Spiritual Awakening: Reaching New Heights!!!
In the spiritual awakening process it is important to understand that you are limitless. In becoming limitless we begin to see that we can reach new heights. In being awake and aware we realize that anything is possible and nothing can stop us but ourselves with our limiting beliefs. It is when we take action to erase the limiting beliefs that we are able to do the things that we once thought were nearly impossible. With the right amount of grit and determination and a positive mindset we can do amazing things. So many times we want to reach new heights but we make an excuse or find a reason that blocks us from taking the action to experience an awakening that will enhance our personal and professional life. What is it that may be creating blockages for you to reach new heights?
As I was searching for material for today’s (7/23/14) entry I came across this speech made by Maya Angelou in honor of Andrew Young. It is her poem Still I Rise which reminds us to face challenges and overcome and to use the obstacles that are put in our life as stepping stones to reach new heights. In making a commitment to rise and put our limiting beliefs aside we begin to create a better life for ourselves and others. It is when we make the conscious decision to shine our light that we brighten up the world with our positive actions. Sometimes it is in getting real with ourselves that we rise to heights that we only once we imagined.