Spiritual Awakening: Get Lost!!!
When we look in the mirror and we see ourselves and the negative self talk starts to enter our thoughts it is important to say to ourselves get lost!!! In getting lost and losing our negative thoughts we find ourselves filled with spiritual guidance from GOD. Instead of making excuses it is important to become an action take and loose yourself so that you can embrace your divine purpose in life. In eliminating that which is holding you back and ridding yourself of negativity and judgement you will begin to move forward in the spiritual awakening process. When we begin to loose our negative and remove the negative people or things in our life we begin to feel better about who we are and we allow ourselves to be divinely guided. It is in being divinely guided and following this guidance that we are able to achieve great things. In adopting an anthem to be of service and value and to remove that which no longer serves us we are able to move in a positive direction thus becoming more spiritually evolved. As we evolve in our spirituality and learn from the ascended masters our ability to make the mind, body, and soul connection is increased. By mentally telling people to get lost and deciding not to interact with those who do not lift you or encourage you will see a drastic improvement in your life. When you begin to make the changes in your life that allows for you to answer your calling you can affect change and thus come alive. When you come alive you are able to shine your light for the community to see and thus you are part of illuminating the entire world.
When we detach from ourselves and turn it all over to GOD we become his instrument. In order to be a productive instrument and make a joyful noise unto the lord we must clear the blockages and shift our mindset. In clearing out the garbage and taking out the trash we open up channels that will positively manifest our dreams and help us to deal with any emotions that may hold us back. It is when we tell these negative emotions to get lost that we are able to move forward and not get too high or too low emotionally but to stay balanced in our quest to become a faithful servant unto the lord.