying BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE. Many times the biggest boom we hear occur when we are coming out of the dark and relishing in the sounds of silence.
It is when we go deep inside and connect with our inner divinity that we can break through the sounds of silence by truly hearing the messages and thus taking action when we step back into the light. On many occasion we get so caught up in our human existence that we forget that all we are and all we need is spiritual in nature so it is important to find a quiet sacred space to release all that is blocking you from reaching your full potential spiritually, personally, and professionally. Many times we miss out on the opportunities to shine our light and illuminate the world because we are so caught up in what others are doing that we lose sight of our purpose and thus sink into darkness, however when we feel this darkness it is important to look for answers and step into the light by realizing that like dynamite we have the ability to tear something down and rebuild it including our mindset.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Fortune Cookies Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Get Off The Bench!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Get Off The Bench!!!

As we experience a spiritual awakening we must commit to become an action taker and get off the bench. There comes a time when we must simply put ourselves in center field and prepare for the world to see our light shining bright. So many times we get so caught up with worry about what will other people think that we keep ourselves on the bench. As a result of sitting on the bench and forgetting everything and running we create blockages that stop us from having the success that GOD has intended for us. It is only when we take action to face everything and rise by committing to getting off the bench that we manifest the live we want as divinely guided by GOD.  Through a spiritual awakening we learn that we are talented beyond measure and when we use our talents for good we create a life that id filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. Every time we decide to get off the bench and take action we will be greeted with challenges. It is in overcoming these challenges that we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually knowing that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. It is when we decide to get off the bench and look at everything in a positive light tat we begin to find more happiness and success in what we do. It is when we decide to get off the bench and play the game by our rules that we create bliss and abundance.

What game will you play to manifest the life that you desire. Will you be an action taker or an excuse maker? Will you go against the norm and play by your own rules not worrying what others think or will you succumb to the pressure of what is perceived as normal  and hold yourself back? The choice lies with you and if you choose to tap into your inner divinity and be guided by GOD, The Ascended Masters, and the Angels you will see that the game you play will be one filled with many victories. Each day you have a choice you can sit on the bench wondering what might have been or you can get off the bench and see what will be. Every day you have 86,400 seconds in the day to get off the bench and to take action to answer your calling.
Make this a year where you get off the bench and use your time wisely. It is when you vibrate with love and commit to doing small things with great love that you begin to shine a bright light that illuminates the world. When you get off the bench you put forces in motion to help you move positive in the direction of your dreams.  Make your season a season where you are guided by love and compassion and you will see that love and compassion is given back to you. Be one who is genuine in your desire to be of service and value. Seek ways where you will vibrate on a higher level that attracts people and things to you to help you in exceeding your goals and objectives.  Get off the bench and be limitless.

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Out Here On My Own!!!

Spiritual Awakening:Out Here On My Own!!!

Sometimes as you take action upon having a spiritual awakening you will find that you feel like you are out here on your own. Then one day you realize that you are not alone that you have ascended masters, GOD, Jesus, and Angels that are guiding you and bringing people into your life that will help you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.  Some of these people will be people that you never expected to cross paths with. Such was the case when I met Irene Cara at the 25th Anniversary Celebration of The Movie, Fame, while I was working for The Happy Herald, a monthly newspaper that only promotes good and positive news. I had the pleasure of interviewing Irene Cara who I had long admired. After I sent her the article she sent me a photo and I realized that we both had lifted each other that day. When I feel I am alone I look for some of Irene’s Songs and I get re-energized realizing that there are many people doing good deeds and that we are all famous in GOD’S eyes.

Sometimes we will be viewed as being out there and a bit off but it is important to understand that has always been the ones perceived to be crazy that have met with success. So many ties we are so set in our effort to fit in that we forget that we were not put here on this earth to fit in but we were put here to stand out. People may look at you and perceive you to be a maniac because you decided to take action and wear a sneaker that makes a statement like my Purple Beat Cancer Chuck Taylor All Stars. You may feel you are all alone when in reality there are many that want to get involved but they haven’t found a way to do so. Through the spiritual awakening process you will find that you will become more clear in your purpose and those that perceive you to be a maniac haven’t learned to get to know you. Remember it is not your job to bring them kicking and screaming onto the path that leads to enlightenment but to simply shine your light and illuminate the world understand that when they are ready they will get on the path.